readSpotTypes {limma}R Documentation

Read Spot Types File


Read a table giving regular expressions to identify different types of spots in the gene-dataframe.




file character string giving the name of the file specifying the spot types.
path character string giving the directory containing the file. Can be omitted if the file is in the current working irectory.
sep the field separator character
check.names logical, if FALSE column names will not be converted to valid variable names, for example spaces in column names will not be left as is
... any other arguments are passed to read.table


The file is a text file with rows corresponding to types of spots and the following columns: SpotType gives the name for the spot type, ID is a regular expression matching the ID column, Name is a regular expression matching the Name column, and Color is the R name for the color to be associated with this type.


A data frame with columns

SpotType character vector giving names of the spot types
ID character vector giving regular expressions
Name character vector giving regular expressions
Color character vector giving names of colors


Gordon Smyth following idea of James Wettenhall

See Also

An overview of LIMMA functions for reading data is given in 03.ReadingData.

[Package limma version 2.18.2 Index]