Step2: Ten sequence motifs, conserved among defense genes, were selected. Frequencies of each motif were compared among different groupings of sequences.

Table 14. Occurrence frequencies of DNA motifs in defense and non-defense genes.
Motif Dataset
Defense Gene Non-Defense Gene
PR10 (8 kb)a Non-PR10 (43 kb) Total (51 kb) Pea (26 kb) Non-Pea (116 kb) Total (142 kb)
Repeat No./10k Repeat No./10k Repeat No./10k Repeat No./10k Repeat No./10k Repeat No./10k
PDA1-1 (AAATAAATA) 2b 2.5c 9 2.1 11 2.1 11 4.3d 10 0.9 21 1.5
PDA1-2 (ATAAAATA) 4 5.0 20 4.6 24 4.7 11 4.3 24 2.1 35 2.5
PDA1-3 (AAATTCA) 4 5.0 12 2.8 16 3.1 8 3.1 20 1.7 28 2.0
PDA1-4 (TTCATTT) 5 6.3 19 4.4 24 4.7 15 5.8 34 2.9 49 3.5
PDA2-1 (ATAAAATT) 5 6.3 12 2.8 17 3.3 5 1.9 19 1.6 24 1.7
PDA2-2 (AAATTTTC) 1 1.3 8 1.8 9 1.8 1 0.4 10 0.9 11 0.8
PDA2-3 (AAATAAAA) 7 8.8 28 6.4 35 6.8 17 6.6 51 4.4 68 4.8
PDC1-1 (TATAAATA) 5 6.3 30 6.9 35 6.8 9 3.5 40 3.4 49 3.5
PDC1-2 (TTTTATTT) 5 6.3 7 1.6 12 2.3 10 3.9 45 3.9 56 3.9
PDC1-3 (ATTTCAA) 4 5.0 17 3.9 21 4.1 5 1.9 28 2.4 33 2.3

Note: "a" the number in round bracket is the size of dataset in kilo-basepair (kb); "b" frequencies (absolute repeat numbers) of DNA motifs occurred in dataset; "c" frequency ratio (relative repeat numbers) of DNA motifs occurred in dataset after normalization (frequencies/10-kb); "d" underlined numbers were used to identify DNA motifs which occur more than twice as often in one dataset versus the other dataset.