Current Work
under Review or Revision
- Identification and estimation of a first-exposure effect in social programs (with Ryan Godwin and Wayne Simpson)
- COVID-19 Lockdowns and Decline in Traffic Related Deaths and Injuries.
Latest Draft
- Like Father, Like Daughter (Unless There's a Son) : Sibling Sex Composition and Women's STEM Major Choice in College. (with
Ozbeklik) WP VERSION (Princeton)
- How Far to the Jackpot? Access to VLT Gambling and Gambling Behaviours.[revise & resubmit]
in Progress
- Sibling Sex Composition and STEM Major Choice: Evidence from the Middle East (with Safoura Moeeni)
- The Impact of COVID-19 on Food Insecurity in Nigeria (with Ademola Alayande)
- Look Ma, I'm Okay! Intergenerational Transfers of Health (with Julia Witt)
- How Far is Too Far? The Effect of Physician Relocation on Healthcare Utilisation and Health Outcomes. (with Julia Witt)
Recent Grants
- SSHRC, Partership Grant, 2020-2027 Community-Driven Solutions to Poverty: Challenges and Possibilities (PI: John Loxley)
- CIHR, 2020 - 2023. Accelerating Discoveries: The Employment Trajectory of Young Adults with Systemic
Lupus Erythematosus (PI: Lily Lim)
- CIHR, 2014 - 2020. Towards Sustainable Rural Health Care: Combining Physician's Preferences with the Needs of Rural Residence (PI:Julia Witt).
- SSHRC, Partnership Grant, 2012 - 2019. Partnering for Change, Community BasedSolutions for Aboriginal and Inner-city Poverty (with John Loxley(PI), Ian Hudson & Manitoba Research Alliance).
Opinion Pieces
- Lockdowns and Traffic Accidents. IZA World of Labor Link
- Behavioural Responses to Pension Age Increase Do Not Thwart Fiscal Savings Tax and Transfer Policy Institute. (with Cain Polidano and Ha Vu) Link
Journal Articles
- Michael A Golding, Fareha Nishat, Kaitlyn A Merrill, Ramandeep Kaur, Jennifer Stinson, Jennifer LP Protudjer, Roberta L Woodgate, Christine Peschken, Diane Lacaille, Umut Oguzoglo, Zahi Touma, Lily SH Lim (2025) Accepted in Journal of Rheumatology
- Golding, M.A., Nishat, F., Merrill, K.A., Lacaille, D., Oğuzoğlu, U., Protudjer, J.L.P., Woodgate, R.L., Stinson, J.N., Peschken, C., Touma, Z. and Lim, L.S.H. (2025), Lived Employment Experiences of Young Adults With Childhood- and Adult-Onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Multicenter Canadian Qualitative Study. Arthritis Care Res.
- Debbarman, S., Witt, J., Oguzoglu, U. and Urquia, M. L. (2024) “Healthcare costs at the end-of-life among immigrant and non-immigrant groups in Manitoba, Canada”, International Journal of Population Data Science, 9(5). doi: 10.23889/ijpds.v9i5.2619.
- Lim LS, Konstanidis M, Touma Z, et al (2024) Employment trajectory of Canadian young adults with systemic lupus erythematosus Lupus Science & Medicine 2024;11:doi: 10.1136/lupus-2023-lupus21century.44
- Golding MA, Nishat F, Merrill KA, et al (2024) Lived educational experience of young adults with childhood- and adult-onset systemic lupus erythematosus: a multi-center Canadian qualitative study Lupus Science & Medicine 2024;11:doi: 10.1136/lupus-2023-lupus21century.47
- Golding MA, Nishat F, Merrill KA, et al (2024) Doing everything possible to prioritize work: lived work experience of young adults with systemic lupus erythematosus Lupus Science & Medicine 2024;11:doi: 10.1136/lupus-2023-lupus21century.46
- Ebeid, M. and Oguzoglu, U. Health Economics (2023) Short-term Effect of Retirement on Health: Evidence from Nonparametric Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Design
- Sula, O. and Oguzoglu, U. International Reserves and Economic Growth International Review of Economics and Finance, Volume 72, March 2021, 16-28 LINK
- Why Do Past Disabilities Still Haunt the Newly Healthy? Review of Economic Analysis, 12, 2020, 331-344 Link
- Impacts from Delaying Access to Retirement Benefits on Welfare Receipt and Expenditure: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. (with Cain Polidano and Ha
Vu) The Economic Record, vol. 96, No. 312, March, 2020, 65–86
- Health-related Quality of Life and Economic Burden Related to Smoking Behavior Among Canadians (with Yang Cui, Evelyn L Forget, Mahmoud Torabi, Arto Ohinmaa, Yunfa Zhu) Canadian Journal of Public Health, 2019, 110(5), 533-541
- The effects of cigarette price and the amount of pocket money on youth smoking initiation and intensity in Canada. (with Yang Cui, Evelyn L Forget, Yunfa Zhu, Mahmoud Torabi) Canadian Journal of Public Health, 2019, 110:93
- Crime and Establishment Size: Evidence from South America (with
Ashantha Ranasinghe) B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 17(4), 2017 WP
- Disability and Multi-state Labour Force Choices with State Dependence. The Economic Record.
