UMARS General Meeting
March 20, 1996

Meeting Start: 6:10pm.

Attendance: Paula Ehn MHZ, Arne Grimstrup ARN, Gord Snarr GLS, Bruce Haugh VFR, Craig Thomasson CET, Todd Mryglod TJM, Michael Markmann MJM, Andy Minkevich, Bob La-Rocque AOJ, Eun Ju Lee HL1AZH, Denis Bosc UK, Tom Tessier TRT, Brian Drader.

Minutes from last meeting approved by Michael and seconded by Gord.

President's Report (Paula)

- Student groups on north side of 5th floor are being evicted by Student Affairs to create an Aboriginal Centre. These groups will be fighting for UMSU space come September. We must keep up the fight to keep 514B for UMARS use.

Vice-president's Report (Arne)

- Repeater taken to Prairie Communcations this morning to have a tone placed on the output of the repeater and to add circuitry to allow for a backup battery as an emergency power source. Repeater back on the air in late afternoon with only one small problem of having the programmed memory reset.
- 73 Magazine renewal sent off last Sunday.

Secretary/Treasurer's Report (Paula in Remi Godin's absence)

- Bank account has dipped below the $1000.00 due to expenditures on Station Licenses, Rac membership renewal and Petty Cash.
- One J-pole sold within the last month.

Technical Manager's Report (Paula in Wayne Schellekens' absence)

- Vern Jackson VE4ABE has donated a VGA monitor.
- Bruce donated mounting bracket for second hard drive
- Darwin O'Connor donated new keyboard.
- Enough parts now to reserect old 286 for packet use.

Old Business

Balloon Report (Tom)

- 6 pagers donated by MTS and National Pagette to be used for reciever of balloon cut-down mechanism. They currently operate at 149.70 MHZ and will be recrystalized to bring them within our 2M band. Crystals are nedded to do this.
- Meetings at Vern's are still going on to tinker with various part for the project. - Meeting with Transport Canada and Environment Canada. They want to when the next balloon launch will be.

Library (Paula)

- All boxes have been gone through and all appropriate magazines, data books and catalogs have been unpacked. The rest will remain in boxes for now.
- Many duplicate magazines are waiting for a new home. If not found they will show up at the next WARC meeting.

Repeater Cards (Wayne Schellekens absent)

Antenna Proposal (Dean Riegel absent)

Campus Crimewatch (Paula)

- Nothing new but log hours as usual.

Sun 3/80 (Paula)

- Computer Services still does not know where machine is or who is in charge of it. Still trying to get a hold of it.

Back-up Repeater (Craig and Michael)

- working on setting up the old repeater as a backup repeater system.

UHF Repeater (Paula)

- nothing new

Field Day

- June 22 & 23, 1996
- Location discussed included Birds Hill Park, Paula's cabin at West Hawk Lake, Elie near Remi's, area around Pilot Mounds and Gord's place near Morris. No one offered to check into reserving Group Use Areas at Birds Hill Park. Tentative decision made to have field day at Paula's cabin.
- Equipment List from last year will be used to get this year's list started

New Business

Club PC's (Paula)

- Another ethernet card is needed. Looks like Wayne Schellekens might have it.
- 286 being put back on radio bench for packet and 386 being moved into 514B. This allows for more space on radio bench.

514B Use (General Discussion)

- Move all magazines to window side bench of 514A to allow 514B to become a work bench. All data and reference books will stay in 514B where they will be of use. Oscilliscope moved to 514B. This also makes better use of 514B.

Bookshelves (General Discussion)

- need bookshelves for both Data Books and Magazines.
- Several people offered to build shelves if wood could be bought or found.

Door Locks (Arne)

- proposed to disable lock on 514B and remove inner door between rooms so that both rooms would seem like one room with one access door in 514A.
- Discussion tabled for now

New Tone for Repeater (Paula)

- suggested tone for repeater output is 127.3 Hz and if problems arise we will change it to 88.5 Hz
- all agreed


Radio Course (Paula)

- 2 new hams have passed the basic exam given by Dr. Kinsner. They are Corey Gunter-Smith now VE4ME and Bob Suen whose new callsign is unknown right now. Congratualtions!

Party (Andy)

- Andy is having a party on Saturday March 23, 1996 at 27 Quincy Bay starting at 7pm. All are invited!

Comet Watching (Gord)

- a comet can viewed in the southern sky for the next 4 days. All are welcome to come out to Gord's farm to view it.

Meeting adjourned at 7:10pm


Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn

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