UMARS General Meeting
June 19, 1996

Meeting Started at 6:05pm

Attendance: Gord Snarr GLS, Arne Grimpstrup ARN, Paula Ehn MHZ, Craig Thomasson CET,
Remi Godin GOD, Michael Markmann MJM, Wayne Schellekens WTS, Dean Riegel EY, Giselle Riegel

President: The VHF Repeater VE4UMR has been used a lot lately for events which is good.
There wasn't any problems when used for the Manitoba Marathon which turned out to be a
great success.
73 Magazine: We missed the May issue, so we'll be asking 73 to give us a magazine.

Vice President: No Report

Secretary/Treasurer: No Report

Tech Report: We can obtain a UHF radio with duplexers for $95. We would still need
crystals. Donations for the UHF repeater are being taken now. To pledge a donation
contact Wanye Schellekens WTS.
Old Business
Promotion Poster (Craig): Will be ready before next meeting.

Roof: Check coax and put up 30 meter dipole antenna

UMARS Fox Hunt: 3rd Sunday of every month. The first one was a practice. If you would
like to join the hunt please be at Assiniboia Park at 1:45pm for registration. The fox goes on
at 2:00pm. For more information contact Wanye Schellekens WTS.

Dish: Requires servos. Ask Vanesco to see if they would donate one for the club.

Telephone Bill: A real problem if have to pay for a $300 bill. It will be discussed with
UMSU. It will be rectified soon. We hope!
New Business
Funding: Asking for Block funding like always. Money for coax for repeater in relation to
Campus Crime Watch. Asking for $400.

Radio Course: Will start the 2nd Monday of September. Location and Time to be annouced
later. Remi will be in charge of promotion.
Motion to adjourn 7:07pm Dean, seconded by Paula.


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