UMARS General Meeting
October 16, 1996

Meeting was called to order at 7:10pm

Attendance: Arne Grimstrup ARN, Michael Markmann MJM, Paula Ehn MHZ, Gord Snarr GLS, Denis Bosc UK and Aline Cotel

President's Report - Received a letter from Manitoba ARES inviting UMARS to participate in a consortium of amateur radio groups that would coordinate any communication support for the PanAm Games. - Initial meeting scheduled for October 27th at Winnipeg Senior's Radio Club. - UMARS repeater was requested for use as backup talk-in frequency for the WARC Fall Flea Market.

Vice-President's Report - New Pres. and Treas. must be present to change over account signing authority. - Radio Course is being held by Dr. Kinsner. An executive member is needed to attend to collect fees. Class meets Mondays at 4:00pm.

Treasurer's Report - Account balance is at $1076.64 - Outstanding telephone bill is approx. $350 and needs to be dealt with. We can do installment payments or lump sum.

Technical Manager's Report - The 286 PC has a dead power supply. It appears to be non-standard, but there is no rush to replace it. - We have a 386 Motherboard with disk controller that was donated, but has no memory.

Old Business - Repeater - Feedline needs to be replace (Discussion Tabled) - Objective: To order new cable early in the new year and get it installed by the May long weekend.

- Roof Work - Satellite Dish to be put up on Oct. 26th - 30m dipole needs to be put up as well

- Balloon Project (No Report)

- HDRP - No progress, but PacComm now selling 56Kbps TNCs commercially

- Membership - 27 members plus 8 from the radio course - next year mail membership forms in August for renewal - recruitment: any U-TV commercial ideas?

- J-Pole Seminar (Unknown)

- Engineering Class Homecoming attended by Arne, Cory and Tom

New Business (None)

Adjourned at 7:50pm

Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn

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