Linear Models for Microarray Data

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Documentation for package ‘limma’ version 2.18.2

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A B C D E F G H I K L M N P Q R S T U V W Z misc

-- --

01.Introduction Introduction to the LIMMA Package
02.Classes Classes Defined by this Package
03.ReadingData Reading Microarray Data from Files
04.Background Background Correction
05.Normalization Normalization of Microarray Data
06.LinearModels Linear Models for Microarrays
07.SingleChannel Individual Channel Analysis of Two-Color Microarrays
08.Tests Hypothesis Testing for Linear Models
09.Diagnostics Diagnostics and Quality Assessment
10.Other Other Functions

-- A --

alias2Symbol Convert Gene Alias to Official Gene Symbols
anova.MAList ANOVA Table - method
array2channel Convert Two-Color Targets Dataframe from One-Row-Per-Array to One-Row-Per-Channel
arrayWeights Array Quality Weights
arrayWeightsQuick Array Quality Weights
arrayWeightsSimple Array Quality Weights Turn a Microarray Linear Model Object into a Dataframe
as.MAList Convert marrayNorm Object to an MAList Object
as.matrix.EList Turn a Microarray Data Object into a Matrix
as.matrix.EListRaw Turn a Microarray Data Object into a Matrix
as.matrix.ExpressionSet Turn a Microarray Data Object into a Matrix
as.matrix.LumiBatch Turn a Microarray Data Object into a Matrix
as.matrix.MAList Turn a Microarray Data Object into a Matrix
as.matrix.MArrayLM Turn a Microarray Data Object into a Matrix
as.matrix.marrayNorm Turn a Microarray Data Object into a Matrix
as.matrix.PLMset Turn a Microarray Data Object into a Matrix
as.matrix.RGList Turn a Microarray Data Object into a Matrix
as.matrix.vsn Turn a Microarray Data Object into a Matrix
asMatrixWeights asMatrixWeights
auROC Area Under Receiver Operating Curve
avedups Average Over Duplicate Spots
avedups.default Average Over Duplicate Spots
avedups.MAList Average Over Duplicate Spots
avereps Average Over Irregular Replicate Spots
avereps.default Average Over Irregular Replicate Spots
avereps.MAList Average Over Irregular Replicate Spots

-- B --

backgroundCorrect Correct Intensities for Background
barcodeplot Gene Set Test
blockDiag Block Diagonal Matrix
bwss Between and within sums of squares
bwss.matrix Between and within sums of squares for matrix

-- C --

cbind.EList Combine RGList, MAList, EList or EListRaw Objects
cbind.EListRaw Combine RGList, MAList, EList or EListRaw Objects
cbind.MAList Combine RGList, MAList, EList or EListRaw Objects
cbind.RGList Combine RGList, MAList, EList or EListRaw Objects
changeLog Limma Change Log
classifyTestsF Multiple Testing Genewise Across Contrasts
classifyTestsP Multiple Testing Genewise Across Contrasts
classifyTestsT Multiple Testing Genewise Across Contrasts
coerce,RGList,exprSet2-method Red, Green Intensity List - class Compute Contrasts from Linear Model Fit
controlStatus Set Status of each Spot from List of Spot Types
convest Estimate Proportion of True Null Hypotheses

-- D --

decideTests Multiple Testing Across Genes and Contrasts
designI2A Convert Individual Channel Design Matrix to M-A Format
designI2M Convert Individual Channel Design Matrix to M-A Format
dim.EList Retrieve the Dimensions of an RGList, MAList or MArrayLM Object
dim.EListRaw Retrieve the Dimensions of an RGList, MAList or MArrayLM Object
dim.MAList Retrieve the Dimensions of an RGList, MAList or MArrayLM Object
dim.MArrayLM Retrieve the Dimensions of an RGList, MAList or MArrayLM Object
dim.RGList Retrieve the Dimensions of an RGList, MAList or MArrayLM Object
dimnames.EList Retrieve the Dimension Names of an RGList, MAList, EList, EListRaw or MArrayLM Object
dimnames.EListRaw Retrieve the Dimension Names of an RGList, MAList, EList, EListRaw or MArrayLM Object
dimnames.MAList Retrieve the Dimension Names of an RGList, MAList, EList, EListRaw or MArrayLM Object
dimnames.MArrayLM Retrieve the Dimension Names of an RGList, MAList, EList, EListRaw or MArrayLM Object
dimnames.RGList Retrieve the Dimension Names of an RGList, MAList, EList, EListRaw or MArrayLM Object
dimnames<-.EList Retrieve the Dimension Names of an RGList, MAList, EList, EListRaw or MArrayLM Object
dimnames<-.EListRaw Retrieve the Dimension Names of an RGList, MAList, EList, EListRaw or MArrayLM Object
dimnames<-.MAList Retrieve the Dimension Names of an RGList, MAList, EList, EListRaw or MArrayLM Object
dimnames<-.RGList Retrieve the Dimension Names of an RGList, MAList, EList, EListRaw or MArrayLM Object
duplicateCorrelation Correlation Between Duplicates

