The names below are from 17th through 19th Centuries compiled by P. William Filby and Mary K. Meyer from various Volumes - Passenger & Immigration Lists Index - A Guide to Published Arrival Records of about 5000,000 Passengers who came to the US and Canada in the 17th, 18th & 19th Centuries - Gale Research Company, Detroit Michigan 48226)
**** Note: Official Canadian Passenger Lists only go back to A.D. 1860 - See Other Passenger List Web Sites Below for further information ****
Freer, Francis, n.a.; Allegany (Allegheny) County, PA. - A.D. 1799 - 9695, p.4
Freer, Hugo, n.a. ;New York, - A.D. 1675 - 9143, p. 200
Freer, James, n.a.; Maryland - A.D. 1820 - 1182, p.15
Freere, John, n.a.; Maryland, A.D. 1679 - 8510, p.170
Freer, Harry Hall; Michigan, A.D. 1874 - 3800.6, p.35
Freer, L.B.; San Fransico, A.D. 1852 - 7160, p. 148
Freer, Walgrave, Charles Town, South Carolina, A.D. 1718, - 1217.3, p. 57
Freer, William; New York, N.Y., A.D. 1824, - 7870, p. 93
Freer, Francis, n.a.; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, A.D. 1799, - 9295, p. 142
Freer, James, na.; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, A.D. 1877, -9295, p. 142
Freer, Martin, na.; Pennsylvania, A.D. 1773, -1207, p. 302
NOTE: The last numbers listed above, ie: -1207, p. 302 indicate the original source reference and page number which they are listed on in the above source (in various volumes). These books are also available at your local library.
The names below are from - The Original Lists - Persons of Quality: Emigrants; Religious Exiles; Political Rebels: Serving Men Sold for a Term of Years; Apprentices; Children Stolen; Maidens Pressed; and Others Who Went From Great Britain to the AMERICAN PLANTATIONS 1600 - 1700 with their ages, the localities where they formerly lived in the Mother Country, and other Interesting Particulars.
From MSS Preserved in the State Paper Department of Her Majesty's Public Record Office, England.
- edited by John Camden Hotten, London 1874
(To the members of the Genealogical and Historical Societies of the United States of America - by John Camden Hotten)
Frier, Tobias in 1635 from Port of London to Virginea (Virginia) - Plaine Joan Richard Buckam (at age 18 years old) - later became a Captain himself going to Barbados. See Barbados for more information and links to other pages on Tobias Frere.
Frier, George arrived in William and Thomas; wife Vrsula (Ursula) in London Merchant - recorded 30th of January 1624 in Corporation of James City. (Muster of the inhabitants of PasBehays and the Maine.)
(The following is a list of Freer Immigrants collected by The World Bookof Freers as part of Chapter 5, pp 5.1 & 5.2, published by Halbert's Family Heritage, 1997- [*fnna - means f name is not available or readable].)
[Note: There is some redundancy with the sources above.]
Freer Immigrants
Clark, Raymond B., Jr. Frederick County, MD., Naturalizations, 1799-1850. St. Michaels, Maryland: the author, 1974.
James arrived in Maryland in 1820 P. 15.
Coldham, Peter Wilson. English Convicts in Colonial America. New Orleans:Polyanthos,1976 (Vol 2:London..).
Walgrave arrived in Charles Town, South Carolina in 1718. P. 57.
Hasbrouck, Kenneth E. "The Huguenots of New Paltz, NY." De Halve Maen. Vol.36:4 (Jan. 1962),
Hugo arrived in New York in 1675. P. 8.
Nugent, Nell Marion. Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Wrginia Land Patents and Grants. Vol. 2: 1666-1695. Indexed by Claudia B. Grundman. Richmond, VA: Virginia State Library, 1977.
Bridget, age na, arrived in Virginia in 1690. P. 345.
Rasmussen, Louis J. San Francisco Ship Passenger Lists. Coloma, CA: the author, vol. 3, 1967.
L. B. arrived in San Francisco in 1852. P. 148.
"Record of Indentures of Individuals..." Pennsylvania Gerrnan Society Proceedings & Address. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1973.
Martin arrived in Pennsylvania in 1773. P. 302.
Samuelsen, W. David. New York City Passenger List Manifests Index... North Salt Lake, UT: AIS Intn'l., 1986. 290p.
William arrived in New York City in 1824. P. 93.
Tepper, Michael, editor. New World Immigrants: a Consolidation .. Baltimore: Genealogical Publ. Co., Inc. 1979 Vol 1.
Hugo arrived in New York in 1675. P. 200.
United States, Work Projects Admin. Index Naturaliz'n Rec'ds in Arkansas, 1809-1906. Little Rock, Arkansas: U.S.W.P.A., 1942.
Frank arrived in Arkansas in 1872. P. 15.
Index to Records of Aliens' Declarations of Intent. Pennsylvania Historical Commission,1940, vol. 4.
Francis arrived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1799. P. 142.
James arrived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1877. P. 142.
W. Pa. Genealogical Society, compilers. List of Immigrants Who Appl 'd for Nat. Papers... W. Pa. Gene. Soc. 1978,1980 Vol.l 1798-1840;1978.
Francis arrived in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania in 1799. P. 4.
Coldham, Peter Wilson.Bonded Passengers to America. Balt: Gene. Publ. Co., Inc., 1983 Vol 3 London.
Walgrave arrived in Charles Town, South Carolina in 1718. P. 57.
Holcomb, Brent H. South Carolina Naturalizations, 1783-1850. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985. 255p.
Martin arrived in New York City in 1845. P. 149.
Martin arrived in South Carolina in 1850. P. 129.
Kennedy, Ruth S. Naturalization Records for Oakland Cty, Ml, 1827. Birmingham MI: Oakland Cty Genealogical Soc, 1985.
Harry Hall arrived in Michigan in 1874. P. 35.
If you wish more information on the above sources or know of any other
sources or names please forward to Stan Freer
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