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ABI Trace Import Format

Reads in lane data from file produced by ABI's GeneScan. It should work for the ABI 3100 and 3700 capillary machines. GeneScan is a registered tradmark of Perkin-Elmir.

The program will use this feature to read in the trace data from the capillary. This data is then treated exactly the same as the data from a lane on a gel. The program expects color seperation to have been performed on the data as well as peak labelling of the size standard. Normally, these features are all performed by GeneScan.

The following information will be read from the file:

The program will also attempt to determine a name for the run and which capillary tube the sample ran on, although this data is not always found.

The program will display four options for importing the file. They are:

  1. Data Color
  2. Size Standard Color
  3. Size Function to use
  4. Size Standard to use

The program can import either one color, or all of the colors present in the file. One should select the color that contains the data to be analyized.

The size standard color simply specifies which color to use as the size standard. Setting this incorrectly can result in improperly sized data, although in most cases, it will faily in a fairly major way.

The sizing function is used to size the lane. When the gel is displayed by the program, it is dispalyed by size. The sizing function determines how the scan number is converted into a size in base pairs. See the "Lane Sizing Formulas" heading in the Program Featues for more information on sizing functions.

The final parameter is the size standard definition. It is used to tell which of the peaks in the size standard color from the ABI file actually belong to the size standard. For example, the ABI software might call the following peak sizes: 50.0, 56.8, 62.3, 75.0 82.1, ... Only 50.0 and 75.0 are real peaks in the size standard, so only they should be used to size the lane. Size standards can be added or modified by editing the file "standards.cfg" in the program directory. The format of that file is described in the file itself.

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