A Practical Example: QUASI Analysis on the GP120 of HIV-1
- Gp120
is a surface
protein of HIV-1. It mediates the entry of HIV-1 into host cells such
as DCs, Lymphs, .....
![HIV paticle](HIV.jpg)
![HIV entry](HIV_entry.gif)
HIV Entry into Host Cell
Hiv particle derived from http://www.stanford.edu/group/virus/retro/2005gongishmail/HIV.html
Hiv entry into
host cell: http://www.hivmedicine.com/textbook/haart/horizon.htm
2. Structure of
HIV-1 gp
120 (Dr. Peter
D.Kwong, etc. 1998. Nature. VoL 393:648-659)
- inner (more
conserved )and outer
domain (variable, contact with CD4,
CCR5/CXCR4 coreceptors)
- Contact sites (gp120
and CD4, coreceptor): LV1,LD, a3,ß15,
QUASI analysis
on gp120
- 6151 gp120 analyzed
- Most of CD4/CD4i binding
sites are conserved, except 423 (CD4i)
and 474 (CD4)
- GPGRAF motif (red
underline) is not conserved contrary to the previous study
- inner domain is not
conserved: lots of positively selected sites in this regions,
suggesting that other cell immune responses involved!