TsparseMatrix-class {Matrix}R Documentation

Class "TsparseMatrix" of Sparse Matrices in Triplet Form


The "TsparseMatrix" class is the virtual class of all sparse matrices coded in triplet form. Since it is a virtual class, no objects may be created from it. See showClass("TsparseMatrix") for its subclasses.


Dim, Dimnames:
from the "Matrix" class,
Object of class "integer" - the row indices of non-zero entries in 0-base, i.e., must be in 0:(nrow(.)-1).
Object of class "integer" - the column indices of non-zero entries. Must be the same length as slot i and 0-based as well, i.e., in 0:(ncol(.)-1). For numeric Tsparse matrices, (i,j) pairs can occur more than once, see dgTMatrix.


Class "sparseMatrix", directly. Class "Matrix", by class "sparseMatrix".


Extraction ("[") methods, see [-methods.


Most operations with sparse matrices are performed using the compressed, column-oriented or CsparseMatrix representation. The triplet representation is convenient for creating a sparse matrix or for reading and writing such matrices. Once it is created, however, the matrix is generally coerced to a CsparseMatrix for further operations.

For convenience, methods for some operations such as %*% and crossprod are defined for TsparseMatrix objects. These methods simply coerce the TsparseMatrix object to a CsparseMatrix object then perform the operation.

See Also

its superclass, sparseMatrix, and the dgTMatrix class, for the links to other classes.


## or just the subclasses' names

[Package Matrix version 0.999375-29 Index]