UMARS General Meeting
April 15, 1997

Present: Eric Krievans VE4IET, Gordon Toole VE4GHT, Rich Green VE4GG, Bill Franzin VE4YK, William Franzin VE4VR, Paula Ehn VE4MHZ, Remi Godin VE4GOD

Meeting called to order at 7:10pm.

President's Report

- J-Pole given to ARES for raffle.
- More roofwork needed. Will compile a "things to do" list for next antenna climbing party. All suggestions are appreciated. All proposals please direct to Remi. A date for the roofwork will be decided at next meeting.

V.P.'s Report - none

Secretary's Report - none

Other Announcements

A roof survey will be conducted on Wed. April 22 at 6:30pm. This survey is required for the "things to do" list as mentioned above. Remi will attempt to secure roof access for this momentous event. All interested may attend. Please meet in the club.

Motion by GOD:

To sell J-Poles. The price is $15 unassembled. $20 assembled. Each antenna comes with assembly/usage instructions. Antenna does not come with feedline or connectors.
Seconded by IET.
All in favor. Passed

Meeting adjourned at 8:12pm.


Last modified 11-09-95 by Paula Ehn

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