UMARS General Meeting
November 20, 1996

Meeting was called to order at 7:08pm.

Attendance: Arne Grimstrup ARN, Todd Mryglod TJM, Eunju Lee HL1AZH, Denis Bosc UK, Michael Markmann MJM, Wayne Schellekens WTS, Remi Godin GOD, Eric Krievans IET, Larry AOJ?, Darwin O'Connor

President's Report - Roof Work - 30m dipole put up and guywires on UMSU TV antenna tightened - Thanks to Michael, Paula, Cory and Todd - remaining: installation of 160m dipole and satellite antennas - will be done in the spring with repeater feedline replacement

- GSA - no response since initial contact. Still playing phone tag.

- Basic Course - 4 people stayed for repeater practice. - Thanks to Cory for assisting with the practice - Dec. 2nd will be a practice net for the basic course - gained 1 more student giving total enrollment of 12

- PanAm Games Coordinating Committee Meeting - attended Oct 29/96 meeting. Manitoba ARES will approach PanAm Committee and offer services. - Darwin O'Connor and Todd Mryglod will be reps for UMARS in further meetings

Vice-President's Report - no report

Technical Manager's Report - 500ft of feedline will be required for the repeaters (UHF & VHF) - 286 is still dead. Wayne to get new power supply - Other computer needs 4-8 meg of 1MBx8 SIMMs so that Windows can be run.

Treasurer's Report - Account balance $1550.64 - Telephone Bill $468.00 will be taken care of this month.

Old Business - UHF Repeater - $220 has been collected so far and radio purchased for $90. - Need to get crystals - fund raising will resume after crystals arrive

- HDRP (No progress)

- Balloon (No report)

- Fund Raising - Wayne still working on visor map of repeaters - MRS also doing same

New Business - Open House (January 97) - 2 days - volunteers needed (some one to work HF bands!) - Jan 14th and 15th all day - Remi to place advertisements in Manitoban

Motion to Adjourn at 7:56pm by Michael

Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn

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