-- E --

eBayes Empirical Bayes Statistics for Differential Expression
ebayes Empirical Bayes Statistics for Differential Expression
EList-class Expression List - class
EListRaw-class Expression List - class
exprs.MA Extract Log-Expression Matrix from MAList

-- F --

fitFDist Moment Estimation of Scaled F-Distribution
fitted.MArrayLM Fitted Values Method for MArrayLM Fits
FStat Multiple Testing Genewise Across Contrasts

-- G --

geneSetTest Gene Set Test
getDupSpacing Extract the Print Layout of an Array from the GAL File
getEAWP Extract Basic Data from Microarray Data Objects
getLayout Extract the Print Layout of an Array from the GAL File
getLayout2 Extract the Print Layout of an Array from the GAL File
getSpacing Get Numerical Spacing
gls.series Fit Linear Model to Microarray Data by Generalized Least Squares
gridc Row and Column Positions on Microarray
gridr Row and Column Positions on Microarray

-- H --

heatDiagram Stemmed Heat Diagram
heatdiagram Stemmed Heat Diagram
helpMethods Prompt for Method Help Topics

-- I --

imageplot Image Plot of Microarray Statistics
imageplot3by2 Write Imageplots to Files
intraspotCorrelation Intra-Spot Correlation for Two Color Data
is.fullrank Check for Full Column Rank
isNumeric Test for Numeric Argument

-- K --

kooperberg Kooperberg Model-Based Background Correction

-- L --

LargeDataObject-class Large Data Object - class
length.EList Retrieve the Dimensions of an RGList, MAList or MArrayLM Object
length.EListRaw Retrieve the Dimensions of an RGList, MAList or MArrayLM Object
length.MAList Retrieve the Dimensions of an RGList, MAList or MArrayLM Object
length.MArrayLM Retrieve the Dimensions of an RGList, MAList or MArrayLM Object
length.RGList Retrieve the Dimensions of an RGList, MAList or MArrayLM Object
limma Introduction to the LIMMA Package
limmaUsersGuide View Limma User's Guide
lm.series Fit Linear Model to Microrray Data by Ordinary Least Squares
lmFit Linear Model for Series of Arrays
lmscFit Fit Linear Model to Individual Channels of Two-Color Data
loessFit Fast Simple Loess

-- M --

MA.RG Normalize Within Arrays
ma3x3.matrix Two dimensional Moving Averages with 3x3 Window
ma3x3.spottedarray Two dimensional Moving Averages with 3x3 Window
makeContrasts Construct Matrix of Custom Contrasts
makeUnique Make Values of Character Vector Unique
MAList-class M-value, A-value Expression List - class
MArrayLM-class Microarray Linear Model Fit - class
mdplot mdplot
merge.MAList Merge RGList or MAList Data Objects
merge.RGList Merge RGList or MAList Data Objects
mergeScans Merge two scans of two-color arrays
mergeScansRG Merge two scans of two-color arrays
modelMatrix Construct Design Matrix
modifyWeights modifyWeights
mrlm Fit Linear Model to Microrray Data by Robust Regression

-- N --

nonEstimable Check for Full Column Rank
normalizeBetweenArrays Normalize Between Arrays
normalizeForPrintorder Print-Order Normalization
normalizeForPrintorder.rg Print-Order Normalization
normalizeMedianAbsValues Normalize Columns of a Matrix to have the Median Absolute Value
normalizeQuantiles Normalize Columns of a Matrix to have the same Quantiles
normalizeRobustSpline Normalize Single Microarray Using Shrunk Robust Splines
normalizeWithinArrays Normalize Within Arrays Fit Normal+Exp Convolution Model to Observed Intensities
normexp.signal Expected Signal Given Observed Foreground Under Normal+Exp Model

