Mr Yuck's Total Lack of Respect For His Job

Day 1: BFS has to phone the newly hired MrY to wake him up and tell him that we do not provide a wake up service for our new employees. MrY shows up for his first day of work 1.5 hours late. Thats okay, we only had to postpone the "big" meeting that morning by half an hour. As well, MrY forgets his shoes and has to wear his big, white Sorel boots around the office all day. MrY has discovered a unique way to make sure everyone gets to know who the new guy is right away.

MrY gets the idea to make a casting of a huge set of buttocks, attach it to the wall of the lab and tell people that, before MrY will help them, they must (as MrY enthousiastically says) "Put on some lipstick and KISS THE ASS". The idea is dismissed by BFS as utter lunacy.

MrY constantly refers to the clients as "animals" and "wild beasts". His sign on the inside of the door to the office reads "Wildlife Viewing Area".

A new printer is ordered and takes weeks to arrive. MrY goes to set up the new printer for the users it was bought for as soon as the printer arrives but, when told that they "want a seperate table for it", takes the printer back. MrY finally sets the printer up after it has been used as a table by BFS for three weeks.

A user complains that their printer is jamming. MrY goes to their office, removes the printer for "servicing" and then, in less then two minutes, removes the piece of paper that was causing the printer to jam. MrY does not return the user's printer for over a week, even though it is fully functional.

A new printer is ordered for one of the "important" people in the office and the printer is delivered the next day to the office of BFS. BFS notices it and asks MrY to get it out of the hall "before someone sees it", so MrY moves it under one of the tables in the office of BFS. RDEU insists that she needs a new USB cable for the printer because the one they are using for their current printer "is for a colour printer and won't work with the new laser printer". BFS and MrY decide to hold off installing the new laser printer in the office of RDEU until the computer industry invents a USB cable that is specifically for laser printers.
Note: BFS and MrY eventually took pity on RDEU and installed the laser printer using the "colour USB" cable. So far it seems to work fine. ;-)

A user called BFS to inform him that their toner was low. BFS went to their office and examined the printer but couldn't find the secret release needed in order to change the toner and accidentally broke the paper holder on the printer in the attempt to figure it out. BFS then called MrY to come and change the toner, which MrY did, having known the secret dark art needed to open the toner area of that particular printer.

RDEU brings their system in to BFS complaining that it is slow. BFS examines it and reports to RDEU that the problem is that the system "only has 75% LRF support" and MrY confirms this diagnosis. RDEU nods, feigning understanding, and takes the system back. BFS and MrY wait for more than a week to tell RDEU what "LRF support" really is, during which time RDEU has told many of their peers that "the system doesn't have full LRF support, which is a very technical and serious problem that 'the guys' are researching solutions for".
BFS and MrY have a good laugh.

TIEU tells BFS and MrY that their computer keeps displaying "It is now safe to shut down your system" and won't start up properly. BFS tells TIEU to press and hold power button to shut down computer, then re-start computer. TIEU says they have tried that but it doesn't make any difference. BFS sends MrY to help and TIEU shows MrY that shutting down and re-starting doesn't make a difference. MrY then demonstrates to TIEU the fact that pressing the monitor power button isn't the same as pressing the computer power button. After power-cycling TIEU's computer everything functions normally.
BFS and MrY have a good laugh.

TIEU complains of a problem with resolution on new monitor. Claims resolution of icons is different than resolution of text on desktop. BD takes Spanish monitor instruction manual as a prop, presses menu button on monitor and then TIEU claims that "problem" is now fixed.
BFS, MrY and BD have a good laugh.

RDEU asks TOF for a mock-up of an email which would include a graphic image which RDEU wants to send to the "Everyone" list. TOF creates said mock-up and includes an example of a link that could go to a high-quality version, should RDEU want that ... example link is "" ... and TOF sends off said mock-up to RDEU. RDEU replies saying that "herself as well as all her test subjects were not able to get the printable version to work." TOF and MrY have a really good laugh.

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