#!/usr/bin/env perl

#   Programmer: Adam M Phillippy, The Institute for Genomic Research
#         File: nucmer
#         Date: 04 / 09 / 03
#        Usage:
#    nucmer  [options]  <Reference>  <Query>
#                Try 'nucmer -h' for more information.
#      Purpose: To create alignments between two multi-FASTA inputs by using
#              the MUMmer matching and clustering algorithms.

use lib "./ext/mummer/lintel64/scripts";
use Foundation;
use File::Spec::Functions;
use strict;

my $AUX_BIN_DIR = "./ext/mummer/lintel64/aux_bin";
my $BIN_DIR = "./ext/mummer/lintel64";
my $SCRIPT_DIR = "./ext/mummer/lintel64/scripts";

NUCmer (NUCleotide MUMmer) version 3.06

my $HELP_INFO = q~
  USAGE: nucmer  [options]  <Reference>  <Query>

    nucmer generates nucleotide alignments between two mutli-FASTA input
    files. Two output files are generated. The .cluster output file lists
    clusters of matches between each sequence. The .delta file lists the
    distance between insertions and deletions that produce maximal scoring
    alignments between each sequence.

    Reference       Set the input reference multi-FASTA filename
    Query           Set the input query multi-FASTA filename

    --mum           Use anchor matches that are unique in both the reference
                    and query
    --mumcand       Same as --mumreference
    --mumreference  Use anchor matches that are unique in in the reference
                    but not necessarily unique in the query (default behavior)
    --maxmatch      Use all anchor matches regardless of their uniqueness

    -b|breaklen     Set the distance an alignment extension will attempt to
                    extend poor scoring regions before giving up (default 200)
    -c|mincluster   Sets the minimum length of a cluster of matches (default 65)
    --[no]delta     Toggle the creation of the delta file (default --delta)
    --depend        Print the dependency information and exit
    -d|diagfactor   Set the clustering diagonal difference separation factor
                    (default 0.12)
    --[no]extend    Toggle the cluster extension step (default --extend)
    --forward       Use only the forward strand of the Query sequences
    -g|maxgap       Set the maximum gap between two adjacent matches in a
                    cluster (default 90)
    --help          Display help information and exit
    -l|minmatch     Set the minimum length of a single match (default 20)
    --coords        Automatically generate the original NUCmer1.1 coords
                    output file using the 'show-coords' program
    --[no]optimize  Toggle alignment score optimization, i.e. if an alignment
                    extension reaches the end of a sequence, it will backtrack
                    to optimize the alignment score instead of terminating the
                    alignment at the end of the sequence (default --optimize)
    -p|prefix       Set the prefix of the output files (default "out")
    --reverse       Use only the reverse complement of the Query sequences
    --[no]simplify  Simplify alignments by removing shadowed clusters. Turn
                    this option off if aligning a sequence to itself to look
                    for repeats (default --simplify)
    --version       Display the version information and exit

my $USAGE_INFO = q~
  USAGE: nucmer  [options]  <Reference>  <Query>


     "OUTPUT_PREFIX"     =>   "out",        # prefix for all output files
     "MATCH_ALGORITHM"   =>   "-mumreference", # match finding algo switch
     "MATCH_DIRECTION"   =>   "-b",         # match direction switch
     "MIN_MATCH"         =>   "20",         # minimum match size
     "MAX_GAP"           =>   "90",         # maximum gap between matches
     "MIN_CLUSTER"       =>   "65",         # minimum cluster size
     "DIAG_FACTOR"       =>   ".12",        # diagonal difference fraction
     "BREAK_LEN"         =>   "200",        # extension break length
     "POST_SWITCHES"     =>   ""            # switches for the post processing

sub main ( )
    my $tigr;             # TIGR::Foundation object
    my @err;              # Error variable
    my $ref_file;         # path of the reference input file
    my $qry_file;         # path of the query input file

