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Generates server cache file for DAS servers or for the DAS registry


Contacts the DAS registry to find DAS servers and writes database definitions for them to a server cache file.


Here is a sample session with cachedas

% cachedas -servername tdas -auto -cachefile ~/.embossdata/qatests.server.dasregistry 

host =
path = /das/sources
port = 80
DAS sources and descriptions

DS_111                         cath                                              
The CATH database annotates PDB  structures with CATH structural domains  as derived from a combination of  automatic and manually methods.
DS_112                         structure                                         
A reference server  for protein  structure  annotations. Serves  3D coordinates of  protein structures.
DS_114                         signalp                                           
SignalP  (  predictions for UniProt.
DS_115                         netphos                                           
NetPhos  (  predictions for UniProt.
DS_118                         prop                                              
ProP  (  predictions for UniProt.
DS_119                         transmem_pred                                     
Membrane protein  annotation. Presenty  This DAS server  contains UNIPROT and  IPI human proteins.  The annotation si  done using 4  different  predictors:  TMHMM2.0, MEMSAT,  ENSEMBLE_1.0 and  PRODIV_TMHMM_0.91
DS_120                         Uniprot 2010_09                                   
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Uniprot 2010_09.
DS_121                         secretomep                                        
SecretomeP  (  predictions for UniProt.
DS_126                         Compara Phenotypes                                
Phenotypes linked through homologues and protein families
DS_129                         Takifugu rubripes 59_4m (all transcripts)         
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Takifugu rubripes 59_4m (all transcripts).
DS_133                         cbs_ptm                                           
Aggregation server for CBS predictions  related to post-translational  modifications of proteins.
DS_134                         cbs_func                                          
Aggregation server for CBS predictions  related to protein function and structure.
DS_146                         ensp_pdb_mapping                                  
If you click on a feature of  this DAS track, SPICE can be launched  from ENSEMBL. - Mapping of ENSP  protein sequences to  protein structures.  Based on the Compara  ENSP - UniProt and  the MSD - UniProt to  PDB mapping.    
DS_150                         s3dm                                              
Small hydrogen  bonded motifs, beta  turn like.
DS_154                         nscsnp deleterious                                
Machine learning  approach used  SWISSPROT variants  annotated as  disease/neutral as  training dataset.  Predictions made on  all ENSEMBL nscSNPs  as to their disease  status   PMID: 16630345
DS_180                         IMGT DAS Sources                                  
Homo sapiens IG and TR genes located using IMGT reference sequences.
DS_181                         snp_hsa/bioinfo.cipf                              
DS_183                         ens_zfish7_enhancer                               
DS_187                         lipop                                             
LipoP  (  vices/LipoP)  predictions for  UniProt.
DS_188                         netnes                                            
NetNES  (  vices/NetNES)  predictions for  UniProt.
DS_190                         ens_zfish7_tilling                                
DS_191                         hsa35pep                                          
A reference and  annotation server  for Ensembl  peptides. Provides exon structure and  SNPs as features
DS_192                         alig_uniprot_ensp                                 
an alignment server that provides alignments between Ensembl peptides (ENSP) and UniProt
DS_193                         ens_35_segdup_washu                               
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_194                         ens_35_segdup_toronto                             
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_195                         ens_35_segdup_wssd                                
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_196                         ens_35_segdup_sanger                              
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_197                         ens_35_segdup_washufilt                           
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_199                         CSA - literature                                  
Catalytic Site Atlas ( literature annotations mapped onto Uniprot.
DS_200                         CSA - extended                                    
Catalytic Site Atlas ( literature annotations extended to putative sites by homology.
DS_210                         SMART                                             
SMART domain  annotations for  Uniprot/Ensembl
DS_212                         FunCUT                                            
FunCUT is a method for  the automatic  annotation of  protein function  based on family  identification.
DS_216                         SAS protein binding                               
Putative protein-protein binding sites by homology with those observed in crystallized protein structures.
DS_217                         SAS ligand binding                                
Putative ligand binding sites by homology with those observed in crystallized protein structures.
DS_218                         SAS DNA binding                                   
Putative protein-DNA binding sites by homology with those observed in crystallized protein structures.
DS_222                         ens_ncbi_35_omimg                                 
OMIM morbidmap data mapped to NCBI35 assembly locations
DS_224                         toronto_poly                                      
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_226                         GENCODE sequences                                 
ENCODE peptide reference server.
DS_227                         GENCODE alignments                                
Local and global gapped alignments with UniProt and UniParc using Exonerate 1.0.
DS_228                         GENCODE Pfam                                      
Putative domains predicted using Pfam HMMs on ENCODE peptides.
DS_229                         GENCODE PDBsum                                    
Structurally derived information from PDBsum mapped by homology to ENCODE peptides (
DS_237                         3D-EM                                             
Reference server for  3D-EM volume maps  data from EMDB.
DS_238                         3D-EM_EMDB                                        
Annotation server  for 3D-EM volume  data. Most textual  data parsed from  EMDB.
DS_239                         3D-EM_Fitting                                     
Alignment server for  fitting experiments  (PDB structures into  3D-EM volumes).
DS_241                         pfam                                              
The Pfam DAS services offers sequence, feature and types capabilities. The features response returns Pfam-A, Pfam-B domains and other features like Active site, transmembrane region, disulfide bridges, coiled coil, signal peptide and low complexity region for the sequences. The sequence database (pfamseq) is the same as the current version of Pfam. It is essentially comprised of Uniprot with artificial chimeric sequences removed.
DS_248                         HGNC                                              
The HGNC (HUGO Gene Nomenclature  Committee) DAS Reference Server serves  up-to-date approved gene symbols and  names for human genes from the latest  HGNC dataset, mapped via Entrez Gene ID.
DS_251                         Ensembl Human Genes                               
The Ensembl human Gene_ID reference source, serving sequences and non-location features.
DS_312                         ens_zfish7_baxendale_est                          
DS_313                         ens_zfish7_carp_est                               
DS_327                         InterPro                                          
InterPro  (, a  database of protein families, domains  and functional sites in which  identifiable features found in known  proteins can be applied to unknown  protein sequences.  This data source   contains all InterPro member database   signature matches to UniProtKB protein   sequences.
DS_334                         GSC_mRNA                                          
Comparison between human and tetraodon  genomes and Genoscope mRNAs sequences  (for details see
DS_335                         ExoFish                                           
Exofish (Exon Finding by Sequences  Homology,  is a genomic tool based on the  assumption that coding regions are more  conserved than non-coding regions  through evolution. Therefore, if it  compare the genomes of two species,  regions of homology should reveal coding  regions. Exofish is performed with  sequences of Tetraodon nigroviridis, and  calibrated to annotate human genome.
DS_337                         viraldas_hiv1_hxb2                                
The ViralDAS Server for HIV-1 is the  first DAS Server for a viral genome. It  was specifically adapted from the  default DAS server type to meet the  requirements posed by a viral genome: in  addition to the genome, transcripts and  proteins which are usually found in  eukaryotic DAS servers, it has been  enhanced to display polyproteins and  their cleaved products.
DS_341                         everest                                           
A positional automatic identification  and clustering of protein domains.
DS_342                         protonet                                          
ProtoNet  (  provides automatic hierarchical  classification of protein sequences  (non-positional protein annotations).
DS_359                         Phobius                                           
Phobius - combined prediction of  transmembrane topology and signal  peptides for Uniprot. or
ENSEMBL_6_BROADD2              Canis_familiaris.BROADD2.prediction_transcript    
Annotation source for Canis_familiaris prediction_transcript
ENSEMBL_6_JGI2                 Ciona_intestinalis.JGI2.prediction_transcript     
Annotation source for Ciona_intestinalis prediction_transcript
ENSEMBL_6_CSAV2.0              Ciona_savignyi.CSAV2.0.prediction_transcript      
Annotation source for Ciona_savignyi prediction_transcript
ENSEMBL_6_TENREC               Echinops_telfairi.TENREC.prediction_transcript    
Annotation source for Echinops_telfairi prediction_transcript
ENSEMBL_6_HEDGEHOG             Erinaceus_europaeus.HEDGEHOG.prediction_transcript
Annotation source for Erinaceus_europaeus prediction_transcript
ENSEMBL_6_CAT                  Felis_catus.CAT.prediction_transcript             
Annotation source for Felis_catus prediction_transcript
ENSEMBL_6_WASHUC2              Gallus_gallus.WASHUC2.prediction_transcript       
Annotation source for Gallus_gallus prediction_transcript
ENSEMBL_6_BROADS1              Gasterosteus_aculeatus.BROADS1.prediction_transcri
Annotation source for Gasterosteus_aculeatus prediction_transcript
ENSEMBL_6_MMUL_1               Macaca_mulatta.MMUL_1.prediction_transcript       
Annotation source for Macaca_mulatta prediction_transcript
ENSEMBL_6_OANA5                Ornithorhynchus_anatinus.OANA5.prediction_transcri
Annotation source for Ornithorhynchus_anatinus prediction_transcript
ENSEMBL_6_CHIMP2.1             Pan_troglodytes.CHIMP2.1.prediction_transcript    
Annotation source for Pan_troglodytes prediction_transcript
ENSEMBL_6_RGSC3.4              Rattus_norvegicus.RGSC3.4.prediction_transcript   
Annotation source for Rattus_norvegicus prediction_transcript
ENSEMBL_6_FUGU4                Takifugu_rubripes.FUGU4.prediction_transcript     
Annotation source for Takifugu_rubripes prediction_transcript
ENSEMBL_6_TREESHREW            Tupaia_belangeri.TREESHREW.prediction_transcript  
Annotation source for Tupaia_belangeri prediction_transcript
DS_401                         PPDB_das                                          
PPDB ( is a  specialized proteome database dedicated  to plant plastids. It is a joint project  between Klaas J. van Wijk Lab and the  Computational Biology Service Unit of  Cornell University. The main objective  is to provide a centralized, curated,  data deposit for predicted and  experimentally determined plastid  proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana and  maize (Zea mays), their annotated  functions, as well as their experimental  and predicted molecular and biophysical  properties. All gene models in the  Arabidopsis nuclear and organellar  genomes as annotated by TAIR, as well as  all maize EST assemblies (ZmGI) and  maize genome sequence assemblies (AZM)  as annotated by TIGR.  The das server of PPDB provide the  peptide sequences that are identified in  each protein sequences.
DS_405                         SNPbox                                            
SNPbox analysis of all Ensembl exons for  homo sapiens
DS_406                         OMA                                               
OMA (Orthology Prediction from ETH Zurich) 
DS_407                         pfamFullAlign                                     
Retrieves the full sequence alignments for a Pfam entry.
DS_408                         pfamSeedAlign                                     
Retrieves the seed sequence alignments for a Pfam entry.
DS_409                         uniprot                                           
DAS 1 reference server for sequence and  features from UniProt. UniProt  (Universal Protein Resource) is the  worlds most comprehensive catalog of  information on proteins. It is a   central repository of protein sequence  and function created by joining the  information contained in Swiss-Prot,  TrEMBL, and PIR. Alternative to the  'aristotle' dsn on the same DAS server.  Note: New version launched on  05/09/2008. Support for keywords(KW) and  comments(CC). Ontologies have also been  introduced into the annotations.
DS_410                         IPI                                               
DAS 1 reference server for sequence and  features from IPI.  IPI provides a top  level guide to the main databases that  describe the proteomes of higher  eukaryotic organisms. IPI: 1.  effectively maintains a database of  cross references between the primary  data sources 2. provides minimally  redundant yet maximally complete sets of  proteins for featured species (one  sequence per transcript) 3. maintains  stable identifiers (with incremental  versioning) to allow the tracking of  sequences in IPI between IPI releases.  IPI is updated monthly in accordance  with the latest data released by the  primary data sources.  Alternative to  the aristotle dsn on the same DAS  server (DS_109)
DS_411                         IPI Tryptic Peptides                              
Theoretical tryptic peptides based upon  a complete and successful digest of the  requested proteins with trypsin.
DS_412                         UniProt GO Annotation                             
The GOA project aims to provide  high-quality Gene Ontology (GO)  annotations to proteins in the UniProt  Knowledgebase (UniProtKB) and  International Protein Index (IPI) and is  a central dataset for other major  multi-species databases; such as Ensembl  and NCBI.
DS_413                         UniProt Tryptic Peptides                          
Theoretical tryptic peptides based upon  a complete and successful digest of the  requested proteins with trypsin.
DS_414                         uniparc                                           
UniProt Archive (UniParc) is part of  UniProt project. It is a non-redundant  archive of protein sequences extracted  from public databases  UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL,  PIR-PSD, EMBL, EMBL WGS, Ensembl, IPI,  PDB, PIR-PSD, RefSeq, FlyBase, WormBase,  H-Invitational Database, TROME database,  European Patent Office proteins, United  States Patent and Trademark Office  proteins (USPTO) and Japan Patent Office  proteins.
DS_415                         RSBP Parts                                        
RSBP Parts
ENSEMBL_6_BROADO5              Monodelphis_domestica.BROADO5.prediction_transcrip
Annotation source for Monodelphis_domestica prediction_transcript
ENSEMBL_6_BUSHBABY1            Otolemur_garnettii.BUSHBABY1.prediction_transcript
Annotation source for Otolemur_garnettii prediction_transcript
ENSEMBL_6_COMMON_SHREW1        Sorex_araneus.COMMON_SHREW1.prediction_transcript 
Annotation source for Sorex_araneus prediction_transcript
ENSEMBL_6_SQUIRREL             Spermophilus_tridecemlineatus.SQUIRREL.prediction_
Annotation source for Spermophilus_tridecemlineatus prediction_transcript
VEGA_3_Cfam_VEGA-clone         Canis_familiaris.VEGA-clone.transcript            
Annotation source (returns clones) for Canis_familiaris transcript
VEGA_4_Cfam_VEGA-clone         Canis_familiaris.VEGA-clone.translation           
Annotation source (returns clones) for Canis_familiaris translation
VEGA_3_Sscr_VEGA-clone         Sus_scrofa.VEGA-clone.transcript                  
Annotation source (returns clones) for Sus_scrofa transcript
VEGA_4_Sscr_VEGA-clone         Sus_scrofa.VEGA-clone.translation                 
Annotation source (returns clones) for Sus_scrofa translation
DS_442                         Cosmic Transcripts                                
Transcripts from Cosmic
DS_443                         Cosmic Transcripts                                
Transcripts from Cosmic mapped to Human NCBI 36
DS_444                         Cosmic Mutations                                  
Mutations from Cosmic
DS_445                         Cosmic Mutations                                  
Mutations from Cosmic mapped to Human NCBI 36
DS_446                         Gene3D-CATH Domain Assigments                     
HMM-based domain predictions derived  from the CATH manually curated  structural domain database.
DS_447                         CATH Structural Domains in UniProt                
Manually curated structural domain  assignments sourced from CATH and the  wwPDB and mapped to UniProt.
DS_448                         Gene3D Protein Families                           
Gene3D provides a clustering of most  sequences in UniProt. Each family is  then further subclustered at 10 sequence  identity levels providing an 11-part code.
DS_449                         SPLIT 4.0 Transmembrane Predictions               
Transmembrane helices as predicted by  the SPLIT 4.0 software (Juretic et al).
DS_490                         HUGO text mining                                  
PubMed text-mining via HUGO symbol
DS_493                         eQTL cis RI fat                                   
Expression Quantitative Trait Loci (cis) for Rattus norvegicus
DS_494                         eQTL cis RI kidney                                
Expression Quantitative Trait Loci (cis) for Rattus norvegicus
DS_495                         eQTL trans RI fat                                 
Expression Quantitative Trait Loci (trans) for Rattus norvegicus
DS_496                         eQTL trans RI kidney                              
Expression Quantitative Trait Loci (trans) for Rattus norvegicus
DS_497                         Sjoblom                                           
Breast and Colon Cancer associated  Mutations   described  by Sjoblom et al. (Science.   2006,314(5797):268-74)
DS_498                         HomoMINT                                          
Persico, M. et al. (2005). HomoMINT:  an inferred human network based on  orthology mapping of protein  interactions discovered in model  organisms. BMC Bioinformatics, 6 Suppl  4:S21.
DS_499                         CCSB-HI1                                          
Rual, J.-F. et al. (2005). Towards a  proteome-scale map of the human  protein-protein interaction network.  Nature, 437(7062):1173-1178.
DS_500                         Sanger                                            
Lehner, B. and Fraser, A. G. (2004). A  first-draft human protein interaction  map. Genome Biol, 5(9):R63.
DS_501                         Sanger-core                                       
Lehner, B. and Fraser, A. G. (2004). A  first-draft human protein interaction  map. Genome Biol, 5(9):R63.
DS_502                         POINT                                             
Huang, T.-W. et al. (2004). POINT: a  database for the prediction of  protein-protein interactions based on  the orthologous interactome.  Bioinformatics, 20(17):3273-3276.
DS_503                         OPHID                                             
Brown, K. R. and Jurisica, I. (2005).  Online predicted human interaction  database. Bioinformatics, 21(9):2076-2082.
DS_504                         MDC                                               
Stelzl, U. et al. (2005). A human  protein-protein interaction network: a  resource for annotating the proteome.  Cell, 122(6):957-968.
DS_505                         HiMAP                                             
Rhodes, D. R. et al. (2005).  Probabilistic model of the human  protein-protein interaction network. Nat  Biotechnol, 23(8):951-959.
DS_506                         HiMAP-core                                        
Rhodes, D. R. et al. (2005).  Probabilistic model of the human  protein-protein interaction network. Nat  Biotechnol, 23(8):951-959.
DS_507                         Bioverse                                          
McDermott, J. et al. (2005). Functional  annotation from predicted protein  interaction networks. Bioinformatics,  21(15):3217-3226.
DS_509                         zTrap                                             
Gene and enhancer trapping in zebrafish
DS_510                         HMMTOP                                            
HMMTOP 2.1 - prediction of transmembrane  helices and topology of proteins.    Written by Gabor E. Tusnady  
DS_511                         PHDhtm                                            
PHDhtm 2.0 - neural-network-based  transmembrane predictor.    Written by Burkhard Rost
DS_513                         toppred                                           
Toppred 1.0 - transmembrane topology  predictor.    Written by Eric Deveaud and Katja  Schuerer, based on an algorithm by  Gunnar von Heijne.
DS_517                         PHDsec                                            
PHDsec 2.0 - neural-network-based  secondary structure predictor. Written  by Burkhard Rost.
DS_518                         PHDacc                                            
PHDacc 2.0 - neural-network-based  solvent accessibility predictor. Written  by Burkhard Rost.
DS_524                         ECARUCA                                           
Registered ECARUCA abberations smaller  than 30Mb
DS_525                         Phosida                                           
Phosida - Phosphorylation Site Database
DS_526                         3did                                              
Stein et al. (2005). 3did: interacting  protein domains of known  three-dimensional structure. Nucleic  Acids Res, 33(Database issue):D413–D417.
DS_527                         interdom                                          
Ng et al. (2003). Integrative approach  for computationally inferring protein  domain interactions. Bioinformatics,  19(8):923–929.
DS_528                         ldsc                                              
Lee et al. (2006). An integrated  approach to the prediction of  domain-domain interactions. BMC  Bioinformatics, 7:269.
DS_529                         ldsc-core                                         
Lee et al. (2006). An integrated  approach to the prediction of  domain-domain interactions. BMC  Bioinformatics, 7:269.
DS_530                         apmm1                                             
Wang et al. (2007). Analysis on  multi-domain cooperation for predicting  protein-protein interactions. BMC  Bioinformactics, 8(1):391
DS_531                         apmm2                                             
Wang et al. (2007). Analysis on  multi-domain cooperation for predicting  protein-protein interactions. BMC  Bioinformactics, 8(1):391
DS_532                         llz                                               
Liu et al. (2005). Inferring  protein-protein interactions through  high-throughput interaction data from  diverse organisms. Bioinformatics,  21(15):3279–3285.
DS_533                         dima-dpea                                         
Pagel et al. (2008). DIMA 2.0–predicted  and known domain interactions. Nucleic  Acids Res, 36, D651–D655.
DS_534                         dima-string                                       
Pagel et al. (2008). DIMA 2.0–predicted  and known domain interactions. Nucleic  Acids Res, 36, D651–D655.
DS_535                         dima-dprof                                        
Pagel et al. (2008). DIMA 2.0–predicted  and known domain interactions. Nucleic  Acids Res, 36, D651–D655.
DS_536                         dpea                                              
Riley et al. (2005). Inferring protein  domain interactions from databases of  interacting proteins. Genome Biol,  6(10):R89.
DS_537                         lp                                                
Guimaraes. et al. (2006). Predicting  domain-domain interactions using a  parsimony approach. Genome Biol, 7(11):R104.
DS_538                         RDFF                                              
Chen et al. (2005). Prediction of  protein-protein interactions using  random decision forest framework.  Bioinformatics, 21(24):4394-400.
DS_539                         rcdp50                                            
Jothi et al. (2006). Co-evolutionary  analysis of domains in interacting  proteins reveals insights into  domain-domain interactions mediating  protein-protein interactions. J Mol  Biol, 362(4):861-75.
DS_540                         tw                                                
Wuchty et al. (2006). Topology and  weights in a protein domain interaction  network-a novel way to predict protein  interactions. BMC Genomcis, 7:122.
DS_541                         FunSimMat 2.1                                     
Schlicker and Albrecht. (2008).  FunSimMat: a comprehensive functional  similarity database. Nucleic Acids Res,  36, D434–D439.
DS_542                         Domain support                                    
Protein interactions that are supported  by underlying domain interactions as  reported in iPfam. 
DS_544                         merops                                            
DS_546                         UCSC Gencode                                      
UCSC Gencode related tracks
DS_548                         novelloci                                         
327 novel gene fragments provided by Mark Diekhans
DS_549                         Gene Expression Atlas                             
European Bioinformatics Institute  (EMBL-EBI) Gene   Expression Atlas. The Gene Expression  Atlas is a   semantically enriched database of  meta-analysis   based summary statistics over a curated  subset of   ArrayExpress Archive, servicing queries for   condition-specific gene expression  patterns as well   as broader exploratory searches for  biologically   interesting genes/samples.
DS_550                         otter manual annotations                          
A DAS source that provides access to the manual annotation data inside the Otter database in NCBI36 coordinates.
DS_553                         translated otter manual annotations               
A DAS source that provides the translations of the manual annotation data inside the Otter database.
DS_557                         ASTD human exons                                  
ASTD exon features grouped into transcripts, offered on human chromosome co-ordinates.
DS_558                         ASTD mouse exons                                  
ASTD exon features grouped into transcripts, offered on mouse chromosome co-ordinates.
DS_559                         ASTD rat exons                                    
ASTD exon features grouped into transcripts, offered on rat chromosome co-ordinates.
DS_560                         ASTD human SNPs                                   
ASTD SNP features, offered on human chromosome co-ordinates.
DS_561                         ASTD mouse SNPs                                   
ASTD SNP features, offered on mouse chromosome co-ordinates.
DS_562                         ASTD rat SNPs                                     
ASTD SNP features, offered on rat chromosome co-ordinates.
DS_564                         PInS                                              
Bordner and Gorin (2008). Comprehensive  inventory of protein complexes in the  Protein Data Bank from consistent  classification of interfaces. BMC  Bioinformatics, 9:234.
DS_566                         GRC region human genome NCBI36                    
Region reported to the Genome Reference Consortium NCBI36
