Euler (1770)
Most prolific mathematician of all time, 13 children. Liked to make his own hats.
(s) =
(1/ns) =
(1 - p-s)-1
Here the sum is over all natural numbers n while the product is over all prime numbers.
Aside1: Fermat conjectured 2 2^n+1
is prime (called Fermat numbers), Euler
factored 232 +1. Basis: If not prime a factor existed would
have to be of the form 2(5+1)k+1 or 64k+1
Only a few need be checked, proved not prime with 641 a Carmichael
He could also have checked via division of the number of primes
up to
64K, (6,500 trial divisions, primes found by the Sieve of
Aside2: Euler
partitioned 1,000,009 into 10002 +32 and 9722
+2352 and thereby also producing factors of 3413 and
293. He did this when he was in his 70s and had been blind for 10 years.
Aside3: Laplace told his students, "Liesez Euler, Liesez Euler, c'est
notre maître
à tous" ("Read Euler, read Euler, he is our master in
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