UMARS General Meeting
January 19, 1995
Present: Arne Grimstrup ARN, Paula Ehn MHZ, Wayne Schellekens WTS, Bret Wiebe GLV, Michael Markmann MJM, and Darcy Wilson DDW.
Meeting called to order at 7:15pm with Paula Ehn acting Secretary.
President's Rerport by Arne Grimstrup
- - The December meeting was cancelled due to bad weather and final exam crunch.
- - The UMARS Open House occured on January 14th and 15th all day. Only one visitor outside of regular club members.
- - J-pole Seminar is being held this Saturday, January 18, 1997 from 10:00am until 12:00 in room 566 Engineering. Remi Godin GOD and Gord Snarr GLS will be present to with all required supplies and will accept payment for J-pole taken home.
- - 3 new members this month bringin membership up to 48-50 mark.
Vice-president's Report by Remi Godin
- None.
Treasurer's Report by Arne Grimstrup on behalf of Eric Kreivans IET
- - Phone is paid and up to date.
- - No outstanding debts.
- - Club still has $1060 in the bank.
- - A block funding request has been presented to UMSU requesting $450. We are presently waiting for an answer via the Student Group Centre.
- - Authorization signatures have been changed at the bank.
- - The main purchase that needs to be made is feedline for VHF repeater which is estimated at $500.
Technical Manager's Report by Craig Thomasson CET
- None.
Other Business
Roof Work by Arne Grimstrup
- - The next roof working day is scheduled for May. At that time we will put up the UHF repeater, VHF repeater feedline, and the 160m dipole.
- - Darcy Wilson asked about the need to replace of the coax junction boxes on the roof. Michael Markmann had looked into getting new water tight boxes but the cost is $200-300 per box. Michael will now look into the pricing of water resistant boxes and similar solutions. He will give a new report next meeting.
UHF Repeater by Wayne Schellekens
- - So far $350 has been raised for the UHF repeater project. With $90 having been spent on a UHF mobile radio.
- - Wayne is looking into getting crystals donated. If crystals are donated the frequency of the new repeater will be ditated by those crystals. Otherwise a frequency will be chosen and the crystals bought for about $30.
- - AC power supply is needed to run the DC mobile radio.
- - Feedline will be purchased with the VHF repeater feedline but more donations are needed to reach the $500 needed to make the purchase.
- - A controller is needed. It has been proposed that a splice be made into the exisiting VHF repeater's contoller to run both repeaters in a constnat cross-band fashion until such time as another controller is found for the UHF repeater. All present agreed after much discussion.
- - Wayne has requested a membership list so that he can call the membership to explain and request donations for the project. Remi Godin will be charged with the task of getting a membership list put together for Wayne.
VHF Repeater by Paula Ehn
- - Paula has requested that the new charging circuit for the backup battery be installed.
HDRP Project by Arne Grimstrup
- - Arne has researched many different possibilities and will be giving more details in future e-mails, time permitting.
Annual General Meeting by Arne Grimstrup
- - This years Annual General Meeting will be held at the February or mostly likely the March General Meeting. We ask that all members attend this meeting.
Field Day by Paula Ehn
- - Possible loactions were discussed such as Pope's Hill in Bird's Hill Park or finding a cabin to rent ahead of time that would allow for the best propagation from a 3-element HF beam on a rotator. Paula along with Gord Snarr GLS and Bob LaRoque AOJ will look into it.
Web Page Report by Paula Ehn
- - The web pages have not been updated since October 1996. Remi Godin GOD will be encouraged to keep the pages up to date.
QSL Cards by Paula Ehn
- - The club is still in need of new QSL cards. Paula has volunteered to design the card. She will have several designs ready for the March meeting. Please forward any design ideas to Paula at
Motion to adjourn by Michael Markmann.
Meeting adjourned at 7:57pm
Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn
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