DS_567                         Human miRNAs                                      
A DAS source that provides access to the annotation data of primary transcripts of human miRNAs
DS_568                         Mouse miRNAs                                      
A DAS source that provides access to the annotation data of primary transcripts of mouse miRNAs
DS_569                         Rat miRNAs                                        
A DAS source that provides access to the annotation data of primary transcripts of rat miRNAs
DS_570                         hydra_ptg_p53_p19_M37                             
hydra_ptg_p53_p19_M37 mutations
DS_571                         CONGO                                             
de novo protein-coding exon predictions  based on evolutionary signatures in 18  mammalian genomes (preliminary data, not  for use in production pipelines)
DS_572                         JAX Mouse Data                                    
Mouse Genome Informatics data
DS_579                         Consensus Pseudogenes                             
Pseudogenes where both Yales PseudoPipe and   UCSCs RetroFinder algorithms agree.
DS_580                         otter manual annotations transcript sequences     
A DAS source that provides the transcript sequences of the manual annotation data from the Otter database.
DS_581                         SWISS-MODEL Repository                            
SWISS-MODEL Repository
DS_582                         GNF Tissue Atlas                                  
Rat Tissue Expression data from the Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation.
DS_583                         GAD                                               
Genetic Association Database (diseases)
DS_585                         eQTL Sanger                                       
Expression Quantitative Trait Loci from the Sanger Institute
DS_586                         MeDIP-chip B-cells                                
DNA methylation landscape for B-cells, assayed using methyl DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP), a Nimblegen oligonucleotide array and Bayesian Tool for Methylation Analysis (Batman).
DS_587                         MeDIP-chip CD4 T-cells                            
DNA methylation landscape for CD4 T-cells, assayed using methyl DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP), a Nimblegen oligonucleotide array and Bayesian Tool for Methylation Analysis (Batman).
DS_588                         MeDIP-chip CD8 T-cells                            
DNA methylation landscape for CD8 T-cells, assayed using methyl DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP), a Nimblegen oligonucleotide array and Bayesian Tool for Methylation Analysis (Batman).
DS_589                         MeDIP-chip Cervix                                 
DNA methylation landscape for Cervix, assayed using methyl DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP), a Nimblegen oligonucleotide array and Bayesian Tool for Methylation Analysis (Batman).
DS_590                         MeDIP-chip Colon                                  
DNA methylation landscape for Colon, assayed using methyl DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP), a Nimblegen oligonucleotide array and Bayesian Tool for Methylation Analysis (Batman).
DS_591                         MeDIP-chip GM06990                                
DNA methylation landscape for GM06990, assayed using methyl DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP), a Nimblegen oligonucleotide array and Bayesian Tool for Methylation Analysis (Batman).
DS_592                         MeDIP-chip Liver                                  
DNA methylation landscape for Liver, assayed using methyl DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP), a Nimblegen oligonucleotide array and Bayesian Tool for Methylation Analysis (Batman).
DS_593                         MeDIP-chip Lung                                   
DNA methylation landscape for Lung, assayed using methyl DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP), a Nimblegen oligonucleotide array and Bayesian Tool for Methylation Analysis (Batman).
DS_594                         MeDIP-chip Pancreas                               
DNA methylation landscape for Pancreas, assayed using methyl DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP), a Nimblegen oligonucleotide array and Bayesian Tool for Methylation Analysis (Batman).
DS_595                         MeDIP-chip Placenta                               
DNA methylation landscape for Placenta, assayed using methyl DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP), a Nimblegen oligonucleotide array and Bayesian Tool for Methylation Analysis (Batman).
DS_596                         MeDIP-chip Prostate                               
DNA methylation landscape for Prostate, assayed using methyl DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP), a Nimblegen oligonucleotide array and Bayesian Tool for Methylation Analysis (Batman).
DS_597                         MeDIP-chip Rectum                                 
DNA methylation landscape for Rectum, assayed using methyl DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP), a Nimblegen oligonucleotide array and Bayesian Tool for Methylation Analysis (Batman).
DS_598                         MeDIP-chip Skeletal Muscle                        
DNA methylation landscape for Skeletal Muscle, assayed using methyl DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP), a Nimblegen oligonucleotide array and Bayesian Tool for Methylation Analysis (Batman).
DS_599                         MeDIP-chip Sperm                                  
DNA methylation landscape for Sperm, assayed using methyl DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP), a Nimblegen oligonucleotide array and Bayesian Tool for Methylation Analysis (Batman).
DS_600                         MeDIP-chip Uterus                                 
DNA methylation landscape for Uterus, assayed using methyl DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP), a Nimblegen oligonucleotide array and Bayesian Tool for Methylation Analysis (Batman).
DS_601                         MeDIP-chip Whole Blood                            
DNA methylation landscape for Whole Blood, assayed using methyl DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP), a Nimblegen oligonucleotide array and Bayesian Tool for Methylation Analysis (Batman).
ENSEMBL_6_Btau_4.0             Bos_taurus.Btau_4.0.prediction_transcript         
Annotation source for Bos_taurus prediction_transcript
ENSEMBL_6_EquCab2              Equus_caballus.EquCab2.prediction_transcript      
Annotation source for Equus_caballus prediction_transcript
ENSEMBL_6_micMur1              Microcebus_murinus.micMur1.prediction_transcript  
Annotation source for Microcebus_murinus prediction_transcript
ENSEMBL_6_pika                 Ochotona_princeps.pika.prediction_transcript      
Annotation source for Ochotona_princeps prediction_transcript
ENSEMBL_6_TETRAODON8           Tetraodon_nigroviridis.TETRAODON8.prediction_trans
Annotation source for Tetraodon_nigroviridis prediction_transcript
DS_634                         BM_hydrophobicity                                 
A hydrophobicity plot using the  Black-Mould algorithm (Black, S.D. and  Mould, D.R. 1991. Anal. Biochem. 193, 72-82)
DS_635                         KD_hydrophobicity                                 
A hydrophobicity plot using the  Kyte-Doolittle algorithm (Kyte, J,  Doolittle, RF. 1982. J Mol Biol  157:105-132).
ENSEMBL_6_cavPor3              Cavia_porcellus.cavPor3.prediction_transcript     
Annotation source for Cavia_porcellus prediction_transcript
ENSEMBL_6_dipOrd1              Dipodomys_ordii.dipOrd1.prediction_transcript     
Annotation source for Dipodomys_ordii prediction_transcript
ENSEMBL_6_proCap1              Procavia_capensis.proCap1.prediction_transcript   
Annotation source for Procavia_capensis prediction_transcript
ENSEMBL_6_pteVam1              Pteropus_vampyrus.pteVam1.prediction_transcript   
Annotation source for Pteropus_vampyrus prediction_transcript
ENSEMBL_6_tarSyr1              Tarsius_syrichta.tarSyr1.prediction_transcript    
Annotation source for Tarsius_syrichta prediction_transcript
ENSEMBL_6_turTru1              Tursiops_truncatus.turTru1.prediction_transcript  
Annotation source for Tursiops_truncatus prediction_transcript
ENSEMBL_6_vicPac1              Vicugna_pacos.vicPac1.prediction_transcript       
Annotation source for Vicugna_pacos prediction_transcript
DS_667                         hs36_clone                                        
Cloneset information from a NCBI36 assembly based Ensembl
DS_668                         8k_dkfz                                           
BAC array provided from Bernhard Radlwimmer and Peter Lichter from the DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany (Anna Obenauf ticket 28160)
DS_669                         affy100k                                          
Affymetrix 100k (NCBI36)
DS_670                         affy10k                                           
Affymetrix 10k (NCBI36)
DS_671                         affy250_nsp                                       
DS_672                         affy500k                                          
Affymetrix 500k (NCBI36)
DS_674                         agilent_105a                                      
Agilent Human Genome CGH Microarray 105A (NCBI36)
DS_675                         agilent_human244                                  
DS_676                         agilent_human44B                                  
DS_678                         agilent_human44A                                  
DS_679                         agilent_human185                                  
DS_683                         BG_cytochip_v1_1                                  
DS_684                         BG_cytochip_v2_0                                  
Bluegnome Provided by BlueGnome contact, David Chrimes - ticket 45502 Thu Sep 27 2007
DS_686                         Eichler_36                                        
Eichler cloneset( Oxford sent by Regina Regan (15/05/07)) mapped to NCBI 36
DS_692                         ngrl_agilent                                      
Oligo array based on the Agilent 44b cloneset specific to the Wessex group (from Shuwen.Huang@salisbury)
DS_693                         nimblegen_hg18_wg                                 
Nimblegen Whole Genome (NCBI36)
DS_694                         spectral36                                        
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_697                         ens_36_30k                                        
WTSI TPA (NCBI36 based on file:HuTP_IMF_NCBI36_02Feb07.cfg )
DS_698                         ens_36_omimg                                      
OMIM morbidmap data mapped to NCBI36 assembly locations
DS_699                         ens_36_omim_genes                                 
OMIM genes mapped to NCBI 36
DS_700                         hgnc36                                            
HGNC mappings Mapping data from  HUGO
DS_703                         WGTP_regions_36                                   
WGTP regions (redon et al) mapped to NCBI 36
DS_704                         Cosmic_Protein_Mutation                           
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_708                         Integr8 mRNA                                      
The Integr8 mRNA data source describes  the coverage of protein sequences from  the non-redundant sets available through  Integr8 for each complete proteome by  experimentally determined mRNA sequence. 
DS_709                         Rfam                                              
DS_710                         Community Annotation                              
Annotations for regions in the zebrafish assembly Zv8 as reported by the community
DS_717                         CytoChip v3                                       
CytoChip version 3 is a BAC based microarray designed for the investigation of genomic copy number imbalance associated with constitutional cytogenetic disorders. Please contact for further information or with any questions.
DS_719                         NIDB Rat CNVs                                     
Rat Copy Number Variations, supplied by the Netherlands Institute for Developmental Biology.
DS_721                         MeDIP-seq Sperm                                   
DNA methylation landscape for Sperm, assayed using methyl DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP), Illumina Genome Analyzer sequencing and Bayesian Tool for Methylation Analysis (Batman).
DS_722                         EMMA                                              
European Mouse Mutant Archive (EMMA)
DS_723                         CHORI29 clones                                    
CHORI-29 NOD BAC Library, mapped to the NCBIM37 mouse assembly. The NOD/ShiLtJ mouse BAC library end-sequences have been mapped to the NCBIM37 mouse assembly using SSAHA alignment of the reads.
DS_724                         DIL NOD clones                                    
DIL NOD BAC Library, mapped to the NCBIM37 mouse assembly. The NOD/MrkTac mouse BAC library end-sequences have been mapped to the NCBIM37 mouse assembly using SSAHA alignment of the reads.
DS_761                         Ancora: Human-Zebrafish HCNEs                     
Human non-exonic genomic regions  conserved in the zebrafish (Danio rerio)  genome. Minimum 70% identity over 50  alignment columns. More sources are  available at
DS_762                         Gene3D-CATH Domain Assignments to Ensembl         
CATH structural domains identified in  Ensembl genomes using HMMs. Matches  provided by Gene3D.
DS_763                         VectorBase Expression                             
Simple summaries of microarray-based  gene expression from VectorBase
DS_764                         Exome Full Set                                    
Full coverage exome coordinates set
DS_765                         ens_m37_129AB22                                   
129S7/AB2.2 Clones
DS_766                         GO literature                                     
Gene Ontology (GO) annotations to  proteins in the UniProt Knowledgebase  (UniProtKB) generated from literature
DS_767                         disease literature                                
Associated diseases for proteins in  the UniProt Knowledgebase (UniProtKB)  generated from literature
DS_769                         Bgee                                              
Bgee is a database to retrieve and  compare gene expression patterns between  animal species.
DS_770                         Prosite Full Alignments                           
Retrieve the full sequence alignments  for a PROSITE entry
DS_771                         EMAGE                                             
Mouse Embryo Spatial-Temporal In-Situ  Gene Expression Resource
DS_772                         Vega genes                                        
Mapping of Vega genes to Ensembl
DS_773                         Vega genes                                        
Mapping of Vega genes to Ensembl
DS_774                         GRC region for Mouse assembly NCBIM_37            
Region reported to the Genome Reference Consortium
DS_775                         GRC region NCBI_37                                
Region reported to the Genome Reference Consortium GRCh37
DS_817                         Prosite Features (matches)                        
The Prosite Feature DAS service provides  features (Prosite matches, including  level -1 not shown in UniProtKB. n.b.  prosite rule derived sub-features are  not shown. n.b. to get all features of a  UniProtKB entry use the UniProtKB DAS  service), sequence and type capabilities.
DS_818                         Zv_8 ZF-MODELS CLGY_Enhancer_Detection            
A DAS source that provides the insertions from the ZF-MODELS enhancer detection mutagenesis mapped to Zv_8
VEGA_3_Ggor_VEGA-clone         Gorilla_gorilla.VEGA-clone.transcript             
Annotation source (returns clones) for Gorilla_gorilla transcript
VEGA_4_Ggor_VEGA-clone         Gorilla_gorilla.VEGA-clone.translation            
Annotation source (returns clones) for Gorilla_gorilla translation
VEGA_3_Meug_VEGA-clone         Macropus_eugenii.VEGA-clone.transcript            
Annotation source (returns clones) for Macropus_eugenii transcript
VEGA_4_Meug_VEGA-clone         Macropus_eugenii.VEGA-clone.translation           
Annotation source (returns clones) for Macropus_eugenii translation
DS_823                         IntOGen                                           
IntOGen is a resource that integrates  multidimensional OncoGenomics Data for  the identification of genes involved in  development of different cancer types.
DS_824                         Ensembl genes                                     
Mapping of Ensembl genes to Vega
DS_825                         MGP_129P2_SNPs                                    
Mouse Genomes Project coding SNPs for strain 129P2; non-synonymous SNPs are in yellow, synonymous are in green.
DS_826                         MGP_129S1_SvImJ_SNPs                              
Mouse Genomes Project coding SNPs for strain 129S1/SvImJ; non-synonymous SNPs are in yellow, synonymous are in green.
DS_827                         MGP_A_J_SNPs                                      
Mouse Genomes Project coding SNPs for strain A/J; non-synonymous SNPs are in yellow, synonymous are in green.
DS_828                         MGP_AKR_J_SNPs                                    
Mouse Genomes Project coding SNPs for strain AKR/J; non-synonymous SNPs are in yellow, synonymous are in green.
DS_829                         MGP_BALB_cJ_SNPs                                  
Mouse Genomes Project coding SNPs for strain BALB/cJ; non-synonymous SNPs are in yellow, synonymous are in green.
DS_830                         MGP_C3H_HeJ_SNPs                                  
Mouse Genomes Project coding SNPs for strain C3H/HeJ; non-synonymous SNPs are in yellow, synonymous are in green.
DS_831                         MGP_C57BL_6NJ_SNPs                                
Mouse Genomes Project coding SNPs for strain C57BL/6NJ; non-synonymous SNPs are in yellow, synonymous are in green.
DS_832                         MGP_CAST_EiJ_SNPs                                 
Mouse Genomes Project coding SNPs for strain CAST/EiJ; non-synonymous SNPs are in yellow, synonymous are in green.
DS_833                         MGP_CBA_J_SNPs                                    
Mouse Genomes Project coding SNPs for strain CBA/J; non-synonymous SNPs are in yellow, synonymous are in green.
DS_834                         MGP_DBA_2J_SNPs                                   
Mouse Genomes Project coding SNPs for strain DBA/2J; non-synonymous SNPs are in yellow, synonymous are in green.
DS_835                         MGP_LP_J_SNPs                                     
Mouse Genomes Project coding SNPs for strain LP/J; non-synonymous SNPs are in yellow, synonymous are in green.
DS_836                         MGP_NOD_ShiLtJ_SNPs                               
Mouse Genomes Project coding SNPs for strain NOD/ShiLtJ; non-synonymous SNPs are in yellow, synonymous are in green.
DS_837                         MGP_NZO_HiLtJ_SNPs                                
Mouse Genomes Project coding SNPs for strain NZO/HiLtJ; non-synonymous SNPs are in yellow, synonymous are in green.
DS_838                         MGP_PWK_PhJ_SNPs                                  
Mouse Genomes Project coding SNPs for strain PWK/PhJ; non-synonymous SNPs are in yellow, synonymous are in green.
DS_839                         MGP_Spretus_EiJ_SNPs                              
Mouse Genomes Project coding SNPs for strain Spretus/EiJ; non-synonymous SNPs are in yellow, synonymous are in green.
DS_840                         MGP_WSB_EiJ_SNPs                                  
Mouse Genomes Project coding SNPs for strain WSB/EiJ; non-synonymous SNPs are in yellow, synonymous are in green.
DS_857                         RNASeq An. gambiae (Gibbons et al.)               
This DAS source is the result of the  alignments of Solexa reads from a  next-generation sequencing study of the  transcriptome by Gibbons and colleagues  (doi:10.1093/molbev/msp188) focusing on  Anopheles and Aedes. This DAS source  returns the density of aligned reads per  base.
DS_858                         RNASeq Ae. aegypti (Gibbons et al.)               
This DAS source is the result of the  alignments of Solexa reads from a  next-generation sequencing study of the  transcriptome by Gibbons and colleagues  (doi:10.1093/molbev/msp188) focusing on  Anopheles and Aedes. This DAS source  returns the density of aligned reads per  base.  
DS_859                         FireDB                                            
Functionally important residues from  proteins with known structure
DS_860                         PDB Chain Features                                
Annotations that are provided for PDB  chains.
DS_861                         pdb_uniprot_sifts_mapping                         
Provides the alignment between UniProtKB  and PDB, derived from the PDBe - SIFTS  mappings.
DS_863                         go_hsa/bioinfo.cipf                               
DS_864                         SNPedia                                           
DAS source mirroring data from SNPedia. SNPedia is a wiki investigating human genetics. We share information about the effects of variations in DNA, citing peer-reviewed scientific publications. It is used by Promethease to analyze and help explain your DNA.
DS_865                         Cosmic Mutations in COLO-829                      
All genomic mutations in cellline COLO-829 from Cosmic
DS_866                         cbs_sort                                          
The combined result af the signalp,  secretomep, targetp, netnes & lipop  server for the given id
DS_867                         cbs_total                                         
The combined result of all of CBS DAS  servers on the requested id
DS_868                         netacet                                           
NetAcet 1.0 server predicts substrates  of N-acetyltransferase A (NatA) on yeast.
DS_869                         netnglyc                                          
The NetNglyc server predicts  N-Glycosylation sites in human protein
DS_870                         netoglyc                                          
The NetOglyc server produces neural  network predictions of mucin type GalNAc  O-glycosylation sites in mammalian proteins
DS_871                         targetp                                           
TargetP predicts the subcellular  location of eukaryotic proteins
DS_872                         tmhmm                                             
Prediction of transmembrane helices in  proteins
DS_873                         ens_m37_bacmap                                    
BAC Clones (RP23/24 libraries) DAS Source For M37 C57BL/6J Mouse Assembly:  End read sequences have been mapped to the M37 Mouse assembly using SSAHA. Clones positioned by appropriate read end pairs are indictated by black rectangles.  Fingerprinting maps allow the positioning of extra clones (using map2gp). These are indicated by gold rectangles with black outlines. These may be associated (depicted with horizontal line) with single SSAHA mapped read ends (which are depicted as narrower black rectangles).
DS_876                         Test 1.6 sources                                  
Test for DAS 1.6 sources
DS_877                         Cosmic Mutations in NCI-H209                      
All genomic mutations in cellline NCI-H209 from Cosmic
DS_918                         Gasterosteus aculeatus 59_1l (all transcripts)    
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Gasterosteus aculeatus 59_1l (all transcripts).
DS_919                         Gallus gallus 59_2o (all transcripts)             
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Gallus gallus 59_2o (all transcripts).
DS_920                         Macaca mulatta 59_10n (all transcripts)           
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Macaca mulatta 59_10n (all transcripts).
DS_921                         Pongo pygmaeus 59_1e (all transcripts)            
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Pongo pygmaeus 59_1e (all transcripts).
DS_922                         Loxodonta africana 59_3b (all transcripts)        
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Loxodonta africana 59_3b (all transcripts).
DS_923                         Dasypus novemcinctus 59_2c (all transcripts)      
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Dasypus novemcinctus 59_2c (all transcripts).
DS_924                         Tursiops truncatus 59_1e (all transcripts)        
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Tursiops truncatus 59_1e (all transcripts).
DS_925                         Sus scrofa 59_9c (all transcripts)                
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Sus scrofa 59_9c (all transcripts).
DS_926                         Ornithorhynchus anatinus 59_1m (all transcripts)  
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Ornithorhynchus anatinus 59_1m (all transcripts).
DS_927                         Monodelphis domestica 59_5k (all transcripts)     
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Monodelphis domestica 59_5k (all transcripts).
DS_928                         Aedes aegypti 55 (all transcripts)                
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Aedes aegypti 55 (all transcripts).
DS_929                         Ochotona princeps 59_1e (all transcripts)         
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Ochotona princeps 59_1e (all transcripts).
DS_930                         Drosophila melanogaster 59_525a (all transcripts) 
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Drosophila melanogaster 59_525a (all transcripts).
DS_931                         Echinops telfairi 59_1i (all transcripts)         
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Echinops telfairi 59_1i (all transcripts).
DS_932                         Erinaceus europaeus 59_1g (all transcripts)       
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Erinaceus europaeus 59_1g (all transcripts).
DS_933                         Tetraodon nigroviridis 59_8d (all transcripts)    
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Tetraodon nigroviridis 59_8d (all transcripts).
DS_934                         Myotis lucifugus 59_1i (all transcripts)          
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Myotis lucifugus 59_1i (all transcripts).
DS_935                         Tupaia belangeri 59_1h (all transcripts)          
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Tupaia belangeri 59_1h (all transcripts).
DS_936                         Dipodomys ordii 59_1e (all transcripts)           
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Dipodomys ordii 59_1e (all transcripts).
DS_937                         Tarsius syrichta 59_1e (all transcripts)          
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Tarsius syrichta 59_1e (all transcripts).
DS_938                         Equus caballus 59_2f (all transcripts)            
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Equus caballus 59_2f (all transcripts).
DS_939                         Felis catus 59_1h (all transcripts)               
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Felis catus 59_1h (all transcripts).
DS_940                         Gorilla gorilla 59_3b (all transcripts)           
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Gorilla gorilla 59_3b (all transcripts).
DS_941                         Anopheles gambiae 49_3j (all transcripts)         
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Anopheles gambiae 49_3j (all transcripts).
DS_942                         Pteropus vampyrus 59_1e (all transcripts)         
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Pteropus vampyrus 59_1e (all transcripts).
DS_943                         Saccharomyces cerevisiae 59_2a (all transcripts)  
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Saccharomyces cerevisiae 59_2a (all transcripts).
DS_944                         Microcebus murinus 59_1d (all transcripts)        
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Microcebus murinus 59_1d (all transcripts).
DS_945                         Mus musculus 59 (all transcripts)                 
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Mus musculus 59 (all transcripts).
DS_946                         Procavia capensis 59_1e (all transcripts)         
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Procavia capensis 59_1e (all transcripts).
DS_947                         Oryctolagus cuniculus 59_2b (all transcripts)     
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Oryctolagus cuniculus 59_2b (all transcripts).
DS_948                         Oryzias latipes 59_1k (all transcripts)           
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Oryzias latipes 59_1k (all transcripts).
DS_949                         Rattus norvegicus 59_34a (all transcripts)        
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Rattus norvegicus 59_34a (all transcripts).
