UMARS General Meeting
February 21, 1996

Present: Paula Ehn MHZ, Craig Thomasson CET, Arne Grimstrup ARN, Remi Godin GOD, Wayne Schellekens WTS, Michael Markmann MJM, Denis Bosc UK, Darwin O'Connor

Meeting came to order at 6:09pm

Motion to past January's minutes: Craig

President (Paula Ehn): No Report

Vice President (Arne Grimstrup): No Report

Secretary/Treasurer(Remi Godin):

Were still in the black. Must pay for the 3 radio licences($72.00) VE4 UM, UMR, UMX.
Renew 73 magazine($62.00 U.S.).
Motion to accept to Renew Radio licences: Craig, seconded by Michael.
Motion to accept to Renew 73 Magazine : Wayne, seconded by Remi.

Technical Manager(Wayne Schellekens):

$10 donations to get new RAM for the 386 the club recently obtained. We need to raise a $100. We need a color VGA monitor ($150), or monochrome($85), Ethernet card($75), and an IDE Hard Drive.

Old Business:

Balloon: No Report

Campus Crime Watch: Please Log Your Hours!!

Library: Plenty of Duplicates so please take them or they go to Warc next month. Outdated material will be discarded.

Repeater Cards: Wayne will start on design. He will also make a copy for the web page.

Repeater Antenna: No Proposal.

Repeater: Our repeater will get a backup battery and a CSTC board. For this to happen he have to bring it to Prairie Communications where they will put the components in for free.

New Business:

Computer Services: They an old Sparc equivalent to a 386 they are willing to sell.

Temp Repeater: Someone will build a temp repeater while the original comes down for the upgrade. Plus this can be used for emergency uses as well.

UHF Repeater: Will hold off purchase of repeater until after Balloon launch

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:00pm: Remi, seconded by Arne.


Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn

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