Past Events

2015 GASP Interdisciplinary Research Colloquium

Thanks to everybody who showed up and a big thanks to our great presenters!

James Gacek (left), Gayle Halas (Middle), Teresa Looy (Right)

2014 Annual Holiday Party

Thanks to everybody who came out to celebrate the holidays!! Congratulations to Sarah Rigby and Kate Kenyon, winners of this years ugly holiday sweater contest!

Fall 2014 Rapid Fire Research Colloquium

Thanks to everyone who came out for the 2014 Rapid Fire Research Colloquium, and a special thanks to all the presenters, you all did an amazing job!

Congratulations to the winners of our competitive league:

1st place: Ivanna Lukie (School)
Title: Cognitive predictors of children’s emerging mathematical skills

2nd place: Chrissy Chubala (Cognitive)
Title: From Neural Networks to Human Networks: Distributed Learning Across Scales

3rd place: Clove Haviva (Social and Personality)
Title: Meaning, peace, optimism, mastery, gratitude, and social support: Is that all that gods give to health?

2014 beginning of the year Bowling Party

Thanks to everyone who came out and enjoyed a night of bowling!

Spring 2014 Rapid Fire Research Colloquium and Year End Party

Thanks to everyone who came out for the 2014 Rapid Fire Research Colloquium and Year End Party, and a special thanks to all the presenters, you all did an amazing job!

Congratulations to this years winners:

1st place Clove Haviva (Centre)
A statistical surprise: Cluster analysis hides a huge effect.

2nd place Kristin Reynolds (Right)
Just Google It! An Evaluation of the Quality of Websites on Child Anxiety Disorders.

3rd place Yunqiao Wang (Left).
The role of explicit standards in enhancing self-assessment among clinical psychology students

GASP Holiday Party

Thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate the Holidays. It was good to see so many people show up given the cold weather! Congratulations to Sarah McHammond and Brent Tapley, winners of the Ugly Sweater Contest.

GASP Bowling Night

Thanks to everyone who came out to bowl, eat pizza and drink beer... Okay it was mostly for the pizza and beer. Regardless it was good to see so many people show up!

GASP Christmas Party

Thanks to all who attended! Calen White won the ugly sweater contest by no small margin. See photos below. Happy Holidays!



2nd Annual Interdisciplinary Colloquium

Faculty from different areas came to talk about the relevance of psychology in their fields. Good to see so many people there!

Speakers included: Malcolm Doupe (Community Health Sciences), Dr. Fang Wan (Marketing), Dr. Daniela Fazzio (Behavior analyst, Psychology), Dr. Sarvesh Logsetty (General Surgery), Dr. James Young (Department of Computer Science), and Dr. Laura Funk (Sociology). See photots below.

2012 Beginning Of The Year Get-Together

© Graduate Association of Students of Psychology