DS_950                         Otolemur garnettii 59_1g (all transcripts)        
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Otolemur garnettii 59_1g (all transcripts).
DS_951                         Ciona intestinalis 59_2o (all transcripts)        
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Ciona intestinalis 59_2o (all transcripts).
DS_952                         Bos taurus 59_4h (all transcripts)                
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Bos taurus 59_4h (all transcripts).
DS_953                         Macropus eugenii 59_1b (all transcripts)          
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Macropus eugenii 59_1b (all transcripts).
DS_954                         Sorex araneus 59_1g (all transcripts)             
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Sorex araneus 59_1g (all transcripts).
DS_955                         Pan troglodytes 59_21n (all transcripts)          
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Pan troglodytes 59_21n (all transcripts).
DS_956                         Danio rerio 59_8e (all transcripts)               
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Danio rerio 59_8e (all transcripts).
DS_957                         Ciona savignyi 59_2j (all transcripts)            
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Ciona savignyi 59_2j (all transcripts).
DS_958                         Spermophilus tridecemlineatus 59_1i (all transcrip
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Spermophilus tridecemlineatus 59_1i (all transcripts).
DS_960                         Callithrix jacchus 59_321a (all transcripts)      
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Callithrix jacchus 59_321a (all transcripts).
DS_961                         Cavia porcellus 59_3c (all transcripts)           
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Cavia porcellus 59_3c (all transcripts).
DS_962                         Canis familiaris 59_2o (all transcripts)          
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Canis familiaris 59_2o (all transcripts).
DS_963                         Caenorhabditis elegans 59_210a (all transcripts)  
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Caenorhabditis elegans 59_210a (all transcripts).
DS_964                         Vicugna pacos 59_1e (all transcripts)             
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Vicugna pacos 59_1e (all transcripts).
DS_965                         Xenopus tropicalis 59_41p (all transcripts)       
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Xenopus tropicalis 59_41p (all transcripts).
DS_966                         Homo sapiens 59_37d (all transcripts)             
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Homo sapiens 59_37d (all transcripts).
DS_967                         Anolis carolinensis 59_1c (all transcripts)       
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Anolis carolinensis 59_1c (all transcripts).
DS_1028                        InterPro-Matches-Overview                         
Shows the maximum extent of the matches   from all signatures that are integrated   into a single InterPro entry against   UniProtKB protein sequences (i.e. if an   InterPro entry contains 2 signatures, A   and B, and both of these match a   protein, A between residue 3 and 125 and   B between residue 5 and 127, the   overview supermatch of these   signatures is between 3 and 127).
DS_1029                        InterPro-UniParc-matches                          
Contains all InterPro member database   signature matches to all UniParc protein   sequences.
ENSEMBL_4_GRCh37               Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.translation                   
Annotation source for Homo_sapiens translation
DS_1254                        PeptideAtlas Mouse                                
Information exported from PeptideAtlas   Mouse build.
DS_1255                        PeptideAtlas Human                                
Information exported from PeptideAtlas   Human build.
DS_1256                        PeptideAtlas Drosophila                           
Peptides information exported from   PeptideAtlas Drosophila build.
DS_1257                        PeptideAtlas Yeast                                
Peptides from the PeptideAtlas Yeast    build 
DS_1258                        PeptideAtlas Yeast MRM                            
Peptides from the PeptideAtlas Yeast   MRM PeptideAtlas build 
DS_1259                        PeptideAtlas Human Plasma                         
Peptides from the PeptideAtlas Human   Plasma build
DS_1260                        PeptideAtlas Human Urine                          
Peptides from the PeptideAtlas Human   Urine build 
DS_1261                        PeptideAtlas Mouse Plasma                         
Peptides from the PeptideAtlas Mouse   Plasma build  
DS_1262                        Meleagris gallopavo 57_2 (all transcripts)        
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Meleagris gallopavo 57_2 (all transcripts).
DS_1263                        Taeniopygia guttata 59_1e (all transcripts)       
SUPERFAMILY domain annotation for Taeniopygia guttata 59_1e (all transcripts).
DS_1289                        PhenCode                                          
PhenCode connects human phenotype and  clinical data in various locus-specific  mutation databases (LSDBs) with data on  genome sequences, evolutionary history,  and function in genome browsers.
DS_1290                        ArkDB Chick Markers                               
ePCR mapping of Chicken Markers found at on to the WASHUC_2  assembly 
DS_1291                        ArkBD Pig Markers                                 
ePCR mappings of pig markers found at on to the Sscrofa9  Pig genome assembly
DS_1292                        ArkDB Cow Markers                                 
ePCR mappings of cow markers found at on to the cow  btau4.0 genome assembly
DS_1293                        ArkDB Turkey Markers                              
ePCR mappings of turkey markers found at on to the turkey  UMD2 genome assembly
DS_1294                        Anopheles albimanus ESTs                          
Around 3200 ESTs/EST clusters from  Anopheles albimanus have been aligned to  the AgamP3 genome assembly (Anopheles  gambiae).
DS_1295                        Mass spec. proteomics (JHU II)                    
We carried out a comprehensive mass  spectrometry analysis of midgut,  salivary gland and ovary of adult female  mosquito using LTQ Orbitrap XL ETD high  resolution mass spectrometer. We  analyzed the mass spectrometry derived  data in Mascot search algorithm using  six frame translation of genome and  protein database of Anopheles, Aedes and  Drosophila. We identified novel genes,  corrected and validated gene annotations  of Anopheles gambiae.
DS_1296                        "NextGen" Expression                              
Interim handling of 
VEGA_7_Cfam_VEGA               Canis_familiaris.VEGA.prediction_transcript       
Annotation source for Canis_familiaris prediction_transcript
VEGA_1_Cfam_VEGA               Canis_familiaris.VEGA.reference                   
Canis_familiaris Reference server based on VEGA assembly. Contains 1 top level entries.
VEGA_3_Cfam_VEGA               Canis_familiaris.VEGA.transcript                  
Annotation source for Canis_familiaris transcript
VEGA_4_Cfam_VEGA               Canis_familiaris.VEGA.translation                 
Annotation source for Canis_familiaris translation
VEGA_7_Ggor_VEGA               Gorilla_gorilla.VEGA.prediction_transcript        
Annotation source for Gorilla_gorilla prediction_transcript
VEGA_1_Ggor_VEGA               Gorilla_gorilla.VEGA.reference                    
Gorilla_gorilla Reference server based on VEGA assembly. Contains 2 top level entries.
VEGA_3_Ggor_VEGA               Gorilla_gorilla.VEGA.transcript                   
Annotation source for Gorilla_gorilla transcript
VEGA_4_Ggor_VEGA               Gorilla_gorilla.VEGA.translation                  
Annotation source for Gorilla_gorilla translation
VEGA_7_Meug_VEGA               Macropus_eugenii.VEGA.prediction_transcript       
Annotation source for Macropus_eugenii prediction_transcript
VEGA_1_Meug_VEGA               Macropus_eugenii.VEGA.reference                   
Macropus_eugenii Reference server based on VEGA assembly. Contains 1 top level entries.
VEGA_3_Meug_VEGA               Macropus_eugenii.VEGA.transcript                  
Annotation source for Macropus_eugenii transcript
VEGA_4_Meug_VEGA               Macropus_eugenii.VEGA.translation                 
Annotation source for Macropus_eugenii translation
VEGA_2_Sscr_VEGA               Sus_scrofa.VEGA.karyotype                         
Annotation source for Sus_scrofa karyotype
VEGA_7_Sscr_VEGA               Sus_scrofa.VEGA.prediction_transcript             
Annotation source for Sus_scrofa prediction_transcript
VEGA_1_Sscr_VEGA               Sus_scrofa.VEGA.reference                         
Sus_scrofa Reference server based on VEGA assembly. Contains 3 top level entries.
VEGA_3_Sscr_VEGA               Sus_scrofa.VEGA.transcript                        
Annotation source for Sus_scrofa transcript
VEGA_4_Sscr_VEGA               Sus_scrofa.VEGA.translation                       
Annotation source for Sus_scrofa translation
UCSC_hg19                      hg19                                              
Human Feb. 2009 (GRCh37/hg19) Genome at UCSC Note: this source should be used with a type filter on the end of a features request e.g. &type=bacEndPairs&type=ensGene
UCSC_hg18                      hg18                                              
Human Mar. 2006 (NCBI36/hg18) Genome at UCSC Note: this source should be used with a type filter on the end of a features request e.g. &type=bacEndPairs&type=ensGene
UCSC_hg17                      hg17                                              
Human May 2004 (NCBI35/hg17) Genome at UCSC Note: this source should be used with a type filter on the end of a features request e.g. &type=bacEndPairs&type=ensGene
UCSC_hg16                      hg16                                              
Human July 2003 (NCBI34/hg16) Genome at UCSC Note: this source should be used with a type filter on the end of a features request e.g. &type=bacEndPairs&type=ensGene
UCSC_mm9                       mm9                                               
Mouse July 2007 (NCBI37/mm9) Genome at UCSC Note: this source should be used with a type filter on the end of a features request e.g. &type=bacEndPairs&type=ensGene
UCSC_mm8                       mm8                                               
Mouse Feb. 2006 (NCBI36/mm8) Genome at UCSC Note: this source should be used with a type filter on the end of a features request e.g. &type=bacEndPairs&type=ensGene
UCSC_mm7                       mm7                                               
Mouse Aug. 2005 (NCBI35/mm7) Genome at UCSC Note: this source should be used with a type filter on the end of a features request e.g. &type=bacEndPairs&type=ensGene
UCSC_cavPor3                   cavPor3                                           
Guinea pig Feb. 2008 (Broad/cavPor3) Genome at UCSC Note: this source should be used with a type filter on the end of a features request e.g. &type=bacEndPairs&type=ensGene
UCSC_equCab2                   equCab2                                           
Horse Sep. 2007 (Broad/equCab2) Genome at UCSC Note: this source should be used with a type filter on the end of a features request e.g. &type=bacEndPairs&type=ensGene
UCSC_susScr2                   susScr2                                           
Pig Nov. 2009 (SGSC Sscrofa9.2/susScr2) Genome at UCSC Note: this source should be used with a type filter on the end of a features request e.g. &type=bacEndPairs&type=ensGene
UCSC_loxAfr3                   loxAfr3                                           
Elephant Jul. 2009 (Broad/loxAfr3) Genome at UCSC Note: this source should be used with a type filter on the end of a features request e.g. &type=bacEndPairs&type=ensGene
UCSC_anoCar1                   anoCar1                                           
Lizard Feb. 2007 (Broad/anoCar1) Genome at UCSC Note: this source should be used with a type filter on the end of a features request e.g. &type=bacEndPairs&type=ensGene
UCSC_oryLat2                   oryLat2                                           
Medaka Oct. 2005 (NIG/UT MEDAKA1/oryLat2) Genome at UCSC Note: this source should be used with a type filter on the end of a features request e.g. &type=bacEndPairs&type=ensGene
UCSC_dm3                       dm3                                               
D. melanogaster Apr. 2006 (BDGP R5/dm3) Genome at UCSC Note: this source should be used with a type filter on the end of a features request e.g. &type=bacEndPairs&type=ensGene
UCSC_dm2                       dm2                                               
D. melanogaster Apr. 2004 (BDGP R4/dm2) Genome at UCSC Note: this source should be used with a type filter on the end of a features request e.g. &type=bacEndPairs&type=ensGene
UCSC_dm1                       dm1                                               
D. melanogaster Jan. 2003 (BDGP R3/dm1) Genome at UCSC Note: this source should be used with a type filter on the end of a features request e.g. &type=bacEndPairs&type=ensGene
DS_1413                        60k_SNP                                           
60K SNPs project. SNPs mapped with   flanking sequence onto the Pig genome   ver 9. Only unique mapping are   displayed. 
DS_1415                        cnio_massspec                                     
Human mass-spec peptides mapped to Gencode 3c by M.Tress et al., CNIO
DS_1416                        Cosmic Transcripts                                
Transcripts from Cosmic mapped to Human GRCh 37
DS_1417                        Cosmic Mutations                                  
Mutations from Cosmic mapped to Human GRCh 37
DS_1418                        Cosmic Mutations in COLO-829                      
All genomic mutations in cellline COLO-829 from Cosmic
DS_1419                        Cosmic Mutations in NCI-H209                      
All genomic mutations in cellline NCI-H209 from Cosmic
DS_1420                        uniprot2probes                                    
Annotation source with microarray probes  mapping uniprot sequences.
DS_1436                        Pride DAS 1.6                                     
Pride DAS source updated to 1.6 version  of DAS 
JGI_2.0:Populus_trichocarpa:Pi EST (Pinus)                                       
191,116 Pinus EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
Araly_1:Arabidopsis_lyrata:Lac EST (Lactuca)                                     
104,729 Lactuca EST sequences mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
JGI_1.4:Sorghum_bicolor:Physco EST (Physcomitrella)                              
114,710 Physcomitrella EST sequences mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
JGI_2.0:Populus_trichocarpa:He EST_Cluster (Helianthus)                          
102,159 Helianthus EST_Cluster markers mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
AGP_2:Zea_mays:Zea-EST         EST (Zea)                                         
2,059,285 Zea EST sequences mapped to AGP version 2 of Zea_mays
JGI_1.4:Sorghum_bicolor:Solanu EST (Solanum)                                     
157,131 Solanum EST sequences mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
BGI_2005-01:Oryza_indica:Oryza GSS (Oryza_australiensis)                         
165,467 Oryza_australiensis GSS sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
BGI_2005-01:Oryza_indica:Horde EST_Cluster (Hordeum)                             
222,246 Hordeum EST_Cluster markers mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
MSU_6:Oryza_sativa:Oryza_nivar GSS (Oryza_nivara)                                
574,299 Oryza_nivara GSS sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
JGI_1.4:Sorghum_bicolor:Arabid EST (Arabidopsis)                                 
272,068 Arabidopsis EST sequences mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
Araly_1:Arabidopsis_lyrata:Bra EST_Cluster (Brassica)                            
293,399 Brassica EST_Cluster markers mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
MSU_6:Oryza_sativa:Oryza_minut GSS (Oryza_minuta)                                
1,006,346 Oryza_minuta GSS sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
Araly_1:Arabidopsis_lyrata:Vit EST (Vitis)                                       
279,002 Vitis EST sequences mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
JGI_2.0:Populus_trichocarpa:Ar EST_Cluster (Arabidopsis)                         
132,146 Arabidopsis EST_Cluster markers mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
JGI_2.0:Populus_trichocarpa:Tr EST_Cluster (Triticum)                            
134,234 Triticum EST_Cluster markers mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
BGI_2005-01:Oryza_indica:Oryza GSS (Oryza_ridleyi)                               
166,349 Oryza_ridleyi GSS sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
BGI_2005-01:Oryza_indica:Malus EST (Malus)                                       
123,354 Malus EST sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
BGI_2005-01:Oryza_indica:Picea EST (Picea)                                       
115,387 Picea EST sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
BGI_2005-01:Oryza_indica:Nicot EST (Nicotiana)                                   
113,323 Nicotiana EST sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
BGI_2005-01:Oryza_indica:Zea-m mRNA (Zea)                                        
139,316 Zea mRNA sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
MSU_6:Oryza_sativa:Mimulus-EST EST (Mimulus)                                     
390,705 Mimulus EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
MSU_6:Oryza_sativa:Oryza_sativ QTL (Oryza_sativa)                                
8,216 Oryza_sativa QTL QTL mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
JGI_1.4:Sorghum_bicolor:Brassi EST (Brassica)                                    
496,938 Brassica EST sequences mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
AGP_2:Zea_mays:Sorghum-EST_Clu EST_Cluster (Sorghum)                             
197,137 Sorghum EST_Cluster markers mapped to AGP version 2 of Zea_mays
BGI_2005-01:Oryza_indica:Oryza GSS (Oryza_punctata)                              
102,777 Oryza_punctata GSS sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
AGP_2:Zea_mays:Zea-Genomic_DNA Genomic_DNA (Zea)                                 
284,812 Zea Genomic_DNA markers mapped to AGP version 2 of Zea_mays
JGI_2.0:Populus_trichocarpa:Gl EST_Cluster (Glycine)                             
183,076 Glycine EST_Cluster markers mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
MSU_6:Oryza_sativa:Eucalyptus- EST (Eucalyptus)                                  
129,621 Eucalyptus EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
Araly_1:Arabidopsis_lyrata:The EST (Theobroma)                                   
194,448 Theobroma EST sequences mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
JGI_2.0:Populus_trichocarpa:Pr EST (Prunus)                                      
117,423 Prunus EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
AGP_2:Zea_mays:Gossypium-EST_C EST_Cluster (Gossypium)                           
293,670 Gossypium EST_Cluster markers mapped to AGP version 2 of Zea_mays
AGP_2:Zea_mays:Saccharum-EST_C EST_Cluster (Saccharum)                           
287,634 Saccharum EST_Cluster markers mapped to AGP version 2 of Zea_mays
MSU_6:Oryza_sativa:Medicago-ES EST (Medicago)                                    
180,391 Medicago EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
MSU_6:Oryza_sativa:Lotus-EST   EST (Lotus)                                       
102,727 Lotus EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
MSU_6:Oryza_sativa:Sorghum-EST EST (Sorghum)                                     
320,113 Sorghum EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
JGI_2.0:Populus_trichocarpa:Go EST (Gossypium)                                   
458,512 Gossypium EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
MSU_6:Oryza_sativa:Malus-EST_C EST_Cluster (Malus)                               
155,567 Malus EST_Cluster markers mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
JGI_1.4:Sorghum_bicolor:Coffea EST (Coffea)                                      
107,640 Coffea EST sequences mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
JGI_2.0:Populus_trichocarpa:Vi EST (Vigna)                                       
167,897 Vigna EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
MSU_6:Oryza_sativa:Oryza_rufip GSS (Oryza_rufipogon)                             
365,607 Oryza_rufipogon GSS sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
AGP_2:Zea_mays:Zea-GSS         GSS (Zea)                                         
231,732 Zea GSS sequences mapped to AGP version 2 of Zea_mays
BGI_2005-01:Oryza_indica:Oryza GSS (Oryza_granulata)                             
116,272 Oryza_granulata GSS sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
BGI_2005-01:Oryza_indica:Oryza GSS (Oryza_officinalis)                           
140,878 Oryza_officinalis GSS sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
BGI_2005-01:Oryza_indica:Oryza GSS (Oryza_coarctata)                             
140,442 Oryza_coarctata GSS sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
MSU_6:Oryza_sativa:Oryza_brach GSS (Oryza_brachyantha)                           
248,641 Oryza_brachyantha GSS sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
MSU_6:Oryza_sativa:Lactuca-EST EST (Lactuca)                                     
159,750 Lactuca EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
Diversity_Rice_SNPs            SNPs/Indels (Rice Diversity)                      
SNPs/Indels (Rice Diversity)
MSU_6:Oryza_sativa:Oryza_glabe GSS (Oryza_glaberrima)                            
204,379 Oryza_glaberrima GSS sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
JGI_1.4:Sorghum_bicolor:Cajanu EST (Cajanus)                                     
250,118 Cajanus EST sequences mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
Gramene_Genes                  Gramene Genes                                     
genes served up out of gramene
DS_1523                        hsa_54_36p                                        
Human genome annotation from Ensembl 54 (via   biojava-ensembl)
DS_1524                        hsa_59_37d                                        
Human genome annotation from Ensembl 59  via biojava-ensembl (gene structures are  GENCODE 4)
DS_1525                        medipseq_reads                                    
MeDIP-seq read mappings from Nature Biotech.   26:779-785
DS_1526                        uniprot_exon_snp                                  
Ensembl exon boundary and SNP data  projected on UniProt sequence. Based on  the COMPARA ENSP-UniProt mapping.
DS_1527                        demo_histo                                        
shows score from signal peptide prediction
DS_1528                        demo_gradient                                     
shows score from signal peptide prediction
DS_1529                        demo_lineplot                                     
shows score from signal peptide prediction
DS_1530                        demo_nostyle                                      
shows score from signal peptide prediction
DS_1531                        yale_pseudogenes                                  
pseudogenes coming from Philip at Yale.
DS_1532                        DECIPHER_HGNC                                     
HGNC mappings Mapping data from HGNC  HUGO
DS_1533                        Human CCDS Public Note                            
CCDS Public Note
DS_1534                        Mouse CCDS Public Note                            
CCDS Public Note
DS_1535                        decipher                                          
DS_1536                        segdup_washu_36_collapsed                         
DS_1537                        desmith                                           
DS_1540                        agilent_4x44                                      
DS_1542                        WGTP_loci_36                                      
WGTP regions (redon et al) mapped to NCBI 36
DS_1544                        ens5236ngenes                                     
DS_1552                        x_chromosome_tiling_array                         
X-chromosome Tiling array (Leuven: 22/10/07)
DS_1553                        xhd                                               
DS_1554                        xes                                               
DS_1555                        s+vt                                              
DS_1556                        sanger244kv2                                      
DS_1557                        toronto_poly_36                                   
Database of Genetic Variations DAS Source For NCBI36 Human Assembly (hg18): The Database of Genomic Variants is a curated catalogue of large-scale variation in the human genome.The data displayed was obtained from their download site (which was last updated here on 31st July 2008). There are 59 Inversion, 6481 CopyNumber and 18 InversionBreakpoint features.
DS_1558                        iPfamInteraction                                  
iPfamLigInteraction das source offers the ligands interactions with the pfam domain.
DS_1559                        ens_36_segdup_washu                               
DS_1560                        KO_designs                                        
Recombineering oligos for knockout designs (Sanger HTGT).
DS_1561                        KO_designs_cr                                     
Candidate regions for knockout designs (Sanger HTGT).
DS_1562                        custom_KO_designs                                 
Recombineering oligos for custom knockout designs (Sanger HTGT).
DS_1563                        KO_vectors                                        
Recombineering oligos for constructed knockout designs (Sanger HTGT).
DS_1564                        mouse_KOs                                         
DS_1565                        ikmc_products                                     
IKMC - Knockout Mutant Mouse Alleles
DS_1566                        team87_production_constructs                      
Recombineering oligos for knockout designs (Sanger HTGT).
DS_1572                        ens_zfish7_morpholino                             
DS_1573                        Havana manual annotation (GRCh37)                 
A DAS source that provides access to the manual annotation data inside the Otter database in GRCh37 coordinates.
DS_1574                        Havana Pig manual annotations                     
A DAS source that provides access to the manual annotation data inside the Otter database for Pig.
DS_1575                        ChromatinSigs                                     
TSS predictions based on combined chromatin signatures (Jason Ernst, MIT)
DS_1576                        CCDS human                                        
Human transcripts part of the CCDS set
DS_1577                        CCDS mouse                                        
Murine transcripts part of the CCDS set
DS_1578                        ASPIC                                             
ASPIC alternative isoforms on NCBI 36
DS_1579                        important GENCODE issues                          
Loci and transcripts flagged in the AnnoTrack system for the attention of annotators
DS_1580                        peptides confirmed by mass spectrometrometry      
A DAS source that provides access to the automatic annotation data from mass spectrometry (translational evidence)
DS_1584                        KO_mouse_genes                                    
Knockout mouse genes
DS_1585                        homo_sapiens_KO_mouse_orthologues                 
Knockout mouse orthologues for homo sapiens
DS_1586                        danio_rerio_KO_mouse_orthologues                  
Knockout mouse orthologues for zebrafish
DS_1587                        constrained_regions                               
Regions of constrained elements outside of current GENCODE annotation from TFBS, RNA-Seq, open chromatin and other RNA data (supplied by ENCODE comparative group). ENCODE usage restrictions apply.
DS_1588                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1589                        BacAbs                                            
predictions for organisms studied by the  BacAbs project 
DS_1590                        hydroph                                           
DS_1591                        KD_hydroph                                        
DS_1592                        BM_hydroph                                        
DS_1593                        metatm                                            
DS_1594                        MGI Representative Transcripts                    
