UMARS General Meeting
September 20, 1995

Motion to call the meeting to order by Wayne. Seconded by Arne. Meeting started at 6:17PM in room 534 University Centre.

Memebers present: Arne Grimstrup, Denis Bosc, Michael Markmann, Eric Krievans, Wayne Schellekens, Dean Riegel, Gord Snarr, Craig Thomasson, Remi Godin, Andy Minkevich and Tom Tessier.

I. Executive Addresses;

President: Welcome
V.P. : Hello. Reminder to everyone to renew their memberships.
Sec/Tres : It has been fun serving as the Sec/Tresurer for UMARS for 1995.
Tech. : Nothing new.

II. Old Business;

1. Campus Crimewatch(Tom):
- Report suspended until Tom is present.
2. UMSU News(Paula):
- New DIA came by the club room to see how we are doing.
- Nothing new on our requests for service status and space allocation.
- We will know the status of our grant proposals hopefully in 2 weeks time.
3. Radio Course(Paula):
- So far only two participants in the radio course. Dr. Kinsner will go through with the course.
4. J-Pole Seminar(Paula):
- Will be held Saturday September 30, 1995 in room 566 Engineering.
- Volunteers to cut the pipe were requested since Paula and Wayne did it by themselves last time. Arne was good enough to volunteer.
5. QSL Card Contest (Harry):
- Since Harry was not present there was no report on any progress.
6. Repeater (Michael):
- We need to work on the antenna and coax before it freezes.
- We should replace the current cable, which is assumed to be water logged with hardline.
- Motion by Arne "forthe executive to get price estimates on replacement of the cable and junction box." Motion was seconded by Dean. All in favor=12. All against=0. Motion passed.
7. UMARS High Altitude Balloon Project(Tom):
- Congratulations to Paula for the excellent balloon contact QSL cards.
- Expanded an Andy's detailed minutes for the balloon debriefing.
- Vern is looking for a new sponsor for the next improved balloon launch.
- Wants a new mobile GPS unit for the chase teams.
- Transport Canada was impressed on how we handled the entire project.
- On final analysis the winds were too strong for launching the balloon.
- The balloon contact QSL cards have resulted in a lot of feedback from the Ham community reported Paula.

III. New Business;

A. Need a new poster for the Student Group Center (Paula).
B. Constitution Ammendments by Paula. The club can not let the bank account get below $500.00 and other spending restrictions.
C. We have tons of free Oktoberfest tickets for anyone who wnats them.
D. Promoting UMARS needs to be intensified. Craig suggested that club members canvas the faculties by speaking to various classes.

IIIa. Elections;

President > Paula
V.P. > Arne
Sec/Tres > Remi
Tech. Mgr > Wayne
Since there was only one nomination for each position the nominees were elected to their posts unanimously. Congratulations to all the new executive.

Motion to adjourn the meeting by Remi. Seconded by Paula. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.

Finally, I would like to add that I thoroughly enjoyed my tenure as Secretary/ Treasurer of UMARS. It has been a great learning experience. It was also a very busy year. With the balloon project, the repeater replacement politics and fundraising, field day, requests for service status and GSA grantproposals with Paula I was kept very busy. In the end, I am proud to say that the executive of 1994/95 has left the club in probably the best shape of its' long history. Thank you to all the people who have helped me through the year. Special thanks to Paula Ehn who patiently assisted me whenever I needed help. The club is in very good hands this year with Paula as its' president. I wish the new executive success for the year.


Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn

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