UMARS General Meeting
May 21, 1997
Paula Ehn acting secretary for this meeting.
Present: Arne Grimstrup VE4ARN, Paula Ehn VE4MHZ, Bret Wiebe VE4GLV, Gord Snarr VE4GLS, and Michael Markmann VE4MJM.
Meeting called to order at 19:38.
President's Address by Arne Grimstrup
- - Thanks to all volunteers who helped during the Flood.
- - CW Course starts tomorrow at 7:00pm in 524 University Centre. 7 people interested.
- - UMSU has still not given us the promised funds. Will look into again.
- - Thanks to Paula Ehn and Michael Markmann for taking the repeater in for repair so promptly.
Vice-preident's Report by Arne Grimstrup
- -Remi Godin VE4GOD says hi.
Treasurer's Report
- None.
Technical Report
- None
Old Business:
Roof Work and Rig Maintenance
- - Need 160m dipole feedline
- - New junction box for roof is here but requires a support to be built for it.
- - Feedline to HF beam needs to be fixed or replaced and beam needs to be retuned and maybe a balun should be included.
- - All bolts on our tower need to be tightened soon!
- - Repeater antenna needs to be fixed or replaced.
- - Rotator cables for both HF and VHF beams need to be replaced.
- - Conduits from roof to club room are full. A solution could involve using remote relay switches so only one feedline is to the roof for all HF antennas.
- - Satilite dish still needs syrvos and needs to be assembled and pain ted for aertizing the club.
- - Idea discussed about replacing VHF beam and UHF twinkie with single VHF/UFH vertical antenna and thereby also reducing feedlines to the roof.
- - Next roof working day will be on the July 19/20 weekend.
- - HF rig still needs to be tested and tuned up for maximum power output.
- - Backup battery will cost about $50 for a 25 Ahr battery.
- - Treasurer owes $61.30 to Paula Ehn for repeater repairs and new Blue Book.
- - Arne is talking to Don McKinnon about a possible EMO matching grant for repeater upgrading.
- - No UHF repeater report.
- - No new QSL card designs.
- - Field Day this year has been cancelled due to the flood.
- - The VE4UMR Packet-internet gateway has had some problems lately and as a result the club web pages are down. Looking to recover them and find a temporary home for them until the gateway is fixed.
- - Arne is looking into idea about segmenting our club LAN for club experiments such as HDRP.
- - No progress in HDRP project.
- - Ballon project is progressing. Last meeting we programmed the MIM and added the GPS unit. However, we had no success with tranfering of data from GPS unit to the transmitter.
- - Log your hours for the Campus Crime Watch!
- - Radio Course has given us 7 new hams!
New Business:
- - Manitoba Marathon needs volunteers. The Marathon is June 15, 1997.
- - The possibility of a "backup battery" message on the repeater was discussed again with no real progress.
Motion to adjourn by Micahel Markmann.
Meeting adjourned at 20:33.
Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn
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