UMARS General Meeting
August 19, 1998

Attendance: Remi VE4GOD, Paula VE4MHZ, Arne VE4ARN, VE4GG, VE4HT

Meeting opened at 7:15pm

President's Report

Student Orientation

- will be held Sep 22, 23, and 24
- Need volunteers or I'll have to resort to voluntolds

Roof Work

- Need to get UHF antenna up and connected
- everything is pretty much ready to go for the antenna
- Maintenance of our tower needs to be address

Roof Access

- Procedure to obtain roof access must be made at least one week in advanced to Physical Plant. - my rule (Remi Godin)
- A follow up phone call should be made to be sure they know about it.
- Diane Linell should be made aware of our access request to the roof
- Although Physical Plant requires 24 Hour notice, it is best to let them know well in advanced.

Vice President - not in attendance

Secretary / Treasurer - not in attendance

Old Business


- CJUM will be in the location where Archives is. (Archives moved)

UHF Repeater

- The UHF repeater has a controller and all components are assembled
- so we do have a UHF Repeater.
- The UHF repeater needs will need tuning.
- The actual location of the UHF repeater? Yori is the person to contact.


- Raffle tickets seems to be the easiest way to raise money for our cause.
- We need a prize of some kind (Be it a radio or something for everyone(liquor))
- Legal issues concerning selling tickets.

Radio Course

- Suggestion to have Radio Course on a Saturday all day and an exam at the end of the day.
- Easier to have a course in January as it gives everybody more time to prepare for the radio course and most people have more time to attend.

Solicits our past and current members for donation.

New Business

Membership dues

- Change membership dues to a 4 year term
Roof List
- Eric has a compiled list of things to be done on the roof
- One important item is the mounting of the UHF antenna.
- Possible climbing monkeys in order of preference are Dean VE4EY, Larry VE4LAR and Michael VE4MJM

Club's personal debt

- The club owes Arne Grimstrup in excess of $1200.
- Arne is willing to accept any amount such that it doesn't exceed the clubs $500 account limit.
- In return Arne becomes life time member for 2 life terms.

HDRP (High-speed Digital Radio Project) (something like that)

- Basically a high speed data connection to the Internet via radio modem with speed in excess of 57.6Kbits
- Arne would like to get some thing going.
- The club involvement is only tower space and office space.
- All interested parties should contact Arne with email at:

Meeting adjourned at 9:00pm by Paula VE4MHZ


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