UMARS General Meeting
August 20, 1997
VE4s present: ARN, MHZ, GLV, GG, VR, CET, MJM
Called to order @ 1903 CDT
Prez Report:
- - Pan Am Games volunteer forms are available, contact ARN if interested.
- - $1900 has been requested from EMO for flood-related upgrades.
- - Proposed budget for 97-98 has been prepared.
- - VHF antenna has been ordered.
VP Report: none
Treasurer Report:
- - 3 outstanding cheques, currently available balance is about $700.
Tech Managers Report:
- - MJM will e-mail costs for the HF relay box to exec members.
Old Biz:
- - courtesy tone on UMR has been changed for a trial period of a couple of weeks.
New Biz:
- - Tower climb has been scheduled for Sept. 20/97. Plans are to install the new VHF antenna, hopefully install the UHF antenna also and maybe install a 2nd UHF antenna as well (see next item).
- - VR and GG proposed installing GG's UHF repeater at UMARS. After discussing the idea it was agreed that this would be okay.
Adjourned @ 2017 CDT
Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn
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