show -C protocol


to initialize, send command

the response is
	4 bytes 0x12345678
		used to find byte order
	4 bytes N
		number of tag names
	repeats N times:
		tag name N
	repeats 256 times:
		class name

Without this information, you cannot understand any of the other responses.
The size of the response depends on the exact configuration of the database,
but some sample sizes from Feb 2003 are:
	worm		32428
	human 30	33488
	human 31	32966

Show -C

To get an object, send "show -C"

The response is a table descriptor.  Make an empty table in the object
and a cursor pointing at row 0, column -1.  As you parse the response,
the various commands will move the cursor and deposit data in the table.
The table is NOT extended by the cursor movement - a row or column is
not added until data is deposited there.

	"N" %c object_name "\0"
		new object
		increment row
		increment column
		increment row, decrement column
		subtract %c from column.  Do not change row, but this
		is always followed by a "." that increments the row.
	"t" string "\0"
		deposit text in current cell
	"i" 4 bytes
		deposit integer in current cell
	"f" 4 bytes
		deposit float in current cell
	"d" 4 bytes
		deposit date in current cell
	"K" %c string "\0"
		deposit object reference in current cell
		%c is class number, string is object name
	"k" %c string "\0"
		deposit object reference in current cell
		%c is class number, string is object name.
		The object is known to be empty.
	"g" 4 bytes
		depost tag in current cell - the number is
		the tag number from system_list
		no operation
		end of object
	"c" 4 byte integer
		object is type A. length of type A data is N
	"D" string
		type A data (dna)
	"p" string
		type A data (peptide)
		enter a defined type section of an object (i.e. beginning
		data in a #xxx construct)
		leave a defined type section (end #xxx)
		no operation - strictly speaking, this does not
		belong here, but some ace servers insert spurious \0
		characters in between "encore" sections.

Table-maker -C
      same as above at least in principle
acedb> table -C -n toto

>Kガemphues KJ>K.[wm97ab392]l
.Kギatthews LR>K.[wm97ab392]l
.Kサhierry-Mieg D>K.[wm97ab392]l
        same as above at least in principle

      same as above at least in principle

acedb> aql -C select a,p from a in class "author", p in a->paper

// New Acedb Query Language : AQL beta release
>KKemphues KJ>K.[wm97ab392]l
.KMatthews LR>K.[wm97ab392]l
.KThierry-Mieg D>K.[wm97ab392]l
// 1 Active Objects