Mouse_37; MGI_Representative_Transcripts track; MGI Representative Transcripts; For all MGI gene and transcript tracks (i.e. not including ENSEMBL and NCBI gene models and the VEGA annotations) coordinates in the build 36 assembly were either downloaded from UCSC (mrnas, ests, refseq NM and NRs) or BLATted locally (tigr, DoTS, NIA, and refseq XM and XRs). Local BLAT results were filtered using pslReps -singleHit. These pools of coordinates were subsequently mined for relevant sequences based on various MGI database reports. Entries in the track are named using the GenBank sequence ID prepended to the MGI symbol. Each item in the track links to the corresponding MGI marker detail page.
DS_1595                        QTL                                               
Mouse_37; QTL track; QTL; Quantitative trait loci were mapped to the build 36 assembly based on the known location of the STS markers that define the peaks and flanks of the QTL. Each QTL entry in the track links to the corresponding MGI marker detail page. As most QTLs that have flank as well as peak data are far longer than the 1 Mbase GBrowse easily displays, the QTL track is also shown in a compressed form in the overview panel.
DS_1596                        Adipose_tissue                                    
Mouse_37; Adipose_tissue track; Adipose_tissue; Please see notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details. The MGI database report, MGI_PhenotypicAllele.rpt, was parsed for markers and alleles that are associated with transcripts (not including gene model transcripts) and the Top Level Mammalian Phenotype (MP) terms were captured. Note that these top level terms can be associated with a marker multiple times (i.e. via multiple alleles). A track for each of the top-level MP terms, were then created. Within each track, the intron-exon structure of the transcript representing that marker has been preserved in the display. Track entries are named with a catenation of seqID, marker symbol, and MP term. From the phenotypes tracks, each entry links to a page that summarizes the phenotypic/allele details. The Mammalian Phenotype Ontology can be browsed here.
DS_1597                        Behavior_neurological                             
Mouse_37; Behavior_neurological track; Behavior_neurological; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1598                        Cardiovascular_system                             
Mouse_37; Cardiovascular_system track; Cardiovascular_system; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1599                        Cellular                                          
Mouse_37; Cellular track; Cellular; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1600                        Craniofacial                                      
Mouse_37; Craniofacial track; Craniofacial; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1601                        Digestive_alimentary                              
Mouse_37; Digestive_alimentary track; Digestive_alimentary; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1602                        Embryogenesis                                     
Mouse_37; Embryogenesis track; Embryogenesis; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1603                        Endocrine_exocrine_gland                          
Mouse_37; Endocrine_exocrine_gland track; Endocrine_exocrine_gland; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1604                        Growth_size                                       
Mouse_37; Growth_size track; Growth_size; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1605                        Hearing_ear                                       
Mouse_37; Hearing_ear track; Hearing_ear; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1606                        Hematopoietic_system                              
Mouse_37; Hematopoietic_system track; Hematopoietic_system; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1607                        Homeostasis_metabolism                            
Mouse_37; Homeostasis_metabolism track; Homeostasis_metabolism; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1608                        Immune_system                                     
Mouse_37; Immune_system track; Immune_system; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1609                        Lethality-embryonic_perinatal                     
Mouse_37; Lethality_embryonic_perinatal track; Lethality-embryonic_perinatal; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1610                        Lethality-postnatal                               
Mouse_37; Lethality_postnatal track; Lethality-postnatal; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1611                        Life_span-post-weaning_aging                      
Mouse_37; Life_span_post_weaning_aging track; Life_span-post-weaning_aging; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1612                        Limbs_digits_tail                                 
Mouse_37; Limbs_digits_tail track; Limbs_digits_tail; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1613                        Liver_biliary_system                              
Mouse_37; Liver_biliary_system track; Liver_biliary_system; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1614                        Muscle                                            
Mouse_37; Muscle track; Muscle; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1615                        Nervous_system                                    
Mouse_37; Nervous_system track; Nervous_system; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1616                        Pigmentation                                      
Mouse_37; Pigmentation track; Pigmentation; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1617                        Renal_urinary_system                              
Mouse_37; Renal_urinary_system track; Renal_urinary_system; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1618                        Reproductive_system                               
Mouse_37; Reproductive_system track; Reproductive_system; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1619                        Respiratory_system                                
Mouse_37; Respiratory_system track; Respiratory_system; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1620                        Skeleton                                          
Mouse_37; Skeleton track; Skeleton; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1621                        Skin_coat_nails                                   
Mouse_37; Skin_coat_nails track; Skin_coat_nails; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1622                        Taste_olfaction                                   
Mouse_37; Taste_olfaction track; Taste_olfaction; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1623                        Touch_vibrissae                                   
Mouse_37; Touch_vibrissae track; Touch_vibrissae; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1624                        Tumorigenesis                                     
Mouse_37; Tumorigenesis track; Tumorigenesis; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1625                        Vision_eye                                        
Mouse_37; Vision_eye track; Vision_eye; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1626                        Normal_phenotype                                  
Mouse_37; Normal_phenotype track; Normal_phenotype; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1627                        Other_phenotype                                   
Mouse_37; Other_phenotype track; Other_phenotype; Please see notes under Adipose_tissue track in phenotypes for phenotype details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1628                        Alleles_induced                                   
Mouse_37; Alleles_induced track; Alleles_induced; Please see notes under Alleles_gene_trapped track in Alleles for allele details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1629                        Alleles_spontaneous                               
Mouse_37; Alleles_spontaneous track; Alleles_spontaneous; Please see notes under Alleles_gene_trapped track in Alleles for allele details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1630                        Alleles_targeted                                  
Mouse_37; Alleles_targeted track; Alleles_targeted; Please see notes under Alleles_gene_trapped track in Alleles for allele details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1631                        Alleles_transgenic                                
Mouse_37; Alleles_transgenic track; Alleles_transgenic; Please see notes under Alleles_gene_trapped track in Alleles for allele details and notes under MGI_Representative_Transcripts track for assembly and coordinate details
DS_1632                        GeneTraps_per_Gene                                
Mouse_37; GeneTraps_per_gene track; GeneTraps_per_Gene; Color-coded gene trap frequency track for MGI genes, indicating the number of gene trap insertions per gene. Only gene trap insertions that "trap" a gene (i.e., overlap the gene's coordinates in the correct transcriptional orientation) are counted.  If gene model colored red there are >1000 gene traps associated with the gene, orange is 101 to 1000, green is 11 to 100, blue is 2 to 10, violet is just a single genetrap, and black is no gene traps associated with the gene.
DS_1633                        GeneTraps_RNA_tags                                
Mouse_37; MGI_RNA_Gtraps track; GeneTraps_RNA_tags; Gene Trap sequence tags from GenBank dbGSS that have an RNA-based sequence tag method (5'-RACE or 3'-RACE).  RNA-based gene trap sequence tags are derived from the exon adjacent to the insertion site.  If the sequence tag method is 5'-RACE (blue), the insertion site is in the intron downstream from the most 3' exon represented in the sequence tag.  If the sequence tag is 3'-RACE (green), the insertion site is in the intron upstream from the most 5' exon represented in the sequence tag.  Gene trap mutagenesis requires that the vector inserts in the correct transcriptional orientation of the "trapped" gene.  Sequence tags that overlap known genes in the opposite transcriptional orientation do not disrupt those genes from a gene trapping mechanism, and are not counted in the GeneTraps_per_Gene track.
DS_1634                        asd_gene                                          
[GeneView] AltSplice features on human and mouse genes.
DS_1635                        atd_gene                                          
[GeneView] AltTrans features on human and mouse genes.
DS_1636                        NASC (fei_0)                                      
Variants from the European Arabidopsis Stock Centre
DS_1637                        asd_snp_mouse                                     
[ContigView] SNPs on AltSplice mouse alternative splicing patterns.
DS_1638                        atd_mouse                                         
[ContigView] AltTrans mouse alternative transcript patterns.
DS_1639                        NASC (van_0)                                      
Variants from the European Arabidopsis Stock Centre
DS_1640                        NASC (c24)                                        
Variants from the European Arabidopsis Stock Centre
DS_1641                        NASC (bay_0)                                      
Variants from the European Arabidopsis Stock Centre
DS_1642                        asd_snp_human                                     
[ContigView] SNPs on AltSplice human alternative splicing patterns.
DS_1643                        NASC (tamm_2)                                     
Variants from the European Arabidopsis Stock Centre
DS_1644                        NASC (got_7)                                      
Variants from the European Arabidopsis Stock Centre
DS_1645                        asd_human                                         
[ContigView] AltSplice human alternative splicing patterns.
DS_1646                        NASC (tsu_1)                                      
Variants from the European Arabidopsis Stock Centre
DS_1647                        NASC (nfa_8)                                      
Variants from the European Arabidopsis Stock Centre
DS_1648                        JHU MS                                            
[Anopheles gambiae] MS data from Pandey lab, JHU
DS_1649                        atd_human                                         
[ContigView] AltTrans human alternative transcript patterns.
DS_1650                        Transposons                                       
[Anopheles gambiae] Transposons annotated on chromosome coordinates.
DS_1651                        NASC (lov_5)                                      
Variants from the European Arabidopsis Stock Centre
DS_1652                        NASC (bur_0)                                      
Variants from the European Arabidopsis Stock Centre
DS_1653                        NASC (br_0)                                       
Variants from the European Arabidopsis Stock Centre
DS_1654                        NASC (ler_1)                                      
Variants from the European Arabidopsis Stock Centre
DS_1655                        asd_mouse                                         
[ContigView] AltSplice mouse alternative splicing patterns.
DS_1656                        NASC (ts_1)                                       
Variants from the European Arabidopsis Stock Centre
DS_1657                        NASC (est_1)                                      
Variants from the European Arabidopsis Stock Centre
DS_1658                        NASC (rrs_7)                                      
Variants from the European Arabidopsis Stock Centre
DS_1659                        NASC (shakhdara)                                  
Variants from the European Arabidopsis Stock Centre
DS_1660                        NASC (bor_4)                                      
Variants from the European Arabidopsis Stock Centre
DS_1661                        NASC (rrs_10)                                     
Variants from the European Arabidopsis Stock Centre
DS_1662                        NASC (cvi_0)                                      
Variants from the European Arabidopsis Stock Centre
DS_1663                        citexplore_split                                  
The top citations for a PDB ID, Uniprot Accession or gene name, sourced from CiteXplore.
DS_1664                        Top Selective Sweep Regions                       
DAS source providing coordinates of the regions with the z-scores amongst the smallest 5% of all regions identified by Selective Sweep Scan
DS_1665                        Catalog of Changes                                
DAS source providing Neandertal alleles for positions of non-synonymous difference between human and chimpanzee
DS_1666                        Selective Sweep Error                             
DAS source providing the standard error for corresponding z-scores from the Selective Sweep Scan
DS_1667                        Selective Sweep Z-scores                          
DAS source providing z-scores from the Selective Sweep Scan
DS_1668                        PDBe Summary                                      
Basic summary data for PDB structures.
DS_1669                        phdsec                                            
DS_1670                        toppred                                           
DS_1671                        phdacc                                            
DS_1672                        signalp                                           
DS_1673                        phdhtm                                            
DS_1674                        phobius                                           
DS_1675                        hmmtop                                            
DS_1676                        EST (Citrus)                                      
188,297 Citrus EST sequences mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
DS_1677                        EST (Glycine)                                     
665,911 Glycine EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1679                        EST (Solanum)                                     
218,411 Solanum EST sequences mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
DS_1681                        EST (Physcomitrella)                              
102,618 Physcomitrella EST sequences mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
DS_1683                        EST (Raphanus)                                    
168,656 Raphanus EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1685                        GSS (Oryza_australiensis)                         
1,067,805 Oryza_australiensis GSS sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1686                        EST_Cluster (Hordeum)                             
280,834 Hordeum EST_Cluster markers mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1687                        EST_Cluster (Triticum)                            
488,376 Triticum EST_Cluster markers mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1688                        EST_Cluster (Zea)                                 
299,129 Zea EST_Cluster markers mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
DS_1689                        EST (Lactuca)                                     
165,260 Lactuca EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1690                        EST (Panicum)                                     
176,359 Panicum EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1693                        EST (Glycine)                                     
269,540 Glycine EST sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1694                        EST (Solanum)                                     
405,995 Solanum EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1695                        EST (Vitis)                                       
642,330 Vitis EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1696                        EST_Cluster (Arabidopsis)                         
108,303 Arabidopsis EST_Cluster markers mapped to AGP version 2 of Zea_mays
DS_1697                        EST (Picea)                                       
223,480 Picea EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1698                        EST_Cluster (Triticum)                            
345,411 Triticum EST_Cluster markers mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1699                        EST (Arabidopsis)                                 
661,529 Arabidopsis EST sequences mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
DS_1700                        EST (Hordeum)                                     
159,831 Hordeum EST sequences mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
DS_1701                        EST (Hordeum)                                     
672,236 Hordeum EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1704                        EST (Nicotiana)                                   
224,469 Nicotiana EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1705                        mRNA (Oryza_sativa)                               
129,246 Oryza_sativa mRNA sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1706                        EST (Triticum)                                    
1,622,880 Triticum EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1707                        EST_Cluster (Triticum)                            
319,048 Triticum EST_Cluster markers mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
DS_1709                        EST (Glycine)                                     
259,011 Glycine EST sequences mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
DS_1710                        EST (Phaseolus)                                   
103,305 Phaseolus EST sequences mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
DS_1711                        EST (Raphanus)                                    
170,157 Raphanus EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1713                        EST (Raphanus)                                    
352,170 Raphanus EST sequences mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
DS_1714                        GSS (Oryza_punctata)                              
502,825 Oryza_punctata GSS sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1715                        EST_Cluster (Gossypium)                           
329,099 Gossypium EST_Cluster markers mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1716                        EST_Cluster (Oryza_sativa)                        
362,050 Oryza_sativa EST_Cluster markers mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1718                        EST (Nicotiana)                                   
281,040 Nicotiana EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1720                        EST (Physcomitrella)                              
160,312 Physcomitrella EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1722                        EST (Populus)                                     
322,750 Populus EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1725                        EST (Oryza_sativa)                                
1,259,576 Oryza_sativa EST sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1729                        EST (Actinidia)                                   
115,119 Actinidia EST sequences mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
DS_1731                        EST_Cluster (Populus)                             
114,263 Populus EST_Cluster markers mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
DS_1732                        EST (Hordeum)                                     
524,972 Hordeum EST sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1734                        EST (Populus)                                     
113,144 Populus EST sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1736                        EST_Cluster (Zea)                                 
417,988 Zea EST_Cluster markers mapped to AGP version 2 of Zea_mays
DS_1737                        EST_Cluster (Arabidopsis)                         
111,394 Arabidopsis EST_Cluster markers mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1738                        EST (Festuca)                                     
166,857 Festuca EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1739                        EST (Malus)                                       
149,420 Malus EST sequences mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
DS_1741                        mRNA (Oryza_sativa)                               
118,278 Oryza_sativa mRNA sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1742                        EST (Malus)                                       
292,799 Malus EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1744                        EST (Citrus)                                      
186,790 Citrus EST sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1746                        EST (Picea)                                       
103,462 Picea EST sequences mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
DS_1751                        EST (Arachis)                                     
105,918 Arachis EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1752                        EST (Citrus)                                      
353,578 Citrus EST sequences mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
DS_1753                        EST_Cluster (Saccharum)                           
218,255 Saccharum EST_Cluster markers mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
DS_1754                        EST (Sorghum)                                     
248,553 Sorghum EST sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1760                        EST (Populus)                                     
172,859 Populus EST sequences mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
DS_1764                        EST (Phaseolus)                                   
150,760 Phaseolus EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1765                        EST (Saccharum)                                   
289,127 Saccharum EST sequences mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
DS_1766                        GSS (Oryza_ridleyi)                               
842,162 Oryza_ridleyi GSS sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1767                        EST (Malus)                                       
110,893 Malus EST sequences mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
DS_1768                        EST (Zea)                                         
2,103,748 Zea EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1769                        EST_Cluster (Citrus)                              
131,831 Citrus EST_Cluster markers mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1770                        EST_Cluster (Hordeum)                             
288,056 Hordeum EST_Cluster markers mapped to AGP version 2 of Zea_mays
DS_1771                        EST (Sorghum)                                     
109,566 Sorghum EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1772                        EST_Cluster (Gossypium)                           
128,897 Gossypium EST_Cluster markers mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
DS_1773                        EST (Festuca)                                     
272,988 Festuca EST sequences mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
DS_1774                        EST_Cluster (Glycine)                             
178,519 Glycine EST_Cluster markers mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1775                        EST_Cluster (Brassica)                            
229,887 Brassica EST_Cluster markers mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1778                        EST (Gossypium)                                   
134,541 Gossypium EST sequences mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
DS_1781                        EST (Theobroma)                                   
283,602 Theobroma EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1782                        EST (Oryza_sativa)                                
320,334 Oryza_sativa EST sequences mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
DS_1783                        EST (Oryza_sativa)                                
1,071,636 Oryza_sativa EST sequences mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
DS_1784                        mRNA (Zea)                                        
168,945 Zea mRNA sequences mapped to AGP version 2 of Zea_mays
DS_1785                        EST (Medicago)                                    
230,390 Medicago EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1786                        EST (Saccharum)                                   
259,867 Saccharum EST sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1787                        EST_Cluster (Vitis)                               
142,946 Vitis EST_Cluster markers mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1788                        EST (Malus)                                       
350,004 Malus EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1789                        EST (Physcomitrella)                              
296,049 Physcomitrella EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1790                        EST_Cluster (Oryza_sativa)                        
338,638 Oryza_sativa EST_Cluster markers mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1791                        EST (Solanum)                                     
136,308 Solanum EST sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1794                        EST (Oryza_sativa)                                
580,119 Oryza_sativa EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1795                        EST_Cluster (Oryza_sativa)                        
191,880 Oryza_sativa EST_Cluster markers mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1796                        EST (Zea)                                         
651,539 Zea EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1797                        EST_Cluster (Oryza_sativa)                        
325,612 Oryza_sativa EST_Cluster markers mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
DS_1798                        EST (Theobroma)                                   
178,511 Theobroma EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1799                        EST (Populus)                                     
108,242 Populus EST sequences mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
DS_1802                        EST_Cluster (Gossypium)                           
217,283 Gossypium EST_Cluster markers mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1803                        EST (Vitis)                                       
251,409 Vitis EST sequences mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
DS_1805                        EST (Vigna)                                       
102,055 Vigna EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1807                        mRNA (Oryza_sativa)                               
