volcanoplot {limma}R Documentation

Volcano Plot


Creates a volcano plot of log-fold changes versus log-odds of differential expression.


volcanoplot(fit, coef=1, highlight=0, names=fit$genes$ID, xlab="Log Fold Change", ylab="Log Odds", pch=16, cex=0.35, ...)


fit an MArrayLM fitted linear model object
coef integer giving the coefficient
highlight number of top genes to be highlighted
names character vector giving text labels for the probes to be used in highlighting
xlab character string giving label for x-axis
ylab character string giving label for y-axis
pch vector or list of plotting characters. Default is integer code 16 which gives a solid circle.
cex numeric vector of plot symbol expansions. Default is 0.35.
... any other arguments are passed to plot


A volcano plot is any plot which displays fold changes versus a measure of statistical significance of the change.


A plot is created on the current graphics device.


Gordon Smyth

See Also

An overview of presentation plots following the fitting of a linear model in LIMMA is given in 06.LinearModels.


#  See lmFit examples

[Package limma version 2.18.2 Index]