Welcome to Pebble 1.0 Alpha
Warning, this version of Pebble is an "Alpha" version. Much testing has been done internally, but we cannot guarantee
that the methods presented are 100% correctly implemented. If you find the Pebble application acts suspiciously
please do not hesitate to inform the authors.
Pebble Programmers
Core Developer
- Matthew Goode (email:m.goode@auckland.ac.nz)
- Alexi Drummond
- Peter McClaren
- Greg Ewing
External Libraries Used
The Phylogenetic Applications Library (PAL)
Source and information on the PAL framework is available from http://www.cebl.auckland.ac.nz/pal-project
PAL is used under the lGPL licence.
Informatinon on the lGPL licence is
available from http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
Built using the CEBL Application Framework.