127,928 Oryza_sativa mRNA sequences mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
DS_1808                        GSS (Oryza_nivara)                                
168,025 Oryza_nivara GSS sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1809                        EST_Cluster (Brassica)                            
286,716 Brassica EST_Cluster markers mapped to AGP version 2 of Zea_mays
DS_1810                        EST (Saccharum)                                   
105,652 Saccharum EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1811                        EST (Festuca)                                     
170,860 Festuca EST sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1812                        EST (Phaseolus)                                   
110,029 Phaseolus EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1814                        EST (Picea)                                       
235,016 Picea EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1815                        EST (Helianthus)                                  
105,178 Helianthus EST sequences mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
DS_1816                        EST_Cluster (Sorghum)                             
127,989 Sorghum EST_Cluster markers mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
DS_1818                        EST (Glycine)                                     
532,173 Glycine EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1825                        GSS (Oryza_minuta)                                
221,542 Oryza_minuta GSS sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1826                        EST_Cluster (Sorghum)                             
186,729 Sorghum EST_Cluster markers mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1833                        EST (Nicotiana)                                   
161,945 Nicotiana EST sequences mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
DS_1836                        EST_Cluster (Populus)                             
263,138 Populus EST_Cluster markers mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1837                        EST (Triticum)                                    
430,064 Triticum EST sequences mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
DS_1838                        EST (Arabidopsis)                                 
662,987 Arabidopsis EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1841                        EST (Panicum)                                     
135,668 Panicum EST sequences mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
DS_1846                        EST (Hordeum)                                     
243,353 Hordeum EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1847                        EST (Mimulus)                                     
353,281 Mimulus EST sequences mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
DS_1848                        EST_Cluster (Zea)                                 
523,010 Zea EST_Cluster markers mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1849                        Oligo (Oryza_sativa)                              
153,482 Oryza_sativa Oligo sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1851                        EST (Actinidia)                                   
143,967 Actinidia EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1852                        EST_Cluster (Vitis)                               
138,124 Vitis EST_Cluster markers mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1853                        EST (Zea)                                         
1,723,991 Zea EST sequences mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
DS_1854                        EST (Triticum)                                    
1,153,915 Triticum EST sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1857                        EST (Actinidia)                                   
261,015 Actinidia EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1859                        EST (Cicer)                                       
412,514 Cicer EST sequences mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
DS_1861                        EST (Brassica)                                    
1,136,236 Brassica EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1862                        GSS (Oryza_coarctata)                             
410,100 Oryza_coarctata GSS sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1863                        EST (Gossypium)                                   
204,096 Gossypium EST sequences mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
DS_1864                        EST (Oryza_sativa)                                
1,378,579 Oryza_sativa EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1865                        EST (Vitis)                                       
226,783 Vitis EST sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1867                        EST (Zea)                                         
1,438,958 Zea EST sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1873                        EST (Medicago)                                    
126,763 Medicago EST sequences mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
DS_1874                        EST (Brassica)                                    
1,249,593 Brassica EST sequences mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
DS_1875                        EST (Arabidopsis)                                 
250,823 Arabidopsis EST sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1876                        EST_Cluster (Hordeum)                             
208,885 Hordeum EST_Cluster markers mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
DS_1877                        EST (Prunus)                                      
144,949 Prunus EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1878                        mRNA (Zea)                                        
206,795 Zea mRNA sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1879                        EST (Physcomitrella)                              
110,853 Physcomitrella EST sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1880                        GSS (Oryza_granulata)                             
639,372 Oryza_granulata GSS sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1882                        mRNA (Oryza_sativa)                               
184,415 Oryza_sativa mRNA sequences mapped to AGP version 2 of Zea_mays
DS_1883                        EST_Cluster (Populus)                             
221,187 Populus EST_Cluster markers mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1884                        EST (Mimulus)                                     
223,695 Mimulus EST sequences mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
DS_1885                        EST (Brassica)                                    
999,247 Brassica EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1886                        GSS (Oryza_alta)                                  
743,479 Oryza_alta GSS sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1887                        EST_Cluster (Brassica)                            
169,969 Brassica EST_Cluster markers mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1888                        EST (Panicum)                                     
536,155 Panicum EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1889                        EST_Cluster (Oryza_sativa)                        
627,081 Oryza_sativa EST_Cluster markers mapped to AGP version 2 of Zea_mays
DS_1893                        EST (Saccharum)                                   
316,797 Saccharum EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1894                        GSS (Oryza_officinalis)                           
723,244 Oryza_officinalis GSS sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1895                        EST (Nicotiana)                                   
117,501 Nicotiana EST sequences mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
DS_1896                        EST (Citrus)                                      
502,784 Citrus EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1897                        EST (Citrus)                                      
615,852 Citrus EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1900                        EST_Cluster (Triticum)                            
553,063 Triticum EST_Cluster markers mapped to AGP version 2 of Zea_mays
DS_1901                        EST (Hordeum)                                     
499,908 Hordeum EST sequences mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
DS_1902                        EST_Cluster (Vitis)                               
142,953 Vitis EST_Cluster markers mapped to AGP version 2 of Zea_mays
DS_1903                        EST (Pinus)                                       
152,426 Pinus EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1905                        EST_Cluster (Sorghum)                             
130,063 Sorghum EST_Cluster markers mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1909                        mRNA (Zea)                                        
155,243 Zea mRNA sequences mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
DS_1910                        EST_Cluster (Solanum)                             
156,828 Solanum EST_Cluster markers mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1911                        EST (Gossypium)                                   
278,670 Gossypium EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1912                        EST (Triticum)                                    
626,347 Triticum EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1914                        EST (Mimulus)                                     
475,193 Mimulus EST sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1915                        GSS (Oryza_rufipogon)                             
110,815 Oryza_rufipogon GSS sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1916                        EST (Solanum)                                     
228,987 Solanum EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1917                        EST (Picea)                                       
114,242 Picea EST sequences mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
DS_1918                        EST_Cluster (Lactuca)                             
114,037 Lactuca EST_Cluster markers mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1922                        EST (Vitis)                                       
501,548 Vitis EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1923                        EST (Gossypium)                                   
133,881 Gossypium EST sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1924                        EST (Populus)                                     
372,849 Populus EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1926                        EST_Cluster (Saccharum)                           
245,228 Saccharum EST_Cluster markers mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1928                        EST (Mimulus)                                     
310,632 Mimulus EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1929                        EST_Cluster (Populus)                             
160,336 Populus EST_Cluster markers mapped to AGP version 2 of Zea_mays
DS_1931                        EST (Brassica)                                    
489,467 Brassica EST sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1932                        EST (Helianthus)                                  
171,311 Helianthus EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1933                        EST (Panicum)                                     
458,022 Panicum EST sequences mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1935                        EST_Cluster (Saccharum)                           
189,992 Saccharum EST_Cluster markers mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1936                        EST_Cluster (Malus)                               
101,711 Malus EST_Cluster markers mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1937                        EST (Arabidopsis)                                 
528,111 Arabidopsis EST sequences mapped to MSU version 6 of Oryza_sativa
DS_1940                        EST (Triticum)                                    
1,081,136 Triticum EST sequences mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
DS_1941                        EST_Cluster (Glycine)                             
110,917 Glycine EST_Cluster markers mapped to AGP version 2 of Zea_mays
DS_1942                        EST (Lotus)                                       
136,266 Lotus EST sequences mapped to JGI version 2.0 of Populus_trichocarpa
DS_1943                        EST (Zea)                                         
343,215 Zea EST sequences mapped to Araly version 1 of Arabidopsis_lyrata
DS_1944                        EST (Sorghum)                                     
231,614 Sorghum EST sequences mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
DS_1945                        EST_Cluster (Zea)                                 
245,344 Zea EST_Cluster markers mapped to BGI version 2005-01 of Oryza_indica
DS_1946                        EST (Panicum)                                     
459,704 Panicum EST sequences mapped to JGI version 1.4 of Sorghum_bicolor
DS_1948                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1949                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1950                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1951                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1952                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1953                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1954                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1955                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1956                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1957                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1958                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1959                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1960                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1961                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1962                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1963                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1964                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1965                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1966                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1967                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1968                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1969                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1970                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1971                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1972                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1973                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1974                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1975                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1976                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1977                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1978                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1979                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1980                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1981                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1982                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1983                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1984                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1985                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1986                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1987                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1988                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1989                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1990                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1991                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1992                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1993                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1994                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1995                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_1996                        pubmed2ensembl                            -- linking publications and genes
DS_2058                        IKMC_Trapped_Alleles                              
IKMC Trapped Alleles
DS_2059                        hs35_clone                                        
Cloneset information from a NCBI35 assembly based Ensembl
DS_2060                        spectral34                                        
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2061                        ens_36_imprinted_genes                            
Imprinted genes (Otago website) mapped to NCBI 36
DS_2063                        ens_m35_genetrap                                  
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2064                        ens_m36_genetrap                                  
GeneTrap DAS Source For M36 Mouse Assembly: GeneTrap sequence tags generated by the International Gene Trap Consortium and mapped to the NCBI m36 mouse assembly.
DS_2065                        ens3335genes                                      
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2066                        ens_ncbi_35_morbid                                
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2067                        pigends_all_humanNCBI35                           
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2068                        pigends_all_humanNCBI36                           
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2069                        snp_Zv4                                           
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2070                        indel_Zv4                                         
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2071                        snp_Zv5                                           
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2072                        indel_Zv5                                         
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2073                        ens_36_exoseq_sts                                 
STS designed to amplify and sequence exons in the ExoSeq SNP detection program (NCBI36 coordinates).
DS_2074                        ens_35_compugen                                   
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2075                        ens_36_compugen                                   
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2076                        ens_m33_compugen                                  
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2077                        ens_rat34_compugen                                
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2078                        ens_rat34_bacend                                  
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2079                        ens_35_toronto_dbgv                               
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2080                        ens_35_genexref                                   
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2081                        ens_m33_genexref                                  
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2082                        ens_m33_nia_genes                                 
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2083                        ens_m33_mgi_pheno                                 
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2084                        ens_m34_129AB22                                   
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2085                        ens_m35_129AB22                                   
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2086                        ens_m36_129AB22                                   
AB 2.2 Clones DAS Source For M36 Mouse Assembly: The end read sequences have been mapped to the M36 Mouse assembly using SSAHA.
DS_2087                        ens_m34_compugen                                  
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2089                        ens_m36_compugen                                  
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2090                        ens_m34_geneid                                    
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2091                        ens_m35_geneid                                    
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2092                        ens_m36_geneid                                    
geneid DAS Source For M36 Mouse Assembly: The geneid v1.2 gene predictions for the M36 Mouse assembly.
DS_2093                        ens_m34_sgp                                       
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2094                        ens_m35_sgp                                       
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2095                        ens_m36_sgp                                       
sgp DAS Source For M36 Mouse Assembly: The sgp gene predictions for the M36/ mm8 Mouse assembly.
DS_2096                        ens_m34_refseq                                    
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2097                        ens_m35_refseq                                    
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2098                        ens_m36_refseq                                    
NCBI RefSeq mappings to Mouse NCBIM36 C57BL/6J reference assembly
DS_2099                        ens_36_refseq                                     
NCBI RefSeq mappings to Human NCBI36 reference assembly
DS_2100                        ens_m34_nia_genes                                 
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2101                        ens_m35_nia_genes                                 
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2102                        ens_m36_nia_genes                                 
NIA Mouse Gene Index
DS_2103                        ens_m34_nod_clones                                
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2104                        ens_m35_nod_clones                                
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2105                        ens_m36_nod_clones                                
NOD BAC Library DAS Source For M36 Mouse Assembly:The NOD/MrkTac Mouse BAC Library end sequences have been mapped to the M36 Mouse assembly using SSAHA.
DS_2106                        ens_m36_nodtiling                                 
NOD BAC MTP DAS Source For M36 Mouse Assembly: A subset of the NOD/MrkTac Mouse BAC Library, as mapped in the full DAS, representing a minimum tiling path (with 20K bp clone overlap).
DS_2107                        ens_m34_chori_clones                              
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2108                        ens_m35_chori_clones                              
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2109                        ens_m36_chori_clones                              
CHORI-29 NOD BAC Library DAS Source For M36 Mouse Assembly: The CHORI-29 NOD Mouse BAC Library end sequences have been mapped to the M36 Mouse assembly using SSAHA.
DS_2110                        ens_m36_choritiling                               
CHORI-29 NOD BAC MTP DAS Source For M36 Mouse Assembly: A subset of the CHORI-29 NOD Mouse BAC Library, as mapped in the full DAS, representing a minimum tiling path (with 20K bp clone overlap).
DS_2111                        ens_m35_c3h_bacs                                  
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2112                        ens_m36_c3h_bacs                                  
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2113                        ens_m34_micer                                     
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2114                        ens_m35_micer                                     
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2115                        ens_m36_micer                                     
MICER DAS Source For M36 Mouse Assembly: The Mutagenic Insertion and Chromosome Engineering Resource (MICER) provides vectors for generating knockout mice, and for chromosome engineering.  The end read sequences have been mapped to the M36 Mouse using The associated stylesheet suggest glyphs for the clones which match the colour and shape of those described in the paper Mutagenic insertion and chromosome engineering resource (MICER).Adams DJ, Biggs PJ, Cox T, Davies R, van der Weyden L, Jonkers J, Smith J, Plumb B, Taylor R, Nishijima I, Yu Y, Rogers J, Bradley A Nat Genet. 2004;36;867-71. PMID: 15235602
DS_2116                        ens_m34_bac                                       
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2117                        ens_m34_bacmap                                    
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2118                        ens_m36_bacmap                                    
BAC Clones (RP23/24 libraries) DAS Source For M36 C57BL/6J Mouse Assembly:  End read sequences have been mapped to the M36 Mouse assembly using SSAHA. Clones positioned by appropriate read end pairs are indictated by gold rectangles with black outlines.  Fingerprinting maps allow the positioning of extra clones (using map2gp). These are indicated by gold rectangles without outlines. These may be associated (depicted with horizontal line) with single SSAHA mapped read ends (which are depicted as narrower black rectangles).
DS_2119                        ens_m34_msm                                       
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2120                        ens_m35_msm                                       
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2121                        ens_m36_msm                                       
MSM BAC Library DAS Source For M36 Mouse Assembly: The MSM Mouse BAC Library end sequences have been mapped to the M36 Mouse assembly using SSAHA.
DS_2122                        ens_m34_dots                                      
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2123                        ens_m34_mgc                                       
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2124                        ens_m35_mgc                                       
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2125                        ens_m36_mgc                                       
MGC DAS Source For M36 Mouse Assembly: Transcripts from full-length open reading frame (FL-ORF) clones provided by the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC) mapped (by UCSC) to the M36 Mouse assembly.
DS_2126                        ens_m35_gnomon                                    
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2127                        ens_m36_gnomon                                    
NCBI Gnomon HMM predictions for Mouse NCBIM36 C57BL/6J reference assembly
DS_2128                        ens_36_gnomon                                     
NCBI Gnomon HMM predictions for Human NCBI36 reference assembly
DS_2129                        ens_35_hver                                       
Sanger Hver Array mapping to NCBI35 reference assembly
DS_2130                        ens_36_hver                                       
Sanger Hver Array mapping to NCBI36 reference assembly
DS_2131                        ens_35_horse                                      
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2132                        ens_35_cpg_clones                                 
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2133                        ens_36_cpg_clones                                 
CpG clones created using a methylated region bias selection technique mapped to the NCBI36 human assembly
DS_2134                        ens_36_cpg_eponine                                
CpG predicitons by Eponine on NCBI36 human assembly
DS_2141                        genetarget_m35                                    

