cgd {survival}R Documentation

Chronic Granulotomous Disease data


Data are from a placebo controlled trial of gamma interferon in chronic granulotomous disease (CGD). Uses the complete data on time to first serious infection observed through end of study for each patient, which includes the initial serious infections observed through the 7/15/89 interim analysis data cutoff, plus the residual data on occurence of initial serious infections between the interim analysis cutoff and the final blinded study visit for each patient. Only one patient was taken off on the day of his last infection.




id: subject identifiction number
center: enrolling center
random: date of randomization
treatment: placebo or gamma interferon
age: age in years, at study entry
height: height in cm at study entry
weight: weight in kg at study entry
inherit: pattern of inheritance
steroids: use of steroids at study entry,1=yes
propylac: use of prophylactic antibiotics at study entry a categorization of the centers into 4 groups
tstart, tstop: start and end of each time interval
status: 1=the interval ends with an infection
enum: observation number within subject


Fleming and Harrington, Counting Processes and Survival Analysis, appendix D.2.

[Package survival version 2.35-4 Index]