Dr. Shirley Thompson -Natural Resources Institute
204‑474‑7170 | s_thompson@umanitoba.ca

Harvesting Hope: In Northern Manitoba Communities Trailer (2:18 minutes)


Lack of Healthy Food In the Midst of Plenty: The Food Security Crisis in Northern Manitoba

In Northern Manitoban the food is twice the price but half of the quality and there are limited healthy food choices available. Currently, with high unemployment and lack of healthy food choices in stores or no stores in the community people are relying mostly on low quality and unhealthy food. These communities were once self sufficient. Families trapped, fished and procured food and medicines from the forest and lakes around them. Rail, air and summer boat access are the only way to access many Northern Manitoba communities. Trips to the grocery store take several days and people need to pay for their transportation, accommodation in addition to their groceries and food supplies.

Northern Healthy Food Initiative (NHFI) Report (*.PDF)

Short Powerpoint on Northern Food Security (*.PDF)

Preliminary report on food security rates (*.DOCX)

Powerpoint on Northern Food Security considering food costing, food security and community development (*.PDF)


Children's Food Insecurity poster : 58% food insecurity rates for Households with Children in 2008-2009

Video Clips

Harvesting Hope: In Northern Manitoba Communities (36:44) [Full Length]

Growing Hope in Northern Manitoba (23 minute educational version)


Trailer of Growing Hope in Northern Manitoba Communities (9 minute)

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