This assignment is worth 10 points.
Due date: Jan. 20, 2025
Goal: To learn how to work with plant
tissue culture using sterile technique, and what not to do.
1. Read the lab manual introduction to sterilization and aseptic technique.
2. Watch the following videos, and be
prepared to answer related questions.
Preventing Contamination in the Cell Culture Lab (6:07)
Good professional video that does a good job of showing practical tricks for preventing contamination.
Aseptic Technique (5:07)
Very thorough and information rich. Every movement is worth watching.
Cell Culture Common Mistakes (4:07)
Short, but informative. This technician is clearly an experienced worker and does things with the proper degree of paranoia. Very few of these sorts of videos explicitly emphasize the tiny details, like contaminating the inside of a cap, that can result in contamination. My one issue with this video is that they talk about mistakes that students make. In practice, lots of people at all levels can get into bad lab habits. Good habits are practices that we do each and every time, so that it would take an effort to do it any other way.
Techniques of tissue culture - Feather River Plants (4:14)
Shows application of tissue culture at a commercial scale for tree crops. Nice overview of tissue culture and propagation scaled up.
LibreOffice (SterileTechReportTemplate.odt)
Microsoft Word (SterileTechReportTemplate.docx)
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