UMARS General Meeting
April 17, 1996
Meeting Started at 6:07pm
Attendance: Gord Snarr GLS, Arne Grimpstrup ARN, Paula Ehn MHZ, Craig Thomasson CET, Remi Godin GOD, Michael Markmann MJM, Yori Tsuji ACX, Jay Vanstone JAY.
- President: We have been billed for the use of the telephone. We should not have to pay this bill because we have service status. This problem has been address and will be rectified as soon as possible.
Vice President: No Report
Secretary/Treasurer: We have money well above $900 but some more funding would be nice.
Tech Report: Old Repeater is working. The repeater in the club room has a battery backup and can made to be portable.
Old Business
- Balloon: No report
UHF repeater: Still looking for a radio, duplexers and controller. Donation of controller would be great and Yori has donated UHF Antenna.
Field Day: Plan to go to West Hawk lake. A scouting trip will be scheduled for May 11.
HDRP: Requires a UHF repeater. For further information look on the UMARS web page.
Repeater Tone: No complaints. The tone will be left at 127.3 Khz
New Business
- Flood Watch: VE4UMR is the backup for the Flood emergency. Repeater Security: Someone should look into securing the repeater.
Motion to adjourn 6:41pm Craig, seconded by Remi.
Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn
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