Query Commands

The syntax of the acedb query language is a little complex but quite powerful. It is explained in the Query_syntax help section and in the latex document doc/query_syntax. The query interface allows you to write command files with parameters. You can load and execute these as external programs (in $ACEDB/wquery/xxx.qry). Thus you can prepare in advance sets of useful commands for selecting data.

An easier, but less powerful, interface is provided by the Query_Builder and Query_by_example which can be accessed from the main acedb menu. The related Table_Maker allows the contruction of relational tables.


Menu items:

Other details

Direct Query Commands allows the FULL query syntax. See help on Query_syntax for more details. Edit the text box the same as any User Entry Boxes (pick with mouse, use keyboard). Execute a query command by clicking (again) on the left mouse button or hitting the RETURN key.

If you edit the last command line a new, blank box is created for the next input query command.

Scope: If the query starts as FIND my_class, the whole class my_class is searched; otherwise the query commands act on the active Keyset (selection list). To select another KeySet, pick it once (the pink label "Selected KeySet" will appear in the KeySet window). See help on KeySets for more information.

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last edited: July 1994