alias2Symbol {limma}R Documentation

Convert Gene Alias to Official Gene Symbols


Map a set of gene alias names to a set of gene symbols.


alias2Symbol(alias, species = "Hs", expand.symbols = FALSE)


alias character vector of gene aliases
species character string specifying the species. Possible values are "Dm", "Hs", "Mm" or "Rn".
expand.symbols logical, should those elements of alias which are already official symbols be expanded if they are aliases for other symbols.


Aliases are mapped via NCBI Entrez Gene identity numbers using Bioconductor organism packages. Species are "Dm" for fly, "Hs" for human, "Mm" for mouse and "Rn" for rat. The user needs to have the appropriate Bioconductor organism package installed.


A character vector of gene symbols. May be longer or shorter than the original vector.


Gordon Smyth and Yifang Hu

See Also

This function is often used to assist gene set testing, see 08.Tests.


if(!require("")) alias2Symbol(c("PUMA","NOXA","BIM"))

[Package limma version 2.18.2 Index]