UMARS General Meeting
May 15, 1996
Present: Remi Godin GOD, Craig Thomasson CET, Wayne Schellekens WTS , Michael Markmann MJM
Meeting started at 6:10 PM
President(not present): No Report
Vice President(not present): No Report
Secretary/Treasurer (Remi Godin): We have 974.23 as of April 12. Minus 38.17 for copper weld that Gord Snarr purchased.
Technical Report: Ethernet Card has been installed into the old 286 and the 386 has been down graded to 2 MB of RAM.
Fox Hunt: Their will be a monthly fox hunt in front of the Pavilion in Assiniboine Park.
It will be held every 1st Sunday of the month at 1:45pm to 4:00pm. Time and Date subject to change. Prize will be a $25 gift certificate. For more information please contact Wayne Schellekens WTS.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:50pm by Craig Thomasson and Michael Markmann
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