    #-- The command line options for the various programs
    my $size = $DEFAULT_PARAMETERS { "MIN_MATCH" };
    my $gap = $DEFAULT_PARAMETERS { "MAX_GAP" };
    my $blen = $DEFAULT_PARAMETERS { "BREAK_LEN" };

    my $fwd;              # if true, use forward strand
    my $rev;              # if true, use reverse strand
    my $maxmatch;         # matching algorithm switches
    my $mumreference;
    my $mum;
    my $extend = 1;       # if true, extend clusters
    my $delta = 1;        # if true, create the delta file
    my $optimize = 1;     # if true, optimize alignment scores
    my $simplify = 1;     # if true, simplify shadowed alignments

    my $generate_coords;

    #-- Initialize TIGR::Foundation
    $tigr = new TIGR::Foundation;
    if ( !defined ($tigr) ) {
	print (STDERR "ERROR: TIGR::Foundation could not be initialized");
	exit (1);
    #-- Set help and usage information
    $tigr->setHelpInfo ($HELP_INFO);
    $tigr->setUsageInfo ($USAGE_INFO);
    $tigr->setVersionInfo ($VERSION_INFO);
    $tigr->addDependInfo (@DEPEND_INFO);

    #-- Get command line parameters
    $err[0] = $tigr->TIGR_GetOptions
         "maxmatch" => \$maxmatch,
	 "mumcand" => \$mumreference,
         "mumreference" => \$mumreference,
         "mum" => \$mum,
	 "b|breaklen=i" => \$blen,
	 "c|mincluster=i" => \$clus,
	 "delta!" => \$delta,
	 "d|diagfactor=f" => \$diff,
	 "extend!" => \$extend,
	 "f|forward"   => \$fwd,
	 "g|maxgap=i" => \$gap,
	 "l|minmatch=i" => \$size,
	 "o|coords"   => \$generate_coords,
	 "optimize!" => \$optimize,
	 "p|prefix=s" => \$pfx,
	 "r|reverse"   => \$rev,
	 "simplify!" => \$simplify

    #-- Check if the parsing was successful
    if ( $err[0] == 0  ||  $#ARGV != 1 ) {
	$tigr->printUsageInfo( );
	print (STDERR "Try '$0 -h' for more information.\n");
	exit (1);

    $ref_file = File::Spec->rel2abs ($ARGV[0]);
    $qry_file = File::Spec->rel2abs ($ARGV[1]);

    #-- Set up the program parameters
    if ( $fwd  &&  $rev ) {
	$mdir = "-b";
    } elsif ( $fwd ) {
	$mdir = "";
    } elsif ( $rev ) {
	$mdir = "-r";
    if ( ! $extend ) {
	$psw .= "-e ";
    if ( ! $delta ) {
	$psw .= "-d ";
    if ( ! $optimize ) {
	$psw .= "-t ";
    if ( ! $simplify ) {
	$psw .= "-s ";

    undef (@err);
    $err[0] = 0;
    if ( $mum ) {
	$err[0] ++;
	$algo = "-mum";
    if ( $mumreference ) {
	$err[0] ++;
	$algo = "-mumreference";
    if ( $maxmatch ) {
	$err[0] ++;
	$algo = "-maxmatch";
    if ( $err[0] > 1 ) {
	$tigr->printUsageInfo( );
	print (STDERR "ERROR: Multiple matching algorithms selected\n");
	print (STDERR "Try '$0 -h' for more information.\n");
	exit (1);

