
Available from Main Window pop-up menu. Displays information about disk and memory useage and also software and data version.

The first line contains the software version number and the data release number. The data release number changes each time the database curator distributes a new official update file.

The next line indicates explicitly the session number. This number is changed whenever new data are entered and saved. Also shown is the login name of the user and the current write access state.

The On disk line concerns the file database/blocks.wrm It indicates the number of blocks really used by the database, followed by the number of blocks still available. You may want to monitor these figures from time to time. The number of used blocks should grow substantially only when you parse a lot of new data or when you multiply the number of different sessions kept available. It should decrease when you destroy old sessions. If at some point blocks.wrm becomes full, the program will ask permission to extend it as needed. If you refuse, the current session will be lost and you will simply restart on the statu quo ante.

The number of lexiques corresponds to the number of different classes as defined in wspec/classes.wrm. The number of keys is the number of independent objects known to the database. The number of char is the cumulated length of their names and of the entries in class Text.

The number of nodes and arrays gives an indication on the usage of the memory. They may be useful to debug a new piece of code and check, for example that all the arrays created for a given purpose get destroyed when they should.

You should have

	used objects = locked + known
with locked dropping to zero after a clean up.

The number of modified objects should drop to 0 after a Save (Main Window pop-up menu). Stream level should drop to 1, unless you are in the process of reading data.

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last edited: July 1994