UMARS General Meeting
April 16, 1997
Present: Arne Grimstrup ARN, Paula Ehn MHZ, Michael Markmann MJM, Gord Snarr GLS, Bret Wiebe GLV, Gordon Toole GHT, Darwin O'Connor
Meeting called to order at 7:24pm by Arne Grimstrup. Minutes taken by Bret Wiebe.
President's Report by Arne Grimstrup
- - The repeater antenna feedline upgrade was completed on Saturday, April 12. Thanks go out to GLS, MJM, MHZ, EY, CET, AIM, ARN.
- - The repeater worked fine until the power supply died (see Other Business for details).
- - Additional items on the roof in need of attention were identified (see Other Business for details) so another roof work session will be scheduled for sometime in May or June.
- - ARN will check with EMO regarding a matching grant for repeater upgrades prompted by preparations for flood emergency.
Vice-President's report
- - a written report was submitted, read by ARN.
- - Two new members for the club: EY and EM
- - UMSU funding is apparently in the pipeline somewhere
- - The club received an insurance offer from RAC but the cost is higher than the current rate so there's no reason to change at this time.
Secretary's Report
- - no report (absent)
Other Business........
VHF Repeater by Michael Markmann MJM
- - The repeater stopped working after it was reconnected after the roof work on Saturday. It was taken in for repair on Monday and reinstalled on Tuesday. However, the same resistor in the power supply failed again so it was taken back to the shop and fixed again at no additional charge. The shop sent along a letter stating that the problem might be the result of an overvoltage at the auxiliary input, where the battery was connected. In light of this information, the acquisition of a new battery was discussed. MJM will check into the cost, etc. and report back.
Additional roof maintenance items
- - replace junction box and conduit
- - replace coax to HF beam
- - replace rotator cable to HF beam
- - replace rotator cable to VHF beam
- - replace short coax section attached to repeater antenna
- - install feedline for 160m dipole
- - tighten bolts at base of short tower
Modifications to repeater and current feedline arrangement
- - MHZ described a way to improve security on the repeater using computer security hardware and a combination lock. Cost should be zero so she will find the necessary parts.
- - MJM described an alternate method (using relays) of routing signals to the various HF antennas that would only require one feedline through the conduit, freeing up valuable space. He will plan and diagram the installation and provide a cost estimate.
Volunteers to assist in flood emergency
- - GLS will forward the volunteer registration form to the UMARS members list to allow anyone interested to get involved.
Morse code study group
- - ARN proposed the creation of a morse code study group to meet once a week to get members ready for the 12 wpm code test. The initial meeting was scheduled for Thursday, May 1 at 7 pm. Several members in attendance expressed an interest so stay tuned for further details.
Balloon Report
- - progressing
Highspeed Data Radio Project (HDRP)
- - progressing
Field Day
- - nothing new to report
QSL Cards
- - nothing new to report
Motion to adjourn by MJM.
Meeting adjourned at 8:14 pm.
Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn
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