    #-- Set up the program path names
    my $algo_path = "$BIN_DIR/mummer";
    my $mgaps_path = "$BIN_DIR/mgaps";
    my $prenuc_path = "$AUX_BIN_DIR/prenuc";
    my $postnuc_path = "$AUX_BIN_DIR/postnuc";
    my $showcoords_path = "$BIN_DIR/show-coords";
    #-- Check that the files needed are all there and readable/writable
	undef (@err);
	if ( !$tigr->isExecutableFile ($algo_path) ) {
	    push (@err, $algo_path);
	if ( !$tigr->isExecutableFile ($mgaps_path) ) {
	    push (@err, $mgaps_path);
	if ( !$tigr->isExecutableFile ($prenuc_path) ) {
	    push (@err, $prenuc_path);
	if ( !$tigr->isExecutableFile ($postnuc_path) ) {
	    push (@err, $postnuc_path);
	if ( !$tigr->isReadableFile ($ref_file) ) {
	    push (@err, $ref_file);
	if ( !$tigr->isReadableFile ($qry_file) ) {
	    push (@err, $qry_file);
	if ( !$tigr->isCreatableFile ("$pfx.ntref") ) {
	    if ( !$tigr->isWritableFile ("$pfx.ntref") ) {
		push (@err, "$pfx.ntref");
	if ( !$tigr->isCreatableFile ("$pfx.mgaps") ) {
	    if ( !$tigr->isWritableFile ("$pfx.mgaps") ) {
		push (@err, "$pfx.mgaps");
	if ( !$tigr->isCreatableFile ("$pfx.cluster") ) {
	    if ( !$tigr->isWritableFile ("$pfx.cluster") ) {
		push (@err, "$pfx.cluster");
	if ( !$tigr->isCreatableFile ("$pfx.delta") ) {
	    if ( !$tigr->isWritableFile ("$pfx.delta") ) {
		push (@err, "$pfx.delta");
	if ( $generate_coords ) {
	    if ( !$tigr->isExecutableFile ($showcoords_path) ) {
		push (@err, $showcoords_path);
	    if ( !$tigr->isCreatableFile ("$pfx.coords") ) {
		if ( !$tigr->isWritableFile ("$pfx.coords") ) {
		    push (@err, "$pfx.coords");

	#-- If 1 or more files could not be processed, terminate script
	if ( $#err >= 0 ) {
		("ERROR: The following critical files could not be used", 1);
	    while ( $#err >= 0 ) {
		$tigr->logError (pop(@err), 1);
		("Check your paths and file permissions and try again", 1);
	    $tigr->bail( );

    #-- Run prenuc and assert return value is zero
    print (STDERR "1: PREPARING DATA\n");
    $err[0] = $tigr->runCommand
	("$prenuc_path $ref_file > $pfx.ntref");

    if ( $err[0] != 0 ) {
	    ("ERROR: prenuc returned non-zero, please file a bug report\n");

    #-- Run mummer | mgaps and assert return value is zero
    print (STDERR "2,3: RUNNING mummer AND CREATING CLUSTERS\n");
    open(ALGO_PIPE, "$algo_path $algo $mdir -l $size -n $pfx.ntref $qry_file |")
	or $tigr->bail ("ERROR: could not open $algo_path output pipe $!");
    open(CLUS_PIPE, "| $mgaps_path -l $clus -s $gap -f $diff > $pfx.mgaps")
	or $tigr->bail ("ERROR: could not open $mgaps_path input pipe $!");
    while ( <ALGO_PIPE> ) {
	print CLUS_PIPE
	or $tigr->bail ("ERROR: could not write to $mgaps_path pipe $!");
    $err[0] = close(ALGO_PIPE);
    $err[1] = close(CLUS_PIPE);

    if ( $err[0] == 0  ||  $err[1] == 0 ) {
	$tigr->bail ("ERROR: mummer and/or mgaps returned non-zero,".
		     " please file a bug report\n");

    #-- Run postnuc and assert return value is zero
    print (STDERR "4: FINISHING DATA\n");
    $err[0] = $tigr->runCommand
	("$postnuc_path $psw -b $blen $ref_file $qry_file $pfx < $pfx.mgaps");

    if ( $err[0] != 0 ) {
	$tigr->bail ("ERROR: postnuc returned non-zero,".
		     " please file a bug report\n");

    #-- If the -o flag was set, run show-coords using NUCmer1.1 settings
    if ( $generate_coords ) {
	$err[0] = $tigr->runCommand
	    ("$showcoords_path -r $pfx.delta > $pfx.coords");
	if ( $err[0] != 0 ) {
	    $tigr->bail ("ERROR: show-coords returned non-zero,".
			 " please file a bug report\n");

    #-- Remove the temporary output
    $err[0] = unlink ("$pfx.ntref", "$pfx.mgaps");

    if ( $err[0] != 2 ) {
	$tigr->logError ("WARNING: there was a problem deleting".
			 " the temporary output files", 1);

    #-- Return success
    return (0);

exit ( main ( ) );