TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS 2:30 - 4:30 pm
Office: 203 University College (sometimes: 450 UC) Phone: 474-9398
Messages: Film Secretary 474-9581 or Administrative Assistant (203UC) 8:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
E-Mail: walz@cc.umanitoba.ca or film@umanitoba.ca
Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday 1:30 - 2:30 pm or by appointment
- To experience animation in its many forms - its outstanding works of art and major or representative artists;
- To understand the basic outline of animation history;
- To come to grips with theories and concepts;
- To appreciate Canada’s widely-recognized contributions;
- To contribute to the on-going dialogue about animation.
1. Full attendance at screenings (plus 5 minutes) and lectures (roll will be taken)
2. Attention to films, readings, classes
3. Assignments:
a) Three pop quizzes 15%
b) One outside reading report 10%
c) Paper (1500-2000 words) due 2 March 35%
d) Final paper, project or exam (paper or project due on exam date) 40%
Understanding Animation by Paul Wells
1. Eating, smoking and disruptive talking are not permitted in screening rooms or classes.
2. Papers must be double-spaced and typed with normal margins.
3. Your name, student # and course # must appear on the cover page.
4. Do not enclose papers in folders, and especially not those with plastic see-through covers!!!
5. Please proof-read all papers before you submit them.
Papers will be graded for:
1. Originality and insightfulness in observation and thought.
2. Attention to details in sustaining general ideas.
3. Logical organization and coherent development of an argument.
4. Grammar that is noticeably deficient will result in a lower grade.
1. Will result in the loss of ˝ of a grade per week (an “A” becomes a “B+”, etc.).
3. Assignments/papers more than one (1) week late will be graded but no comments will be provided.
N.B. Students should acquaint themselves with the University’s policy on plagiarism and cheating, and examination impersonation
(see the 2003-2004 University of Manitoba Undergraduate Calendar, pages 28-30)
The final exam for will be held on April 23rd at 9:00am in the Great Hall of University College, seats 1 - 29.. For further information see the UofM's Exam Timetable.