Present: Paula Ehn VE4MHZ, Bill Franzin VE4YK, William Franzin VE4VR, Rich Green VE4GG, Craig Thomasson VE4CET, Remi Godin VE4GOD, Arne Grimstrup VE4ARN, Eric Krievans VE4IET.
Meeting called to order at 7:04pm with IET taking minutes.
President's Report by Arne Grimstrup
Vice-president's Report
Treasurer's Report
We currently have 900 dollars in the bank. We have an account payable of about 1100 dollars. Fortunately we have a forgiving supplier who does not require full payment AT THIS TIME. This means we will not go below the 500 dollar mark in the bank.
However, I feel very uncomfortable with this situation. It would be nice to be "in the black". The 1100 dollar account payable were expenses by purchasing the new VHF repeater antenna, 2 feed lines, and the associated hardware for it. We absolutely had to purchase the equipment for roof installation before "old man winter" comes.
I anticipate further revenue from three sources: 1. Membership dues. 2. "Love money" 3. Other
Just remember everyone, it costs a lot of money to keep a repeater going smoothly. I estimate it costs around 300 dollars a year. We got hit hard this year because of the major component purchases that were not properly budgeted for. Shortly, I plan to address this problem so future UMARS execs don't have to beg for money all the time!
And now the pitch......
For those of you who feel that UMARS is giving them more than their dues ask for, feel free to show your gratitude by cutting the Secretary/Treasurer a cheque. You'd be surprised how I'd appreciate receiving an extra 20 bucks.
Technical Manager's Report- None.
Motion to vote for UMARS Executive 97/98.
Motion to adjourn by ARN
Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.
Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn
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