UMARS General Meeting
January 17, 1996

Present: Paula Ehn MHZ, Arne Grimstrup ARN, Remi Godin GOD, Craig Thomasson CET, Michael Markmann MJM, Gord Snarr GLS,Tom Tessier TRT, Todd Mryglod TJM

Meeting started at 6:07 PM


President (Paula Ehn)

-No report

Vice President (Arne Grimstrup)

-Missed GSA proposal
-Arne will contact GSA to see when they will meet again


-We have $1100.88 in the bank. Minus $38.00 for RAC renewal Membership

Technical Manager

-No Report

Balloon Project

-PIC Work was done by Craig. A company seemed to be very impressed about it. For more information contact Craig or Tom Tessier.
-Have parts to build Radio Transmitter
-GPS unit purchased but not required
-Vern has HF beacon
-VHF Xmtr has been built

HDRP Project

-One node could be available sometime soon (no date set)
-This would be used as a "seed" line
-Expected cost would be $1000 per node
-This includes a Grapes modem and antenna

Poster (Craig Thomasson)

-Has not been worked on since last meeting but almost done

VHF Repeater

-No Report

Field Day

-No Report
-Field Day is the last week in June

UTV Commercial

-Michael Markmann would like to pass his work onto someone else. Any volunteers?

UHF Repeater

-There is a repeater in Fargo which could be purchased and modified for our Canadian frequencies. Michael will come looking.

Room 514B

-Tarquin will make our new room permanent for 1 or 2 years


-Tech Shop may have shelves for library.
-Some Stuff is too old or duplicated. The club would like to donate some of the material to the Manitoba Amateur Radio Museum. The club would keep the magazines from 1985 and on.


-More ideas are required for funding
-Sell Old QST's at Ham Fest
-Solicit Ham Community for Money
-Approach WARC for money
-Possible funding from a Winnipeg Company that has been well established We would need someone to solicit the companies.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:10 pm Michael Markmann and seconded by Tom Tessier


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