DS_2142                        genetarget_m36                                    

DS_2143                        ens_m34_1Mb_clones                                
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2144                        ens_m34_0.5Mb_clones                              
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2145                        ens_m36_1Mb_clones                                
The C57BL/6J 1MB clone subset from the RP23/24 libraries.
DS_2146                        ens_m36_0.5Mb_clones                              
The C57BL/6J 0.5MB clone subset from the RP23/24 libraries.
DS_2147                        ens_m37_1Mb_clones                                
The C57BL/6J 1MB clone subset from the RP23/24 libraries.
DS_2148                        ens_m37_0.5Mb_clones                              
The C57BL/6J 0.5MB clone subset from the RP23/24 libraries.
DS_2149                        ens_35_aceview                                    

DS_2150                        ens_35_m2h                                        
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2151                        ens_35_m2h2                                       
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2152                        ens_35_m2d2                                       
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2153                        ens_35_m2m2                                       
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2154                        ens_35_illumina                                   
Illumina probes mapped to NCBI35 Homo Sapiens assembly using SSAHA2
DS_2155                        ens_36_illumina                                   
Illumina probes mapped to NCBI36 Homo Sapiens assembly using SSAHA2
DS_2156                        ens_m34_illumina                                  
Illumina probes mapped to NCBIM34 Mus musculus assembly using SSAHA2
DS_2157                        ens_m35_illumina                                  
Illumina probes mapped to NCBIM35 Mus musculus assembly using SSAHA2
DS_2158                        ens_m36_illumina                                  
Illumina probes mapped to NCBIM36 Mus musculus assembly using SSAHA2
DS_2159                        ens_m34_tilingpath_clones                         
The C57BL/6J tiling path clone set from the RP23/24 libraries.
DS_2160                        ens_m35_tilingpath_clones                         
The C57BL/6J tiling path clone set from the RP23/24 libraries.
DS_2161                        ens_m36_tilingpath_clones                         
The C57BL/6J tiling path clone subset from the RP23/24 libraries.
DS_2162                        ens_m37_tilingpath_clones                         
The C57BL/6J tiling path clone subset from the RP23/24 libraries.
DS_2163                        ens_35_COX_SNP                                    
SNPs formed when comparing the COX haplotype against PGF
DS_2164                        ens_35_COX_DIP                                    
DIPs formed when comparing the COX haplotype against PGF
DS_2165                        ens_35_QBL_SNP                                    
SNPs formed when comparing the QBL haplotype against PGF
DS_2166                        ens_35_QBL_DIP                                    
DIPs formed when comparing the QBL haplotype against PGF
DS_2167                        ens_35_APD_SNP                                    
SNPs formed when comparing the APD haplotype against PGF
DS_2168                        ens_35_APD_DIP                                    
DIPs formed when comparing the APD haplotype against PGF
DS_2169                        ens_35_DBB_SNP                                    
SNPs formed when comparing the DBB haplotype against PGF
DS_2170                        ens_35_DBB_DIP                                    
DIPs formed when comparing the DBB haplotype against PGF
DS_2171                        ens_35_MCF_SNP                                    
SNPs formed when comparing the MCF haplotype against PGF
DS_2172                        ens_35_MCF_DIP                                    
DIPs formed when comparing the MCF haplotype against PGF
DS_2173                        ens_35_MANN_SNP                                   
SNPs formed when comparing the MANN haplotype against PGF
DS_2174                        ens_35_MANN_DIP                                   
DIPs formed when comparing the MANN haplotype against PGF
DS_2175                        ens_35_SSTO_SNP                                   
SNPs formed when comparing the SSTO haplotype against PGF
DS_2176                        ens_35_SSTO_DIP                                   
DIPs formed when comparing the SSTO haplotype against PGF
DS_2177                        ens_35_operon                                     
Mapping of Operon primers to NCBI35
DS_2178                        ens_m34_operon                                    
Mapping of Operon primers to NCBIM34
DS_2179                        ens_m35_operon                                    
Mapping of Operon primers to NCBIM35
DS_2180                        ens_36_fosmid                                     
Fosmids positioned by pairing SSAHA2 alignments of their sequence ends to the NCBI36 assembly.
DS_2181                        ens_36_agfosmid                                   
Agincourt Fosmids positioned by pairing SSAHA2 alignments of their sequence ends to the NCBI36 assembly.
DS_2182                        ens_36_chori17                                    
CHORI 17 BAC DAS Source For 36 Human Assembly: The BAC end read sequences have been mapped to the NCBI36 Human assembly using SSAHA2 and the BACs positioned from suitable alignment pairs.
DS_2183                        swat_m36_Rassf1aMV                                
Rassf1aMV -- Viral insertion sites SSAHA2 mapped to NCBI M36 assembly (RT35882).
DS_2184                        swat_m33_Nanog                                    
Binding sites for Nanog on NCBI M33 assembly (source doi:10.1038/ng1760).
DS_2185                        swat_m36_Nanog                                    
Binding sites for Nanog mapped (using LiftOver) onto NCBI M36 assembly from M33 (source doi:10.1038/ng1760).
DS_2186                        swat_m33_Oct4                                     
Binding sites for Oct4 on NCBI M33 assembly (source doi:10.1038/ng1760).
DS_2187                        swat_m36_Oct4                                     
Binding sites for Oct4 mapped (using LiftOver) onto NCBI M36 assembly from M33 (source doi:10.1038/ng1760).
DS_2188                        ens_m37_micer                                     
DS_2189                        iPfamDomain                                       
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2190                        ens_m33_nodclone                                  
NCBI Mouse 33 NOD Clones
DS_2191                        ens_ncbi_35_32krearray                            
BACPAC 32K Rearray
DS_2192                        ens_ncbi_35_bacend                                
BAC End Pairs
DS_2193                        ens_ncbi_35_fosmid                                
Fosmid End Pairs
DS_2194                        ens_rgsc_31_bacend                                
RAT BAC End Pairs
DS_2195                        ens_rgsc_31_fgenes                                
Rat fgenes Predictions
DS_2196                        ens_rgsc_31_gnomon                                
Rat Gnomon Predictions
DS_2197                        ens_rgsc_31_ncbi                                  
NCBI Genes
DS_2198                        ens_rgsc_31_refseq                                
Rat Refseq
DS_2199                        ens_rgsc_31_rgdgene                               
RGD genes
DS_2200                        ens_rgsc_31_twinscan                              
Twinscan Gene Predictions
DS_2201                        Mouse Fosmids at Sanger                           
A special subset of all mouse fosmids (those with clones available at WT Sanger Institute) mapped to M37
DS_2202                        GRC region zebrafish genome Zv9                   
Region reported to the Genome Reference Consortium Zv9
DS_2203                        evigan_predictions                                
Alternative splice site predictions from the program Evigan by Qian Liu.
DS_2204                        Ailuropoda_melanoleuca.ailMel1.prediction_transcri
Annotation source for Ailuropoda_melanoleuca prediction_transcript
DS_2205                        Ailuropoda_melanoleuca.ailMel1.reference          
Ailuropoda_melanoleuca Reference server based on ailMel1 assembly. Contains 81466 top level entries.
DS_2206                        Ailuropoda_melanoleuca.ailMel1.transcript         
Annotation source for Ailuropoda_melanoleuca transcript
DS_2207                        Ailuropoda_melanoleuca.ailMel1.translation        
Annotation source for Ailuropoda_melanoleuca translation
DS_2208                        Danio_rerio.Zv9.prediction_transcript             
Annotation source for Danio_rerio prediction_transcript
DS_2210                        Danio_rerio.Zv9.reference                         
Danio_rerio Reference server based on Zv9 assembly. Contains 1133 top level entries.
DS_2212                        Danio_rerio.Zv9.transcript                        
Annotation source for Danio_rerio transcript
DS_2214                        Danio_rerio.Zv9.translation                       
Annotation source for Danio_rerio translation
DS_2215                        PED                                               
The Pancreatic Expression database (PED, is the main   repository for pancreatic cancer derived -omics data
DS_2223                        Mus_musculus.VEGA41-clone.transcript              
Annotation source (returns clones) for Mus_musculus transcript
DS_2224                        Mus_musculus.VEGA41-clone.translation             
Annotation source (returns clones) for Mus_musculus translation
DS_2225                        Mus_musculus.VEGA41.karyotype                     
Annotation source for Mus_musculus karyotype
DS_2226                        Mus_musculus.VEGA41.prediction_transcript         
Annotation source for Mus_musculus prediction_transcript
DS_2227                        Mus_musculus.VEGA41.reference                     
Mus_musculus Reference server based on VEGA41 assembly. Contains 40 top level entries.
DS_2228                        Mus_musculus.VEGA41.transcript                    
Annotation source for Mus_musculus transcript
DS_2229                        Mus_musculus.VEGA41.translation                   
Annotation source for Mus_musculus translation
DS_2312                        Anolis_carolinensis.AnoCar2.0.prediction_transcrip
Annotation source for Anolis_carolinensis prediction_transcript
DS_2315                        Anolis_carolinensis.AnoCar2.0.reference           
Anolis_carolinensis Reference server based on AnoCar2.0 assembly. Contains 6456 top level entries.
DS_2318                        Anolis_carolinensis.AnoCar2.0.transcript          
Annotation source for Anolis_carolinensis transcript
DS_2321                        Anolis_carolinensis.AnoCar2.0.translation         
Annotation source for Anolis_carolinensis translation
DS_2324                        Bos_taurus.Btau_4.0.reference                     
Bos_taurus Reference server based on Btau_4.0 assembly. Contains 12008 top level entries.
DS_2326                        Bos_taurus.Btau_4.0.transcript                    
Annotation source for Bos_taurus transcript
DS_2328                        Bos_taurus.Btau_4.0.translation                   
Annotation source for Bos_taurus translation
DS_2330                        Caenorhabditis_elegans.WS220.reference            
Caenorhabditis_elegans Reference server based on WS220 assembly. Contains 7 top level entries.
DS_2331                        Caenorhabditis_elegans.WS220.transcript           
Annotation source for Caenorhabditis_elegans transcript
DS_2332                        Caenorhabditis_elegans.WS220.translation          
Annotation source for Caenorhabditis_elegans translation
DS_2333                        Callithrix_jacchus.C_jacchus3.2.1.prediction_trans
Annotation source for Callithrix_jacchus prediction_transcript
DS_2336                        Callithrix_jacchus.C_jacchus3.2.1.reference       
Callithrix_jacchus Reference server based on C_jacchus3.2.1 assembly. Contains 14205 top level entries.
DS_2339                        Callithrix_jacchus.C_jacchus3.2.1.transcript      
Annotation source for Callithrix_jacchus transcript
DS_2342                        Callithrix_jacchus.C_jacchus3.2.1.translation     
Annotation source for Callithrix_jacchus translation
DS_2345                        Canis_familiaris.BROADD2.reference                
Canis_familiaris Reference server based on BROADD2 assembly. Contains 41 top level entries.
DS_2346                        Canis_familiaris.BROADD2.transcript               
Annotation source for Canis_familiaris transcript
DS_2347                        Canis_familiaris.BROADD2.translation              
Annotation source for Canis_familiaris translation
DS_2348                        Cavia_porcellus.cavPor3.reference                 
Cavia_porcellus Reference server based on cavPor3 assembly. Contains 3144 top level entries.
DS_2349                        Cavia_porcellus.cavPor3.transcript                
Annotation source for Cavia_porcellus transcript
DS_2350                        Cavia_porcellus.cavPor3.translation               
Annotation source for Cavia_porcellus translation
DS_2351                        Choloepus_hoffmanni.choHof1.prediction_transcript 
Annotation source for Choloepus_hoffmanni prediction_transcript
DS_2353                        Choloepus_hoffmanni.choHof1.reference             
Choloepus_hoffmanni Reference server based on choHof1 assembly. Contains 454510 top level entries.
DS_2355                        Choloepus_hoffmanni.choHof1.transcript            
Annotation source for Choloepus_hoffmanni transcript
DS_2357                        Choloepus_hoffmanni.choHof1.translation           
Annotation source for Choloepus_hoffmanni translation
DS_2359                        Ciona_intestinalis.JGI2.reference                 
Ciona_intestinalis Reference server based on JGI2 assembly. Contains 4390 top level entries.
DS_2361                        Ciona_intestinalis.JGI2.transcript                
Annotation source for Ciona_intestinalis transcript
DS_2363                        Ciona_intestinalis.JGI2.translation               
Annotation source for Ciona_intestinalis translation
DS_2365                        Ciona_savignyi.CSAV2.0.reference                  
Ciona_savignyi Reference server based on CSAV2.0 assembly. Contains 374 top level entries.
DS_2366                        Ciona_savignyi.CSAV2.0.transcript                 
Annotation source for Ciona_savignyi transcript
DS_2367                        Ciona_savignyi.CSAV2.0.translation                
Annotation source for Ciona_savignyi translation
DS_2368                        Dasypus_novemcinctus.dasNov2.prediction_transcript
Annotation source for Dasypus_novemcinctus prediction_transcript
DS_2370                        Dasypus_novemcinctus.dasNov2.reference            
Dasypus_novemcinctus Reference server based on dasNov2 assembly. Contains 271554 top level entries.
DS_2372                        Dasypus_novemcinctus.dasNov2.transcript           
Annotation source for Dasypus_novemcinctus transcript
DS_2374                        Dasypus_novemcinctus.dasNov2.translation          
Annotation source for Dasypus_novemcinctus translation
DS_2376                        Dipodomys_ordii.dipOrd1.reference                 
Dipodomys_ordii Reference server based on dipOrd1 assembly. Contains 195994 top level entries.
DS_2378                        Dipodomys_ordii.dipOrd1.transcript                
Annotation source for Dipodomys_ordii transcript
DS_2380                        Dipodomys_ordii.dipOrd1.translation               
Annotation source for Dipodomys_ordii translation
DS_2382                        Drosophila_melanogaster.BDGP5.25.karyotype        
Annotation source for Drosophila_melanogaster karyotype
DS_2383                        Drosophila_melanogaster.BDGP5.25.prediction_transc
Annotation source for Drosophila_melanogaster prediction_transcript
DS_2384                        Drosophila_melanogaster.BDGP5.25.reference        
Drosophila_melanogaster Reference server based on BDGP5.25 assembly. Contains 15 top level entries.
DS_2385                        Drosophila_melanogaster.BDGP5.25.transcript       
Annotation source for Drosophila_melanogaster transcript
DS_2386                        Drosophila_melanogaster.BDGP5.25.translation      
Annotation source for Drosophila_melanogaster translation
DS_2387                        Echinops_telfairi.TENREC.reference                
Echinops_telfairi Reference server based on TENREC assembly. Contains 297967 top level entries.
DS_2389                        Echinops_telfairi.TENREC.transcript               
Annotation source for Echinops_telfairi transcript
DS_2391                        Echinops_telfairi.TENREC.translation              
Annotation source for Echinops_telfairi translation
DS_2393                        Equus_caballus.EquCab2.reference                  
Equus_caballus Reference server based on EquCab2 assembly. Contains 9636 top level entries.
DS_2394                        Equus_caballus.EquCab2.transcript                 
Annotation source for Equus_caballus transcript
DS_2395                        Equus_caballus.EquCab2.translation                
Annotation source for Equus_caballus translation
DS_2396                        Erinaceus_europaeus.HEDGEHOG.reference            
Erinaceus_europaeus Reference server based on HEDGEHOG assembly. Contains 352700 top level entries.
DS_2398                        Erinaceus_europaeus.HEDGEHOG.transcript           
Annotation source for Erinaceus_europaeus transcript
DS_2400                        Erinaceus_europaeus.HEDGEHOG.translation          
Annotation source for Erinaceus_europaeus translation
DS_2402                        Felis_catus.CAT.reference                         
Felis_catus Reference server based on CAT assembly. Contains 202870 top level entries.
DS_2404                        Felis_catus.CAT.transcript                        
Annotation source for Felis_catus transcript
DS_2406                        Felis_catus.CAT.translation                       
Annotation source for Felis_catus translation
DS_2408                        Gallus_gallus.WASHUC2.reference                   
Gallus_gallus Reference server based on WASHUC2 assembly. Contains 57 top level entries.
DS_2409                        Gallus_gallus.WASHUC2.transcript                  
Annotation source for Gallus_gallus transcript
DS_2410                        Gallus_gallus.WASHUC2.translation                 
Annotation source for Gallus_gallus translation
DS_2411                        Gasterosteus_aculeatus.BROADS1.reference          
Gasterosteus_aculeatus Reference server based on BROADS1 assembly. Contains 1844 top level entries.
DS_2413                        Gasterosteus_aculeatus.BROADS1.transcript         
Annotation source for Gasterosteus_aculeatus transcript
DS_2415                        Gasterosteus_aculeatus.BROADS1.translation        
Annotation source for Gasterosteus_aculeatus translation
DS_2417                        Gorilla_gorilla.gorGor3.prediction_transcript     
Annotation source for Gorilla_gorilla prediction_transcript
DS_2418                        Gorilla_gorilla.gorGor3.reference                 
Gorilla_gorilla Reference server based on gorGor3 assembly. Contains 50196 top level entries.
DS_2419                        Gorilla_gorilla.gorGor3.transcript                
Annotation source for Gorilla_gorilla transcript
DS_2420                        Gorilla_gorilla.gorGor3.translation               
Annotation source for Gorilla_gorilla translation
DS_2421                        Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.cagetags                      
Annotation source for Homo_sapiens cagetags
DS_2423                        Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.ditags                        
Annotation source for Homo_sapiens ditags
DS_2425                        Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.karyotype                     
Annotation source for Homo_sapiens karyotype
DS_2427                        Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.prediction_transcript         
Annotation source for Homo_sapiens prediction_transcript
DS_2429                        Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.reference                     
Homo_sapiens Reference server based on GRCh37 assembly. Contains 177 top level entries.
DS_2431                        Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.transcript                    
Annotation source for Homo_sapiens transcript
DS_2433                        Loxodonta_africana.loxAfr3.prediction_transcript  
Annotation source for Loxodonta_africana prediction_transcript
DS_2434                        Loxodonta_africana.loxAfr3.reference              
Loxodonta_africana Reference server based on loxAfr3 assembly. Contains 2352 top level entries.
DS_2435                        Loxodonta_africana.loxAfr3.transcript             
Annotation source for Loxodonta_africana transcript
DS_2436                        Loxodonta_africana.loxAfr3.translation            
Annotation source for Loxodonta_africana translation
DS_2437                        Macaca_mulatta.MMUL_1.reference                   
Macaca_mulatta Reference server based on MMUL_1 assembly. Contains 121811 top level entries.
DS_2439                        Macaca_mulatta.MMUL_1.transcript                  
Annotation source for Macaca_mulatta transcript
DS_2441                        Macaca_mulatta.MMUL_1.translation                 
Annotation source for Macaca_mulatta translation
DS_2443                        Macropus_eugenii.Meug_1.0.prediction_transcript   
Annotation source for Macropus_eugenii prediction_transcript
DS_2445                        Macropus_eugenii.Meug_1.0.reference               
Macropus_eugenii Reference server based on Meug_1.0 assembly. Contains 582687 top level entries.
DS_2447                        Macropus_eugenii.Meug_1.0.transcript              
Annotation source for Macropus_eugenii transcript
DS_2449                        Macropus_eugenii.Meug_1.0.translation             
Annotation source for Macropus_eugenii translation
DS_2451                        Meleagris_gallopavo.UMD2.prediction_transcript    
Annotation source for Meleagris_gallopavo prediction_transcript
DS_2454                        Meleagris_gallopavo.UMD2.reference                
Meleagris_gallopavo Reference server based on UMD2 assembly. Contains 6165 top level entries.
DS_2457                        Meleagris_gallopavo.UMD2.transcript               
Annotation source for Meleagris_gallopavo transcript
DS_2460                        Meleagris_gallopavo.UMD2.translation              
Annotation source for Meleagris_gallopavo translation
DS_2463                        Microcebus_murinus.micMur1.reference              
Microcebus_murinus Reference server based on micMur1 assembly. Contains 172937 top level entries.
DS_2465                        Microcebus_murinus.micMur1.transcript             
Annotation source for Microcebus_murinus transcript
DS_2467                        Microcebus_murinus.micMur1.translation            
Annotation source for Microcebus_murinus translation
DS_2469                        Monodelphis_domestica.BROADO5.reference           
Monodelphis_domestica Reference server based on BROADO5 assembly. Contains 11 top level entries.
DS_2470                        Monodelphis_domestica.BROADO5.transcript          
Annotation source for Monodelphis_domestica transcript
DS_2471                        Monodelphis_domestica.BROADO5.translation         
Annotation source for Monodelphis_domestica translation
DS_2472                        Multi.Ensembl-GeneID.spine                        
Gene Summary Annotation source 
DS_2473                        Mus_musculus.NCBIM37.cagetags                     
Annotation source for Mus_musculus cagetags
DS_2475                        Mus_musculus.NCBIM37.ditags                       
Annotation source for Mus_musculus ditags
DS_2477                        Mus_musculus.NCBIM37.karyotype                    
Annotation source for Mus_musculus karyotype
DS_2479                        Mus_musculus.NCBIM37.prediction_transcript        
Annotation source for Mus_musculus prediction_transcript
DS_2481                        Mus_musculus.NCBIM37.reference                    
Mus_musculus Reference server based on NCBIM37 assembly. Contains 211 top level entries.
DS_2483                        Mus_musculus.NCBIM37.transcript                   
Annotation source for Mus_musculus transcript
DS_2485                        Mus_musculus.NCBIM37.translation                  
Annotation source for Mus_musculus translation
DS_2493                        Ochotona_princeps.pika.reference                  
Ochotona_princeps Reference server based on pika assembly. Contains 193095 top level entries.
DS_2495                        Ochotona_princeps.pika.transcript                 
Annotation source for Ochotona_princeps transcript
DS_2497                        Ochotona_princeps.pika.translation                
Annotation source for Ochotona_princeps translation
DS_2499                        Ornithorhynchus_anatinus.OANA5.reference          
Ornithorhynchus_anatinus Reference server based on OANA5 assembly. Contains 291092 top level entries.
DS_2502                        Ornithorhynchus_anatinus.OANA5.transcript         
Annotation source for Ornithorhynchus_anatinus transcript
DS_2505                        Ornithorhynchus_anatinus.OANA5.translation        
Annotation source for Ornithorhynchus_anatinus translation
DS_2508                        Oryctolagus_cuniculus.oryCun2.prediction_transcrip
Annotation source for Oryctolagus_cuniculus prediction_transcript
DS_2509                        Oryctolagus_cuniculus.oryCun2.reference           
Oryctolagus_cuniculus Reference server based on oryCun2 assembly. Contains 3241 top level entries.
DS_2510                        Oryctolagus_cuniculus.oryCun2.transcript          
Annotation source for Oryctolagus_cuniculus transcript
DS_2511                        Oryctolagus_cuniculus.oryCun2.translation         
Annotation source for Oryctolagus_cuniculus translation
DS_2512                        Oryzias_latipes.MEDAKA1.ditags                    
Annotation source for Oryzias_latipes ditags
DS_2515                        Oryzias_latipes.MEDAKA1.prediction_transcript     
Annotation source for Oryzias_latipes prediction_transcript
DS_2518                        Oryzias_latipes.MEDAKA1.reference                 
Oryzias_latipes Reference server based on MEDAKA1 assembly. Contains 7188 top level entries.
DS_2521                        Oryzias_latipes.MEDAKA1.transcript                
Annotation source for Oryzias_latipes transcript
DS_2524                        Oryzias_latipes.MEDAKA1.translation               
Annotation source for Oryzias_latipes translation
DS_2527                        Otolemur_garnettii.BUSHBABY1.reference            
Otolemur_garnettii Reference server based on BUSHBABY1 assembly. Contains 107969 top level entries.
DS_2529                        Otolemur_garnettii.BUSHBABY1.transcript           
Annotation source for Otolemur_garnettii transcript
DS_2531                        Otolemur_garnettii.BUSHBABY1.translation          
Annotation source for Otolemur_garnettii translation
DS_2533                        Pan_troglodytes.CHIMP2.1.reference                
Pan_troglodytes Reference server based on CHIMP2.1 assembly. Contains 52 top level entries.
DS_2534                        Pan_troglodytes.CHIMP2.1.transcript               
Annotation source for Pan_troglodytes transcript
DS_2535                        Pan_troglodytes.CHIMP2.1.translation              
Annotation source for Pan_troglodytes translation
DS_2539                        Procavia_capensis.proCap1.reference               
Procavia_capensis Reference server based on proCap1 assembly. Contains 277109 top level entries.
DS_2541                        Procavia_capensis.proCap1.transcript              
Annotation source for Procavia_capensis transcript