Vol. 92 Issue 296. pp. 28-46. March 2016
- The
Effect of Health and Health Shocks on Hours Worked. Health Economics (2014) Vol.23(5) (with Lixin Cai & Kostas Mavromaras)
- Is there a better measure of self-assessed disability? Applied Economics Letters, vol 19 , pp.1335-1338, 2012.
- Does the Financial Protection of Health Insurance Vary Across Providers? Vietnam's Experience. Social Science & Medicine vol. 73 pp. 559-567, 2011. (with Ardeshir Sepehri and Sisira Sarma)
- Can Dynamic Panels Explain Finance-Growth Link? An Application to Empirical Likelihood. Review of Economic Analysis. vol 3 pp.129-148, 2011.(with Thanasis Stengos)
- Severity of Work Disability and Work. Economic Record, vol.87 (278), pp. 370-383, 2011.
- Dynamics of Work Limitation and Work in Australia. Health Economics, vol. 19(6), pp. 656-669, 2010.
- Retirement in Australia: A Closer Look into Financial Incentives. The Australian Economic Review, vol 43 (4), pp. 357-75, 2010. (with Diana Warren)
- Income Support and Stigma Effects for Young Australians. The Australian Economic Review, vol 40 (4), pp. 369-384, 2007. (with Wang-Sheng Lee)
Book Chapters
- Sustainability and Mission Drift: Do Microfinance Institutions in Vietnam Reach the Poor? (with Sarath Abeysekera & Le Thanh Tam) in Microfinance Institutions: Financial and Social Performance" eds.Roy Mersland and Oystein Strom. Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan. 2014.
Select Discussion Papers
- Well-Being and Ill-Being: A Bivariate Panel Data Analysis IZA Discussion Paper No. 3108 (with Wang-Sheng Lee) LINK
- Dynamics of Disability and Work in Canada IZA Discussion Paper No 6603 LINK
- Fixed Effects Bias in Panel Data Estimators (with Hielke Buddelmeyer, Paul Jensen & Beth Webster) IZA Discussion Paper No 3487 LINK
- Empirical Likelihood Estimation of Dynamic Panel Data Models with Fixed Effects. LINK
Access all of my IZA Discussion Papers
Research Reports
- Oguzoglu, U. VLT Access and Gambling Behaviours in Manitoba (2018), Manitoba Gambling Research Program.
- Oguzoglu, U., and van Zijll de Jong, M. “The Determinants of Wage Progression in Australia” (2008), DEEWR, Government of Australia
- Black, D., Mavromaras, K. and Oguzoglu, U. “Financial and employment outcomes of work related injury and illness in specific groups of workers” (2007) DEEWR, Government of Australia
- Black, D, Mavromaras, K, Oguzoglu, U. and Wilkins R. “Disability and Employment in the Australian Labour Market” (2007) DEEWR, Government of Australia
- Mavromaras, K, Webster, B. and Oguzoglu, U “Skill Shortages and the Absence of Wage Pressures” (2007) DEEWR, Government of Australia
- Black, D., Oguzoglu, U. and Wilkins, R. “Reliance on Income Support in Australia: A Dynamic “Income-Based” Analysis Using Payments’ Administration Data” (2006) DEEWR, Government of Australia
- Heady, B., Oguzoglu, U. and Warren, D. “Mature Age Employment: Who Works, Who Does Not, and Why? Policy Options for Increased Employment” (2006) DEEWR, Government of Australia