A Midsummer Night's Dream

Shakespeare, William. A Midsummer Night's Dream. The Red Letter Shakespeare. Ed. E. K. Chambers. London: Blackie and Son, 1905.

This is likely a later binding as it is not bound in leatherette: "less sensual materials were used for later binding versions." (Cinamon, 1987, 40). The endpapers and other preliminary pages appear to be Morris designs, as does the decorative initial on the introduction.


Cinamon, Gerald. "Talwin Morris (1865-1911): A Checklist of Works Related to Publishing." The Private Library, 4th Series 3.1 (1990): 37.

Cinamon, Gerald. "Talwin Morris, Blackie and the Glasgow Style." The Private Library, 3rd series 10.1 (1987): 40-41.

Series design illustrated in MacSporran, Fiona. "Talwin Morris." Baseline. 23 (1997): 28.

Another example of this series design is included in the library catalogue of The London Institute - London College of Printing as part of the Talwin Morris collection. The library catalogue record includes a digital image.

Listed in the online Talwin Morris exhibit at SCRAN, with a digital image.

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