DS_2543                        Procavia_capensis.proCap1.translation             
Annotation source for Procavia_capensis translation
DS_2545                        Pteropus_vampyrus.pteVam1.reference               
Pteropus_vampyrus Reference server based on pteVam1 assembly. Contains 90637 top level entries.
DS_2547                        Pteropus_vampyrus.pteVam1.transcript              
Annotation source for Pteropus_vampyrus transcript
DS_2549                        Pteropus_vampyrus.pteVam1.translation             
Annotation source for Pteropus_vampyrus translation
DS_2551                        Rattus_norvegicus.RGSC3.4.karyotype               
Annotation source for Rattus_norvegicus karyotype
DS_2552                        Rattus_norvegicus.RGSC3.4.reference               
Rattus_norvegicus Reference server based on RGSC3.4 assembly. Contains 22 top level entries.
DS_2553                        Rattus_norvegicus.RGSC3.4.transcript              
Annotation source for Rattus_norvegicus transcript
DS_2554                        Rattus_norvegicus.RGSC3.4.translation             
Annotation source for Rattus_norvegicus translation
DS_2558                        Sorex_araneus.COMMON_SHREW1.reference             
Sorex_araneus Reference server based on COMMON_SHREW1 assembly. Contains 243136 top level entries.
DS_2560                        Sorex_araneus.COMMON_SHREW1.transcript            
Annotation source for Sorex_araneus transcript
DS_2562                        Sorex_araneus.COMMON_SHREW1.translation           
Annotation source for Sorex_araneus translation
DS_2564                        Spermophilus_tridecemlineatus.SQUIRREL.reference  
Spermophilus_tridecemlineatus Reference server based on SQUIRREL assembly. Contains 147878 top level entries.
DS_2566                        Spermophilus_tridecemlineatus.SQUIRREL.transcript 
Annotation source for Spermophilus_tridecemlineatus transcript
DS_2568                        Spermophilus_tridecemlineatus.SQUIRREL.translation
Annotation source for Spermophilus_tridecemlineatus translation
DS_2570                        Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa9.prediction_transcript         
Annotation source for Sus_scrofa prediction_transcript
DS_2571                        Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa9.reference                     
Sus_scrofa Reference server based on Sscrofa9 assembly. Contains 20 top level entries.
DS_2572                        Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa9.transcript                    
Annotation source for Sus_scrofa transcript
DS_2573                        Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa9.translation                   
Annotation source for Sus_scrofa translation
DS_2574                        Taeniopygia_guttata.taeGut3.2.4.prediction_transcr
Annotation source for Taeniopygia_guttata prediction_transcript
DS_2575                        Taeniopygia_guttata.taeGut3.2.4.reference         
Taeniopygia_guttata Reference server based on taeGut3.2.4 assembly. Contains 69 top level entries.
DS_2576                        Taeniopygia_guttata.taeGut3.2.4.transcript        
Annotation source for Taeniopygia_guttata transcript
DS_2577                        Taeniopygia_guttata.taeGut3.2.4.translation       
Annotation source for Taeniopygia_guttata translation
DS_2578                        Takifugu_rubripes.FUGU4.reference                 
Takifugu_rubripes Reference server based on FUGU4 assembly. Contains 7214 top level entries.
DS_2579                        Takifugu_rubripes.FUGU4.transcript                
Annotation source for Takifugu_rubripes transcript
DS_2580                        Takifugu_rubripes.FUGU4.translation               
Annotation source for Takifugu_rubripes translation
DS_2581                        Tarsius_syrichta.tarSyr1.reference                
Tarsius_syrichta Reference server based on tarSyr1 assembly. Contains 631266 top level entries.
DS_2583                        Tarsius_syrichta.tarSyr1.transcript               
Annotation source for Tarsius_syrichta transcript
DS_2585                        Tarsius_syrichta.tarSyr1.translation              
Annotation source for Tarsius_syrichta translation
DS_2587                        Tetraodon_nigroviridis.TETRAODON8.reference       
Tetraodon_nigroviridis Reference server based on TETRAODON8 assembly. Contains 27 top level entries.
DS_2588                        Tetraodon_nigroviridis.TETRAODON8.transcript      
Annotation source for Tetraodon_nigroviridis transcript
DS_2589                        Tetraodon_nigroviridis.TETRAODON8.translation     
Annotation source for Tetraodon_nigroviridis translation
DS_2590                        Tupaia_belangeri.TREESHREW.reference              
Tupaia_belangeri Reference server based on TREESHREW assembly. Contains 137753 top level entries.
DS_2592                        Tupaia_belangeri.TREESHREW.transcript             
Annotation source for Tupaia_belangeri transcript
DS_2594                        Tupaia_belangeri.TREESHREW.translation            
Annotation source for Tupaia_belangeri translation
DS_2596                        Tursiops_truncatus.turTru1.reference              
Tursiops_truncatus Reference server based on turTru1 assembly. Contains 111212 top level entries.
DS_2598                        Tursiops_truncatus.turTru1.transcript             
Annotation source for Tursiops_truncatus transcript
DS_2600                        Tursiops_truncatus.turTru1.translation            
Annotation source for Tursiops_truncatus translation
DS_2602                        Vicugna_pacos.vicPac1.reference                   
Vicugna_pacos Reference server based on vicPac1 assembly. Contains 290926 top level entries.
DS_2604                        Vicugna_pacos.vicPac1.transcript                  
Annotation source for Vicugna_pacos transcript
DS_2606                        Vicugna_pacos.vicPac1.translation                 
Annotation source for Vicugna_pacos translation
DS_2611                        TEPIDAS                                           
DS_2612                        BCCTB                                             
Breast Cancer Campaign Tissue Bank Bioinformatics   Portal
DS_2613                        gencode_exp_verification                          
Tested Gencode transcript splice junctions from experimental validation (UNIL)
DS_2614                        unc_msdas peptides                                
Mass-Spec peptides mapped to GRCh37 6-frame translations (Univ. North Carolina)
DS_2615                        pjazz_berghei                                     
pJazz large-fragment library by O. Billker group
DS_2616                        EA_regions_36                                     
Affy 500K (redon et al) mapped to NCBI 36
DS_2617                        ens_35_aceview                                    
Note: the coordinate system for this source was guessed by an automated proceedure at the sanger - if you think this is incorrect please email with the source id
DS_2618                        swat_34_rearrangement_hotspots                    
The 130 rearrangement hotspots from doi:10.1038/ng1862 on NCBI34 HG16.
DS_2619                        swat_36_rearrangement_hotspots                    
95 of the 130 Rearrangement hotspots from doi:10.1038/ng1862 successfully mapped (from NCBI34 HG16) to NCBI36 HG18 (using UCSC's liftOver).
DS_2620                        swat_m36_p717tags                                 
Mapped insertion tags
DS_2621                        decipher_archive_ncbi36                           
DS_2627                        Selectome                                         
Selectome is a database of positive  selection on gene trees.
DS_2628                        EST (Nicotiana)                                   
259,895 Nicotiana EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2629                        EST (Medicago)                                    
111,293 Medicago EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2630                        EST (Saccharum)                                   
266,904 Saccharum EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2631                        EST_Cluster (Glycine)                             
123,198 Glycine EST_Cluster markers mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2632                        EST (Glycine)                                     
534,176 Glycine EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2633                        EST (Limnanthes)                                  
111,345 Limnanthes EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2634                        EST (Triticum)                                    
662,476 Triticum EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2635                        EST (Zea)                                         
204,816 Zea EST sequences mapped to AGI version BAC_Sanger_2009 of Oryza_punctata
DS_2636                        EST_Cluster (Oryza_sativa)                        
478,179 Oryza_sativa EST_Cluster markers mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2637                        EST (Triphysaria)                                 
149,721 Triphysaria EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2638                        EST (Zea)                                         
951,921 Zea EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2639                        EST (Oryza_sativa)                                
1,410,571 Oryza_sativa EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2640                        EST (Sorghum)                                     
281,738 Sorghum EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2641                        EST_Cluster (Gossypium)                           
217,599 Gossypium EST_Cluster markers mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2642                        EST_Cluster (Populus)                             
173,965 Populus EST_Cluster markers mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2643                        EST (Gossypium)                                   
368,084 Gossypium EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2644                        EST (Oryza_sativa)                                
133,829 Oryza_sativa EST sequences mapped to AGI version BAC_Sanger_2009 of Oryza_minuta
DS_2645                        EST (Actinidia)                                   
104,098 Actinidia EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2646                        mRNA (Zea)                                        
150,239 Zea mRNA sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2647                        EST (Mimulus)                                     
270,087 Mimulus EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2648                        EST (Malus)                                       
197,847 Malus EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2649                        EST (Triticum)                                    
1,422,092 Triticum EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2650                        EST (Pinus)                                       
130,604 Pinus EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2651                        EST_Cluster (Zea)                                 
164,706 Zea EST_Cluster markers mapped to AGI version BAC_Sanger_2009 of Oryza_minuta
DS_2652                        EST (Pinus)                                       
184,400 Pinus EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2653                        EST_Cluster (Zea)                                 
423,869 Zea EST_Cluster markers mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2654                        EST (Cucumis)                                     
128,096 Cucumis EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2655                        EST (Zea)                                         
201,787 Zea EST sequences mapped to AGI version BAC_Sanger_2009 of Oryza_officinalis
DS_2656                        EST (Vitis)                                       
954,344 Vitis EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2657                        EST_Cluster (Zea)                                 
114,479 Zea EST_Cluster markers mapped to AGI version BAC_Sanger_2009 of Oryza_punctata
DS_2658                        EST (Vitis)                                       
289,951 Vitis EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2659                        EST (Medicago)                                    
210,244 Medicago EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2660                        EST_Cluster (Sorghum)                             
146,422 Sorghum EST_Cluster markers mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2661                        EST (Oryza_sativa)                                
140,935 Oryza_sativa EST sequences mapped to AGI version 454.2pools.2009 of Oryza_rufipogon
DS_2662                        EST (Juglans)                                     
138,196 Juglans EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2663                        EST (Solanum)                                     
170,705 Solanum EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2664                        EST_Cluster (Populus)                             
107,086 Populus EST_Cluster markers mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2665                        EST_Cluster (Zea)                                 
336,277 Zea EST_Cluster markers mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2666                        EST (Eucalyptus)                                  
158,271 Eucalyptus EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2667                        EST (Oryza_sativa)                                
136,420 Oryza_sativa EST sequences mapped to AGI version 454.2pools.2009 of Oryza_nivara
DS_2668                        EST (Populus)                                     
405,967 Populus EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2669                        EST (Malus)                                       
189,967 Malus EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2670                        EST_Cluster (Saccharum)                           
196,888 Saccharum EST_Cluster markers mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2671                        mRNA (Oryza_sativa)                               
184,517 Oryza_sativa mRNA sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2672                        EST (Ipomoea)                                     
108,629 Ipomoea EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2673                        EST_Cluster (Hordeum)                             
249,820 Hordeum EST_Cluster markers mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2674                        EST (Arabidopsis)                                 
1,373,234 Arabidopsis EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2675                        EST_Cluster (Brassica)                            
438,497 Brassica EST_Cluster markers mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2676                        EST (Panicum)                                     
156,610 Panicum EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2677                        EST (Brassica)                                    
2,034,716 Brassica EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2678                        EST_Cluster (Triticum)                            
433,834 Triticum EST_Cluster markers mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2679                        EST (Populus)                                     
183,728 Populus EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2680                        EST (Nicotiana)                                   
142,159 Nicotiana EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2681                        EST (Festuca)                                     
149,779 Festuca EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2682                        EST (Theobroma)                                   
257,670 Theobroma EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2683                        EST_Cluster (Brassica)                            
128,946 Brassica EST_Cluster markers mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2684                        EST (Oryza_sativa)                                
994,446 Oryza_sativa EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2685                        EST (Citrus)                                      
276,039 Citrus EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2686                        EST_Cluster (Solanum)                             
100,478 Solanum EST_Cluster markers mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2687                        EST (Oryza_sativa)                                
145,215 Oryza_sativa EST sequences mapped to AGI version BAC_pool_2008 of Oryza_barthii
DS_2688                        EST (Physcomitrella)                              
176,524 Physcomitrella EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2689                        EST (Zea)                                         
1,670,557 Zea EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2690                        EST_Cluster (Arabidopsis)                         
301,985 Arabidopsis EST_Cluster markers mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2691                        EST (Vigna)                                       
104,916 Vigna EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2692                        EST (Prunus)                                      
110,920 Prunus EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2693                        EST_Cluster (Triticum)                            
171,747 Triticum EST_Cluster markers mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2694                        EST (Festuca)                                     
125,095 Festuca EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2695                        EST (Glycine)                                     
332,673 Glycine EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2696                        EST (Arabidopsis)                                 
578,158 Arabidopsis EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2697                        EST (Gossypium)                                   
211,889 Gossypium EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2698                        mRNA (Arabidopsis)                                
111,121 Arabidopsis mRNA sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2699                        EST_Cluster (Gossypium)                           
152,452 Gossypium EST_Cluster markers mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2700                        EST (Solanum)                                     
309,582 Solanum EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2701                        EST (Arachis)                                     
187,371 Arachis EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2702                        EST (Physcomitrella)                              
176,284 Physcomitrella EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2703                        EST (Phaseolus)                                   
101,085 Phaseolus EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2704                        EST (Picea)                                       
173,703 Picea EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2705                        EST (Hordeum)                                     
644,951 Hordeum EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2706                        EST (Lactuca)                                     
127,989 Lactuca EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2707                        EST (Panicum)                                     
462,123 Panicum EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2708                        EST (Raphanus)                                    
104,764 Raphanus EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2709                        EST (Helianthus)                                  
120,018 Helianthus EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2710                        EST_Cluster (Zea)                                 
121,475 Zea EST_Cluster markers mapped to AGI version BAC_Sanger_2009 of Oryza_officinalis
DS_2711                        EST (Mimulus)                                     
211,970 Mimulus EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2712                        EST_Cluster (Vitis)                               
142,009 Vitis EST_Cluster markers mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2713                        EST (Hordeum)                                     
206,481 Hordeum EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2714                        EST (Picea)                                       
248,304 Picea EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2715                        EST (Actinidia)                                   
111,972 Actinidia EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2716                        EST_Cluster (Oryza_sativa)                        
208,283 Oryza_sativa EST_Cluster markers mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2717                        EST (Raphanus)                                    
509,271 Raphanus EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2718                        mRNA (Zea)                                        
115,299 Zea mRNA sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2719                        EST (Brassica)                                    
887,279 Brassica EST sequences mapped to IBI version 1.0 of Brachypodium_distachyon
DS_2720                        EST (Citrus)                                      
667,231 Citrus EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2721                        EST (Theobroma)                                   
123,246 Theobroma EST sequences mapped to TAIR version 10 of Arabidopsis_thaliana
DS_2722                        Nomascus_leucogenys.Nleu1.0.prediction_transcript 
Annotation source for Nomascus_leucogenys prediction_transcript
DS_2724                        Nomascus_leucogenys.Nleu1.0.reference             
Nomascus_leucogenys Reference server based on Nleu1.0 assembly. Contains 17968 top level entries.
DS_2726                        Nomascus_leucogenys.Nleu1.0.transcript            
Annotation source for Nomascus_leucogenys transcript
DS_2728                        Nomascus_leucogenys.Nleu1.0.translation           
Annotation source for Nomascus_leucogenys translation
DS_2730                        Pongo_abelii.PPYG2.prediction_transcript          
Annotation source for Pongo_abelii prediction_transcript
DS_2731                        Pongo_abelii.PPYG2.reference                      
Pongo_abelii Reference server based on PPYG2 assembly. Contains 55 top level entries.
DS_2732                        Pongo_abelii.PPYG2.transcript                     
Annotation source for Pongo_abelii transcript
DS_2733                        Pongo_abelii.PPYG2.translation                    
Annotation source for Pongo_abelii translation
DS_2734                        Xenopus_tropicalis.JGI_4.2.prediction_transcript  
Annotation source for Xenopus_tropicalis prediction_transcript
DS_2735                        Xenopus_tropicalis.JGI_4.2.reference              
Xenopus_tropicalis Reference server based on JGI_4.2 assembly. Contains 19549 top level entries.
DS_2736                        Xenopus_tropicalis.JGI_4.2.transcript             
Annotation source for Xenopus_tropicalis transcript
DS_2737                        Xenopus_tropicalis.JGI_4.2.translation            
Annotation source for Xenopus_tropicalis translation
DS_2738                        DARNED                                            
RNA editing instances in human.
DS_2739                        testbam                                           
test bam registration
DS_2740                        Danio_rerio.VEGA43-clone.transcript               
Annotation source (returns clones) for Danio_rerio transcript
DS_2741                        Danio_rerio.VEGA43-clone.translation              
Annotation source (returns clones) for Danio_rerio translation
DS_2742                        Danio_rerio.VEGA43.prediction_transcript          
Annotation source for Danio_rerio prediction_transcript
DS_2743                        Danio_rerio.VEGA43.reference                      
Danio_rerio Reference server based on VEGA43 assembly. Contains 27 top level entries.
DS_2744                        Danio_rerio.VEGA43.transcript                     
Annotation source for Danio_rerio transcript
DS_2745                        Danio_rerio.VEGA43.translation                    
Annotation source for Danio_rerio translation
DS_2746                        Homo_sapiens.VEGA43-clone.transcript              
Annotation source (returns clones) for Homo_sapiens transcript
DS_2747                        Homo_sapiens.VEGA43-clone.translation             
Annotation source (returns clones) for Homo_sapiens translation
DS_2748                        Homo_sapiens.VEGA43.karyotype                     
Annotation source for Homo_sapiens karyotype
DS_2749                        Homo_sapiens.VEGA43.prediction_transcript         
Annotation source for Homo_sapiens prediction_transcript
DS_2750                        Homo_sapiens.VEGA43.reference                     
Homo_sapiens Reference server based on VEGA43 assembly. Contains 39 top level entries.
DS_2751                        Homo_sapiens.VEGA43.transcript                    
Annotation source for Homo_sapiens transcript
DS_2752                        Homo_sapiens.VEGA43.translation                   
Annotation source for Homo_sapiens translation
DS_2753                        Cafe Variome Diagnostic Variants (human GRCh 37)  
Cafe Variome - diagnostic variants  (Human GRCh 37)
DS_2754                        ctcf_ptr                                          
blady blah
DS_2755                        Sample BAM file from Loraine Lab                  
75 base single end Illumina reads aligned onto the A_thaliana_Jun_2009 (TAIR9) genome assembly using TopHat. The library was prepared from three week old seedlings undergoing simulated drought stress.
DS_2756                        Myotis_lucifugus.Myoluc2.0.prediction_transcript  
Annotation source for Myotis_lucifugus prediction_transcript
DS_2757                        Myotis_lucifugus.Myoluc2.0.reference              
Myotis_lucifugus Reference server based on Myoluc2.0 assembly. Contains 11654 top level entries.
DS_2758                        Myotis_lucifugus.Myoluc2.0.transcript             
Annotation source for Myotis_lucifugus transcript
DS_2759                        Myotis_lucifugus.Myoluc2.0.translation            
Annotation source for Myotis_lucifugus translation
DS_2760                        Saccharomyces_cerevisiae.EF3.reference            
Saccharomyces_cerevisiae Reference server based on EF3 assembly. Contains 18 top level entries.
DS_2761                        Saccharomyces_cerevisiae.EF3.transcript           
Annotation source for Saccharomyces_cerevisiae transcript
DS_2762                        Saccharomyces_cerevisiae.EF3.translation          
Annotation source for Saccharomyces_cerevisiae translation
DS_2763                        CATH Domains                                      
Manually curated structural domain  boundaries for PDB structures
DS_2764                        CATH Domain Homologues in Ensembl.                
CATH Superfamily domain homologues,  identified by sequence similarity, and  mapped to Ensembl.
DS_2765                        CATH Domains in UniProt                           
Structural domains directly mapped to  UniProt. A clone of the cath_uniprot  server for backwards compatibility.
DS_2766                        CATH Structural Domain Alignments                 
3D Alignments of highly structurally  similar protein domains
DS_2767                        CATH Domains in UniProt                           
Structural domains directly mapped to  UniProt.
DS_2768                        CATH Domain Homologues in UniProt.                
CATH Superfamily domain homologues,  identified using DomainFinder.

