Dump all

Dumps the whole database into an ace file. This function is synonymous with "Export" in other applications.

The dump file can be edited by hand, parsed back in an empty system (provided you split out the copy of the tags and classes files) or use with acediff to compare 2 sessions.

At the same time, Dump checks the integrity of the whole database and verifies the existence of all the XREF's.

The "Dump" function dumps all the Visible A and B (not X) classes. This information is sufficient for a complete reconstruction.

Acedb dumps out the objects as it knows them now. Uncommitted changes will be dumped - so the user can parse a file in, make a full dump, then quit without saving. Objects have to be saved though - if the object is still being parsed or edited then it will dump the old version.

Note that if you delete a tag(s) in the model (by editting models.wrm) and then dump, the tags will still be dumped if they exist in the database. You will then NOT be able to read the dump file back in unless you either:

Acedb works like this to prevent the accidental loss of potentially large amounts of data that might result from unintentional editting of models.wrm. The recommended way to remove a tag is to remove all instances from the database first and then remove the tag from models.wrm.

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last edited: April 1999