-- P --

plotDensities Individual-channel Densities Plot
plotFB FB-Plot
plotlines plotlines
plotMA MA-Plot
plotMA3by2 Write MA-Plots to Files
plotMDS Multidimensional scaling plot of microarray data
plotPrintorder Print-Order Normalization
plotPrintTipLoess MA Plots by Print-Tip Group
plotSA Sigma vs A plot for microarray linear model
poolVar Pool Sample Variances with Unequal Variances
printHead Print Leading Rows of Large Objects
PrintLayout-class Print Layout - class
printorder Identify Order in which Spots were Printed
printtipWeights Sub-array Quality Weights
printtipWeightsSimple Sub-array Quality Weights
protectMetachar Protect Metacharacters

-- Q --

qqt Student's t Quantile-Quantile Plot
QualityWeights Spot Quality Weights

-- R --

rbind.EList Combine RGList, MAList, EList or EListRaw Objects
rbind.EListRaw Combine RGList, MAList, EList or EListRaw Objects
rbind.MAList Combine RGList, MAList, EList or EListRaw Objects
rbind.RGList Combine RGList, MAList, EList or EListRaw Objects
read.columns Read specified columns from a file
read.imagene Read RGList or EListRaw from Image Analysis Output Files
read.maimages Read RGList or EListRaw from Image Analysis Output Files
readGAL Read a GAL file
readGenericHeader Read Header Information from Image Analysis Raw Data File
readGPRHeader Read Header Information from Image Analysis Raw Data File
readImaGeneHeader Read ImaGene Header Information
readSMDHeader Read Header Information from Image Analysis Raw Data File
readSpotTypes Read Spot Types File
readTargets Read Targets File
removeBatchEffect Remove Batch Effect
removeExt Remove Common Extension from File Names
residuals.MArrayLM Extract Residuals from MArrayLM Fit
RG.MA Normalize Within Arrays
RGList-class Red, Green Intensity List - class
roast Rotation Gene Set Tests
romer Rotation Gene Set Enrichment Analysis

-- S --

selectModel Select Appropriate Linear Model
show,LargeDataObject-method Large Data Object - class
show,TestResults-method Matrix of Test Results - class
spotc Row and Column Positions on Microarray
spotr Row and Column Positions on Microarray
squeezeVar Smooth Sample Variances
strsplit2 Split Composite Names
summary.EList Summaries of Microarray Data Objects
summary.EListRaw Summaries of Microarray Data Objects
summary.MAList Summaries of Microarray Data Objects
summary.MArrayLM Summaries of Microarray Data Objects
summary.RGList Summaries of Microarray Data Objects
summary.TestResults Matrix of Test Results - class
symbols2indices Make Gene Set Indices from Symbols

-- T --

targetsA2C Convert Two-Color Targets Dataframe from One-Row-Per-Array to One-Row-Per-Channel
TestResults-class Matrix of Test Results - class
tmixture.matrix Estimate Scale Factor in Mixture of t-Distributions
tmixture.vector Estimate Scale Factor in Mixture of t-Distributions
topTable Table of Top Genes from Linear Model Fit
toptable Table of Top Genes from Linear Model Fit
topTableF Table of Top Genes from Linear Model Fit
topTreat Table of Top Genes from Linear Model Fit
treat Empirical Bayes Statistics for Differential Expression
trigammaInverse Inverse Trigamma Function
trimWhiteSpace Trim Leading and Trailing White Space
tZscore Z-score Equivalents

-- U --

uniquegenelist Eliminate Duplicate Names from the Gene List
uniqueTargets Construct Design Matrix
unwrapdups Unwrap Duplicate Spot Values from Rows into Columns

-- V --

vennCounts Venn Diagrams
vennDiagram Venn Diagrams
volcanoplot Volcano Plot

-- W --

weighted.median Weighted Median Write MArrayLM Object to a File
wtarea Spot Quality Weights
wtflags Spot Quality Weights
wtIgnore.Filter Spot Quality Weights

-- Z --

zscoreGamma Z-score Equivalents
zscoreT Z-score Equivalents

-- misc --

[.EList Subset RGList, MAList, EList or MArrayLM Objects
[.EListRaw Subset RGList, MAList, EList or MArrayLM Objects
[.MAList Subset RGList, MAList, EList or MArrayLM Objects
[.MArrayLM Subset RGList, MAList, EList or MArrayLM Objects
[.RGList Subset RGList, MAList, EList or MArrayLM Objects