AQL - MovieDB Usage

With taql :

The taql program is a simple command shell that will only parse aql queries. None of the other acedb text-commands will work. it's advantage over tace for pure AQL use is that you can enter multiline queries. :

% taql MovieDB
Then enter your queries after the acedb-aql> prompt. A blank line (hit RETURN twice) submit the query. The results are returned in plain text format.

Type taql -h for more options.

With tace :

Tace is a more comprehensive acedb command-shell. The AQL facilities are just part of the overall functionality. All AQL queries have to be preceeded by the keyword "aql". This keyword allows the setting of various output options etc.

% tace MovieDB
Any tace-command that starts with select is automatically recognised as an AQL query and the aql-keyword can be omitted.

Type ? at the acedb> prompt for a complete listing of possible commands.