basehaz {survival}R Documentation

Compute the baseline survival curve for a Cox model


Compute the baseline survival curve for a Cox model.


basehaz(fit, centered = TRUE)


fit The result of a coxph fit.
centered If TRUE, the resultant curve is for a hypothetical subject whose covariate values are the corresponding means from the original data, otherwise for a hypothetical subject with a mean vector of zero.


This function exists primarily because users will look for the phrase 'baseline hazard' (often SAS converts looking for familiar keywords.) The primary function for creating a survival curve is survfit, which this calls. See that manual page for more options, including confidence limits and the ability to use other covariate vectors. The result of survfit also has print, plot and summary methods that make it far more useful.


a data frame with components

time The sorted vector of unique time points (those at which an event occurred
hazard The baseline hazard function
strata If fit was a stratified Cox model, the strata. There will be one survival curve per strata.

See Also


[Package survival version 2.35-4 Index]