Students may apply for funding to participate in the conference or to attend the conference. Applications for funding must be submitted to:
Dr. Robert D. Hoppa by August 30th, 2004 at the latest.
All applications will be vetted by a committee and funding decisions announced shortly thereafter.
The following should be kept in mind: Students must provide proof of their status. Those applying for support to present in the workshop must have submitted an abstract and had it accepted. All funding will be reimbursed after receipts have been received by the committee following the workshop.

While final amounts will depend on the number of students applying, the following guidelines are in place: Students who have papers accepted to present will be first eligible for up to $500 reimbursement if travelling by air or $100 if by car from outside of London. Students who wish to attend, but not present at the workshop will then be eligible to submit receipts and receive up to $250 if travelling by air or $50 if travelling by car. Students will need to apply by the specified deadline (above) with estimated total costs for attending and any other sources of income applied for or approved. Applications will be prorated by distance travelled and total travel costs to attend the meetings.