plotSA {limma}R Documentation

Sigma vs A plot for microarray linear model


Plot log residual standard deviation versus average log expression for a fitted microarray linear model.


plotSA(fit, xlab="Average log-expression", ylab="log2(sigma)", zero.weights=FALSE, pch=16, cex=0.2, ...)


fit an MArrayLM object.
xlab character string giving label for x-axis
ylab character string giving label for y-axis
pch vector or list of plotting characters. Default is integer code 16 which gives a solid circle.
cex numeric expansion factor for plotting character. Defaults to 0.2.
zero.weights logical, should spots with zero or negative weights be plotted?
... any other arguments are passed to plot


This plot is used to check the mean-variance relationship of the expression data, after fitting a linear model.

See points for possible values for pch and cex.


A plot is created on the current graphics device.


Gordon Smyth

See Also

An overview of diagnostic functions available in LIMMA is given in 09.Diagnostics.

[Package limma version 2.18.2 Index]