dimnames {limma}R Documentation

Retrieve the Dimension Names of an RGList, MAList, EList, EListRaw or MArrayLM Object


Retrieve the dimension names of a microarray data object.


## S3 method for class 'RGList':
## S3 method for class 'RGList':
dimnames(x) <- value


x an object of class RGList, MAList, EList, EListRaw or (not for assignment) MArrayLM
value a possible value for dimnames(x): see dimnames


The dimension names of a microarray object are the same as those of the most important matrix component of that object.

A consequence is that rownames and colnames will work as expected.


Either NULL or a list of length 2. If a list, its components are either 'NULL' or a character vector the length of the appropriate dimension of x.


Gordon Smyth

See Also

dimnames in the base package.

02.Classes gives an overview of data classes used in LIMMA.

[Package limma version 2.18.2 Index]