Present: Arne Grimstrup ARN, Paula Ehn MHZ, Michael Markmann MJM, Eric Krievans IET, Gord Snarr GLS, Cory Gunter-Smith ME, Denis Bosc UK, Remi Godin GOD, Todd Mryglod TJM, Bob LaRocque AOJ, Bret Wiebe GLV, Tom Tessier TRT
Meeting called to order at 7:21pm by Arne Grimstrup. Minutes taken by Eric.
President's Report by Arne
Vice-President's report
Secretary's Report
Other Business........
- please log hours for Campus Crime Watch. As a reminder, the repeater has "quick dial" features which can speed up a call. The codes are:
(Arne)- UHF repeater need cable. Donations for cable?
(Paula)- Various QSO designs were shown. Will keep working on it.
(Arne)- Field day location suggestions? Eric has tentatively volunteered to have at his house. (Yes, Eric has bought a house!)
(Michael)- junction box for roof is waiting to be gutted. Volunteers? Talk to Michael.
(Arne)- due to lack of funding from UMSU, should we eliminate the autopatch effective May 31st? This would still enable users to use autopatch for flood.
(Arne)- the phone in the club is currently MTS's.Could Eric look into possibility of giving back the phone to reduce the monthly rental rate?
MOTION by Arne
The reality of costs for the repeater and other equipment is expensive. Motion to increase annual fees for licenced members to fifteen dollars a year. New fees to be in effect in September 1997.
MOTION by Arne
To disconnect autopath on May 31st after flood threat if funding does not come through from UMSU.
For executive to purchase 250 feet of LMR6000 coax and associated hardware to repair/upgrade UMR repeater. The cost for said items is 500 dollars.
To fundraise for repeater cable and associated hardware. Raised money will be put in separate fund. If money left over it will be used to pay for phone from May 31st to period which will match extra money raised.
Balloon Report by Tom TRT
- next general meeting to be held on 23 April at 1900.
- next UMARS net on 16 April at 1930.
MOTION by Remi GOD to adjourn meeting. MOTION SECONDED by Eric IET MOTION CARRIED -12 for. - 0 against.
- Meeting adjourned at 7:55pm.
Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn
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