Go to the output files for this example

Command line arguments

Generates server cache file for DAS servers or for the DAS registry
Version: EMBOSS:

   Standard (Mandatory) qualifiers:
  [-cachefile]         outfile    [server.$(servername)] Server cache output

   Additional (Optional) qualifiers:
   -sequencesourcesonly boolean    [N] Display DAS sequence sources only
   -outfile            outfile    [stdout] Output file name

   Advanced (Unprompted) qualifiers:
   -host               string     [] DAS registry/server
                                  host location (Any string)
   -path               string     [/das] DAS registry/server path on
                                  registry/server host (Any string)
   -port               integer    [80] DAS registry/server port on
                                  registry/server host (Any integer value)
   -servername         string     [das] Name of a DAS server defined in EMBOSS
                                  resource files (Any string)

   Associated qualifiers:

   "-outfile" associated qualifiers
   -odirectory         string     Output directory

   "-cachefile" associated qualifiers
   -odirectory1        string     Output directory

   General qualifiers:
   -auto               boolean    Turn off prompts
   -stdout             boolean    Write first file to standard output
   -filter             boolean    Read first file from standard input, write
                                  first file to standard output
   -options            boolean    Prompt for standard and additional values
   -debug              boolean    Write debug output to program.dbg
   -verbose            boolean    Report some/full command line options
   -help               boolean    Report command line options and exit. More
                                  information on associated and general
                                  qualifiers can be found with -help -verbose
   -warning            boolean    Report warnings
   -error              boolean    Report errors
   -fatal              boolean    Report fatal errors
   -die                boolean    Report dying program messages
   -version            boolean    Report version number and exit

Qualifier Type Description Allowed values Default
Standard (Mandatory) qualifiers
(Parameter 1)
outfile Server cache output file Output file server.$(servername)
Additional (Optional) qualifiers
-sequencesourcesonly boolean Display DAS sequence sources only Boolean value Yes/No No
-outfile outfile Output file name Output file stdout
Advanced (Unprompted) qualifiers
-host string DAS registry/server host location Any string
-path string DAS registry/server path on registry/server host Any string /das
-port integer DAS registry/server port on registry/server host Any integer value 80
-servername string Name of a DAS server defined in EMBOSS resource files Any string das
Associated qualifiers
"-outfile" associated outfile qualifiers
-odirectory string Output directory Any string  
"-cachefile" associated outfile qualifiers
string Output directory Any string  
General qualifiers
-auto boolean Turn off prompts Boolean value Yes/No N
-stdout boolean Write first file to standard output Boolean value Yes/No N
-filter boolean Read first file from standard input, write first file to standard output Boolean value Yes/No N
-options boolean Prompt for standard and additional values Boolean value Yes/No N
-debug boolean Write debug output to program.dbg Boolean value Yes/No N
-verbose boolean Report some/full command line options Boolean value Yes/No Y
-help boolean Report command line options and exit. More information on associated and general qualifiers can be found with -help -verbose Boolean value Yes/No N
-warning boolean Report warnings Boolean value Yes/No Y
-error boolean Report errors Boolean value Yes/No Y
-fatal boolean Report fatal errors Boolean value Yes/No Y
-die boolean Report dying program messages Boolean value Yes/No Y
-version boolean Report version number and exit Boolean value Yes/No N

Input file format

cachedas contacts the DAS registry for details of registered servers.

Output file format

cachedas writes a server cache file which can be saved in the user's .embossdata directory or, for a system administrator, stored in the site-wide share/EMBOSS/ directory.

Output files for usage example

File: qatests.server.dasregistry

# qatests.server.dasregistry 2011-07-15 12:00:00

DB cath [
  method: das
  type: "Protfeatures"
  format: "dasgff"
  example: "5pti"
  comment: "The CATH database annotates PDB structures with CATH structural domains as derived from a combination of automatic and manually methods."
  hasaccession: "N"
  identifier: "segment"
  fields: "segment,type,category,categorize,feature_id"

DB DS_114_signalp [
  method: das
  type: "Protfeatures"
  format: "dasgff"
  example: "ALBU_HUMAN"
  comment: "SignalP ( predictions for UniProt."
  hasaccession: "N"
  identifier: "segment"
  fields: "segment,type,category,categorize,feature_id"

DB netphos [
  method: das
  type: "Protfeatures"
  format: "dasgff"
  example: "ALBU_HUMAN"
  comment: "NetPhos ( predictions for UniProt."
  hasaccession: "N"
  identifier: "segment"
  fields: "segment,type,category,categorize,feature_id"

DB prop [
  method: das
  type: "Protfeatures"
  format: "dasgff"
  example: "GDNF_HUMAN"
  comment: "ProP ( predictions for UniProt."
  hasaccession: "N"
  identifier: "segment"
  fields: "segment,type,category,categorize,feature_id"

  [Part of this file has been deleted for brevity]

  fields: "segment,type,category,categorize,feature_id"

DB CATH_Domain_Homologues_in_Ensembl [
  method: das
  type: "Protfeatures"
  format: "dasgff"
  example: "ENSGACP00000019937"
  comment: "CATH Superfamily domain homologues, identified by sequence similarity, and mapped to Ensembl."
  hasaccession: "N"
  identifier: "segment"
  fields: "segment,type,category,categorize,feature_id"

DB DS_2765_CATH_Domains_in_UniProt [
  method: das
  type: "Protfeatures"
  format: "dasgff"
  example: "P20279"
  comment: "Structural domains directly mapped to UniProt. A clone of the cath_uniprot server for backwards compatibility."
  hasaccession: "N"
  identifier: "segment"
  fields: "segment,type,category,categorize,feature_id"

DB DS_2767_CATH_Domains_in_UniProt [
  method: das
  type: "Protfeatures"
  format: "dasgff"
  example: "P20279"
  comment: "Structural domains directly mapped to UniProt."
  hasaccession: "N"
  identifier: "segment"
  fields: "segment,type,category,categorize,feature_id"

DB CATH_Domain_Homologues_in_UniProt [
  method: das
  type: "Protfeatures"
  format: "dasgff"
  example: "P15498"
  comment: "CATH Superfamily domain homologues, identified using DomainFinder."
  hasaccession: "N"
  identifier: "segment"
  fields: "segment,type,category,categorize,feature_id"

Data files








Diagnostic Error Messages


Exit status

It always exits with status 0.

Known bugs


See also

Program name Description
cachedbfetch Generates server cache file for Dbfetch/WSDbfetch data sources
cacheebeyesearch Generates server cache file for EB-eye search domains
cacheensembl Generates server cache file for an Ensembl server
dbtell Display information about a public database
servertell Display information about a public server
showdb Displays information on configured databases
showserver Displays information on configured servers


Peter Rice
European Bioinformatics Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SD, UK

Please report all bugs to the EMBOSS bug team (emboss-bug © not to the original author.


Target users

This program is intended to be used by everyone and everything, from naive users to embedded scripts.

