Major Funding:
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Community-University Research Alliance (CURA)
- Manitoba Health
Manitoba Health Research Council (MHRC)
Medical Research Council (MRC)
National Health Research and Development Program (NHRDP)
Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada (SSHRC)
Dr. Chipperfield was either the
principal investigator or a co-investigator on the following grants:
Principal Investigator:
Psychosocial predictors of health and survival in late life. CIHR (2013-18)
The role of control-based belief systems in achievement and well-being. SSHRC (2010-13)
Health, well-being, and vitality in very late life. CIHR (2007-2013)
Psychological and behavioural determinants of healthy aging. CIHR (2005-2006)
Activity level and health in later life. CIHR (2003-2007)
Health and aging. CIHR (2000-2005)
Health and well being in later life. MRC (1996-2001)
Independence and well being among seniors. MHRC (1993-1996)
Aging in Manitoba: A 20-year longitudinal study of elders. NHRDP
Lost in transition: A motivation treatment to counteract disengagement. SSHRC (2012-17)
Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. CIHR (2009-2014)
Building Age-Friendly Communities: Promoting Active Aging. CURA (2007-2012)
A longitudinal analysis of psychosocial determinants of academic
development. SSHRC (2007-2010)
A study of successful aging in Manitoba. SSHRC (2005-2008)
The epidemiology of persistent good health in older adults. CIHR (2005-2007)
Activity and successful aging among the oldest old: A pilot
study. CIHR (200)
Aging in Manitoba, 30 years later: 2001. NHDRP (2000-2005)
Determinants of chronic good health and chronic ill health.
SSHRC (2000-2003)
A multidisciplinary collaborative research initiative for a
longitudinal project on stress, coping, and health. SSHRC (1999-2003)
Aging in Manitoba longitudinal studies, 1996 wave. NHRDP and MH (1996-1999)
Stability and change in self-rated general health status. NHRDP (1998-1999)
Wellness Institute services evaluation research. Manitoba Health (1997-1999)
Understanding the relationship between perceive control,
personal health practices, and health status. NHRDP (1996-1997)