

Weeds and invasive species are undesirable plants that often warrant management due to detrimental effects on crop productivity or health.  These species however, also contribute to the function of ecosystems.  Understanding weed biology, the species with which they interact, and the outcome of these interactions are imperative for developing integrated management strategies to retain productivity of agricultural systems and maintain their functional integrity. 

      We study the role of weeds and their management in agricultural systems using a variety of approaches including laboratory and greenhouse experimentation, short- and long-term field studies, and on-farm research. 

We are conducting research in the following areas:

    1) Assembly of seedbank and mid-season weed communitites in response to management.

    2) Crop-weed competition and the development of economic thresholds for weed management.

    3) Developing new weed mangement tools and options for producers.

    4) Weed - benefitial soil microbe interactions under reduced herbicide use.

    5) Plant DNA cycling in the soil environment.

    6) Crop harvest losses and how to best measure these to reduce volunteer crops.