UMARS General Meeting
February 19, 1997

Present: Arne Grimstrup ARN, Paula Ehn MHZ, Michael Markmann MJM, Eric Krievans IET, Gord Snarr GLS, Cory Gunter-Smith ME, Denis Bosc UK

Meeting called to order at 7:12pm by Arne Grimstrup. Minutes taken by Eric.

President's Report by Arne Grimstrup

- received request from ARES for donation to silent auction. A J-Pole was donated. - RAC bill for course material has arrived. Secretary to pick up bill from Dr. Kinsner. - ARES has verbally requested use of the repeater if flood conditions warrant. No problem is forseen. - GSA was approached for funding/donation last month. No word yet. Secretary has been deligated to look into situation. - Secretary to approach UMSU to look into delay in funding.

Vice-President's report - no report (absent)

Secretary's Report

- will look into UMSU funding delay. - RAC yearly membership bill arrived. This bill has already been paid. Notice will be ignored. - will publish current finances when RAC bill paid. Estimated current bank balance (once bills are paid) at 500 dollars.

Other Business

Roof Work by Michael Markmann MJM

- A suitable coax connector box has been donated by VE4YH.

UHF Report by Michael Markmann MJM

- approached Prarie Communications for crystal donation.

VHF Repeater by Arne Grimstrup ARN

- a goal has been set to order feed line by March 1, with delivery no later than April 15. This is contingent on the UMSU funding which we are still waiting for. If we do not receive funding, we should start thinking about fundraising campaign.

Balloon Report by Arne Grimstrip ARN

- was approached by Quebec Amatuer rocket club for GPS payload. This rocket will be a joint venture with a group from France. The group is well represented, which includes the designer of the Exocet missle.

Highspeed Data Radio Project (HDRP) by Arne Grimstrup ARN

- person from South Carolina with experience in field has expressed interest to work with us.


- first UMARS net on UMR will take place on March 12 at 7:30pm. Everyone (with a radio) is encouraged to "be there". Michael Markmann MJM will be controller. - future controllers will be on a volunteer basis.

Motion to adjourn by Paula Ehn.

Meeting adjourned at 7:55pm.


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